More on Demonic Possessions

Day before yesterday, I sprained my ankle so I wasn’t able to enjoy my morning hike in the woods Tuesday. Being a restless soul, I decided to go to Academy Sporting Goods to just, I don’t know, look around. I love sporting goods stores, bookstores and yes, hardware stores. In each, I find evidence of human genius: a common need filled by a innovative new tool, new equipment to have fun or stay safe outdoors—it just makes me proud to be part of the human race.

I was using a shopping cart as a crutch for my bum ankle, knowing full well it would remain empty. Navigating it methodically through the shopping aisles, I felt pretty Zen. Then I stumbled upon the gun section. All the horrors of that day came rushing back, catapulting me out of Zen and into Terror. It was all I could do to keep from wailing in pain. I barely got back to my car before the sobbing began. The sounds were like that of a tortured animal whose leg was caught in a steel trap. Sometimes I feel like I am that animal, but it’s my heart, not my leg, caught in the sharp teeth of the trap.

Here’s my point. I sat alone in that car, clearly unable to drive myself home, for two hours, occasionally under the suspicious gaze of the parking lot security guard. There was no one in my family that I could call. And I think that’s one of the worst things about grieving for a loved one. Calling someone would mean opening up their wounds too. If I did that, not only would I carry the burden of sadness for myself, I’d carry the guilt of inflicting pain on another person I love. That’s what makes grief such a lonely state of being. I bring this up to let you all know that I understand some of what you who are bereaved go through. Although I know it feels that way sometimes, know that you are never really alone.

Channeling Transcript

Me: Okay, now, some of the blog members want clarification of the existence of evil or demonic spirits. Once they get out of the body, don’t they see the bigger picture and learn something from their life review? And also, