Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay, uh, we asked this before a while back, but I’m going to pose the question again: Are there demonic spirits? Is there true evil? It seems like I’ve gotten different answers from different people.
Arleen is singing loudly in my lap.
Me: Arleen, Sweetie, hush a little bit so Mimi can hear.
Jamie: How old is she?
Me: She’s two and a half.
Jamie: Aw.
Me: She’s so funny right now.
Arleen continues to sing her own composition.
Me (chuckling to Arleen): Go back to the planet you came from Baby. Just for a little while.
Jamie and Erik laugh.
Jamie: I love those sounds, though.
Me: Me too! I love happy noise; the louder the better.
Jamie (to Erik): So, Erik, are there demonic identities or entities or demons, or—
Erik: Hell yeah! We still have free will, you know.
Me (accidentally interrupting him): Well, where do they come from?
Erik: You can choose, uh, just like on earth, you can choose to be a real asshole.
Me: Okay.
Erik: You can choose to make people’s lives MISERABLE!
Me: But deep inside, they’re not evil, right? Because if everything is God or part of Source, then, you know (I stutter hopelessly on my words)—
Erik: Right there, Mom, you’re assuming that God can never be evil.
I gasp in abject horror and glance out the window in search of lightening bolts poised over me.
Erik: And right there, you’re assuming there’s good and bad in heaven.
Me: Well, everything is Love, though. Everything is Love, I thought. So if everything is Love, how can it—
Erik: No, everything is. Everything is based on Love.
Me: Okay. (Phew.)
Erik: But Mom, let’s say you die and you decide, “I don’t wanna cross over. I wanna stay in this third world dimension.”
Me: Um hm.
Erik: So you are then TRYING, you’re trying to separate yourself from God. That’s what Hell is.
Me: Oh, okay.
Erik: But you’re doing it yourself. God isn’t damning your ass. God is actually sittin’ around goin’, “C’mon, man! Cross over! Cross over, dude!”
Jamie and I laugh. I can almost see God in a Hawaiian shirt and flip flops.
Erik: But you’re not listening and you separate, and through that darkness—you sit in it for so long—that’s when there are those chances for—
Erik: “Demonic” is really just saying “energy that is the furthest from God Source Energy.
Me: Okay, so it’s like a spectrum almost, huh?
Erik: Yes. Yes, and—
Jamie: Erik, I’m not hearing this right. Snap me out of it.
Erik: When we choose not to cross over after we die, most of the demonic energy that we associate with is actually residing—trying to reside within the three dimensional planc, um, the earthly plane—even though they’re in spirit.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Because that’s the furthest that they can get away. So, no, you don’t cross over, go into the Light, go Home, go to Heaven, and still get to be a demonic being. You can’t be an evil entity if you’ve gone Home.
Me: Hmm. Okay. So, what happens to evil people like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, rapists, and serial killers when they die?
Erik: Wouldn’t it be cool if we said, “Once they die, we all line up and just beat the shit out of them as they walk past”?
Jamie and I laugh hard.
Erik: No, you don’t even have that feeling any more! When you see them, you recognize that they understand what the hell they just did.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: And it’s amazing to just watch them just kinda fall apart and end up like a puddle of water.
Me: But if it was their spiritual contract to play the part of a villain? There are some, right, who are very good, evolved souls that sacrifice themselves to be something horrible in order to teach the collective and bring the collective together in response.
Erik: Yep.
Me: So when they cross over, don’t they just say, “Well, I honored my spiritual contract. I’m cool with that”?
Me: Or do they still fall apart in remorse?
Erik: Everybody behaves differently. Even though it can be a contract thing, they can still have a sense of remorse, but you also have that sense of completion that you played what was agreed to be played.
Me: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: But then there are those who come to earth and totally lose their shit, and they pull away from the Light one turn after another. Then they come across. They cross over, and they realize what the hell they really did do.
Me: You’re talking about those who didn’t make a contract to play an evil part?
Erik: Yeah. They chose to use free will in a bad way, and they really fucked up a lot of stuff.
Me: Oof, that free will can sure be a wooly booger.
Erik: Book Title: Free Will Can Really Fuck Up a Lot of Stuff!”
Jamie and I laugh.
Me: “By Erik Medhus!” Okay, one last question, and then I have to go check on one of my kids. The school nurse is texting me that he’s feeling sick. Was Hitler’s life his destiny? Was he here to teach?
Erik: Yes.
Me: So it was a spiritual contract? He wasn’t really evil? Did he just make a sacrifice by agreeing to be as far away from the God Source as possible?
Erik: Yes.
Me (sighing): Oh my god, this is gonna get me into so much trouble.
Erik: But he’s not the only one who’s done it.
Me: Oh, no, no. I’m sure not. Who else? Name a couple more. What about Saddam Hussein?
Erik: Yes and Genghis Khan. Then there was another guy from Germany who cut a bunch of heads off and hung ‘em on sticks.
Me: Ew.
Erik: Did it in Transylvania.
Me: Oh yeah! Vlad the Impaler?
Erik: There you go!
Me: So these were all souls making a sacrifice by agreeing to play an evil role in their spiritual contract? “I will agree to be evil, so the collective can learn about such and such; it’s not going to be fun; people are going to hate me; I’m going to have to do a lot of things that go against my very sense of Love and Light, but I’m going to do it anyway.”
Erik: And because during this, not only will there be several souls who sacrifice their physical life, but this will also catapult the masses into intimate family structures, into individuality, into other mass social changes.
Me: Wow. That must be a tall order. Mmm. Well, that should cause some good ‘ol fashioned controversy! Okay, I think I’m going to stop there—a little early. I have to check on Lukas. So, thanks so much Jamie and Erik! That was really fun!
Erik: And now you get to go be a kick-ass mom!
Me (laughing) Yeah! Okay, I love you, Erik. Love you so, so, so, so much.
Erik: I love you too, Mom.
Jamie (giggling): He’s blowing kisses.
Erik: You rock!
Me (tenderly): Aw, you do too, Sweetie. I love you. Come give me some nasty smells!
Erik: Done.
Jamie: Bye.
Me: Bye.
One last reminder for tonight’s interview on The Sheila Show at 7:35 P.M. CST. Here is the link:
It looks like you can even join in with questions!
Still waiting on a final head count for the Atlanta workshop. We might not know until mid-June how many will register and need hotel space.