Here’s Iola’s summary of her session with Jamie, communicating with her son, Andy, for the first time since his death. It-was-magical!
Dec 8, 2010
Today I went through a psychic to contact Andy. Her name is Jamie. We did this over the phone for an hour. Not only did Andy come, but so did Mom, Papa and Lida. Erik came too. The following is what was asked and told to me. For those of you who believe, it will ring true. It is true and real to me. Some of it is disturbing, some of it encouraging.
I asked to speak to Andy. She told me he was there, that he had dark jeans on, with no holes in them, since he wanted to look his best. He said ‘Mom, I got a haircut’. This struck me as I always told him to stop with all the haircuts and let it grow a little.
She told me Erik was there, and 3 others she didn’t know who they were. I asked them, and Papa ( my father who died in 1993) spoke up, as did Mom. (who passed in July this year) Jamie asked the 3rd person to stand up, she said the lady was older, and very short. I asked if it was Granny, Lida.(my grandmother) She smiled and said yes. She held a cane in her hand, and when asked about it, said “it is something I am working on’
I began by asking Andy what happened that morning. He said that Denis (his supervisor at the car dealership) picked him up, drove Andy to the shop, and went in with him. Denis did not leave.(as he told the police) He said Denis had been talking his trash for months prior, telling Andy his life was shit and that it would never get better. Andy then said they went into the laundry room( at work) together. Denis made the noose and asked Andy if he had the balls to do it. That his life would always be shit, that he would never dig his way out and would always be a failure. Andy said he put the noose on his neck, and got ready to jump. Denis was taunting him as he jumped…then Denis left the room, turning out the light in there as he went. ( It was a windowless room. We had questions about the light and how Andy could have jumped and turned out the light) I asked Andy if he felt pain, and he said no. It seemed like he just fell on the floor and closed his eyes. He said he looked up and saw Papa standing over him. Papa held out his hand and said “come on, son, get up”.
Andy said there was no bright light, just Papa, who led him through.
He also stated that Denis has done this before to other people. That he drove others to their death) That Denis is bad vibrations. Andy said he has been in Denis’ head every day since, so that Denis never forgets what he did. Andy said he would stay in his brain, so that he never can forget it. A daily reminder, so to speak.
I asked Andy if he wanted me to go to the police with this info, and he said that they wouldn’t be able to charge him with murder, only harassment and assisting, since Andy jumped off the washer himself. He did not actually state what to do, only said that we would only be able to get him for the mental harassment.
Andy then said that he just felt so trapped, that Denis had gotten in his head so far, that he couldn’t see his way out. He said he didn’t think about family, or all the people he loved, just that he was a failure and that it seemed hopeless.
He said I’m sorry, Mom. I’m so fucking sorry. He stated that a lot in the hour.
I then asked him if he was happy, and at peace…he was clapping his hands and smiling. Said, ’Oh yeah, I am free. It feels so good!”
He said he had indeed made the brownie smell for me last Saturday night. I told him how much I loved it. He has been trying to find a way to communicate, and has been in my head, but I keep assuming its my own thoughts, even though some are Andy’s. He said “We are connected in the brain, Mom. Always in the brain.”
He spoke of doing a right hand for yes, left hand for no, where he would touch and squeeze one or the other of my hands. Said it would feel like a warm tingling, numbing on one hand or another. That way I could ask him questions, and he could yes/no back. Also told me to inhale rosemary for my cough. ( I was coughing at the time) then said to get some vitamin d…like go out in the sunshine.
He also told me to write it down afterwards, because I tend to forget things. He said to pass on these things to you all, that it allows us all to see, to open our hearts and know. I plan to do this a lot!
I asked him about Jim. (his father) He told me Jim is caught up in grief, and feeling guilty, so much so that Andy has not been able to get thru to him. He said he did appear to Angelica (his half sister), as her heart is more open. He said his dad needs to let go of the guilt, and find a smile, as that is when Andy can get thru. He cant if there is too much pain and grief and guilt. He wants his dad to know that he knows that Jim feels like he saw it coming, and feels guilty for not doing anything. Andy said there was nothing he could have done differently, that Jim had a grown son, who made the decision on his own. Our interference would not have mattered. He said Denis had his head so far turned inside out, that it would not have changed anything. He wants Jim to know that he is an exceptional Dad, and that Andy can see even better now just what a good heart Jim is. He said to tell Jim
“that he was the very best dad” He wants to connect with him, as he visits him often, but that Jim needs to feel some joy and smiles so Andy can get through. He wants him to find peace, He says he will not leave either of us, ever again, that he is still here with us. We just have to open our hearts and brains to him.
Andy was quiet for a bit then. Papa spoke up. He said that he will look out and protect Andy forever. That he is here too, and wants to help. He said to tell Lynne that he never touched her. That he would never have done that. He said that if anything, he didn’t spend enough time on earth touching us with hugs and telling us how much he loved us. He said that if Lynne wants some answers as to where this came from, she will have to go thru hypnosis. He said she will find her answers there. He also said that I was the survivor, that I was to teach others about loss, and finding peace thru it.
Mom came forward and said she was zippy now. That she was still acclimating, but that she was happy to be home. She said she resisted because she didn’t want to leave me, grieving as I was. I asked what she saw that night in the hospital. She answered that Andy, Dad and Lida were all there. She said it was just so beautiful. She spoke of flying and loved being able to do that on her own. Thought it was really neat. I asked about Izzy, the brother she lost in WWII and she said she had not spent much time with him yet, said he was something of a jerk in life, and still is there, so she has not seen him much.
Andy spoke up again, told me that he and I were soul mates, and knew each others minds more than most. Said we had always been that way, always had in previous lives. He said he wanted me to stop shutting out people, especially Matthew, (my husband now) as I have been doing since Andy’s passing. He said Matthew is shutting it all up inside, and needs to let it out. He said we need to go do something together that is entirely new to us, that we would find our intimacy again by doing that. I told him about maybe taking a trip to the Bahamas in Feb-March. He was hooting and saying yeah, that’s perfect! He said Matt and I need to find our way back to our intimacy, and loving, like we had before. That if we worked at it, it would happen. Said we both need each other, and that by my grieving, Matt felt kicked to the curb, me not letting him show his love…and me not accepting it. Said we would find it again though.
He said Rob (my eldest son) was not doing so good just now, I asked if Andy would go to him. He said ‘Mom, he wouldn’t believe it was me”. I told him to do that brownie smell for Rob. He laughed and agreed. I asked if he was doing the football plays over the past 2 weeks…he laughed and said yeah. During the games, I have been talking to Andy in my head, asking him to give bears and browns a spirit boost. Andy got a big kick out of it, and said yeah, that was me.
I spoke to Erik a bit, he was laughing, Jamie said he and Andy were clowning around and laughing. I told him thank you for leading me to this point. He asked if I could be his adopted mom…I said ‘oh yeah, you already are! He said he and Andy have been working on ways to get thru for him. I told him I loved him, and all he has done for me.
I then asked Andy about Tom. ( my brother is law recently diagnosed with a fast spreading cancer) He said Tom has 5 months until things will take a turn for the worse. He said it was supposed to be this way. I asked about Lynne, and how she would hold up. At that point, Papa spoke up and said that I should support her, but not help her. That there was a difference, and if I didn’t know what that was…to look it up! Then he got quiet again. Jamie said Dad seemed to be a man of few words.
As the hour was winding down, I asked Andy if there was anything he wanted to tell me. He started by saying he loved me, that I would get to a place of peace, although I would always miss him. He said I would get to a point that I saw his death, all death, as a reason to celebrate, just like his birth. That when I get to that place of understanding, I should write it down and share it to tell people, that way it in turns helps someone else and spreads it . He said he was off to go to see Jim today next. Asked me to practice the hand thing, and that he would help me with it, so we can keep talking. I told him to do the baking brownie smell again too–loved that. He said he would.
I told them all I loved them. They all returned the sentiment. Jamie, after a few moments, said they were all gone.
As I said before, whether or not you believe is something only you know. But I think we should open our minds and hearts…that Andy, papa, mom and granny are all still with us on a different plane. If you open your heart and ask for help and for them to speak to you. I think they will. I love you all.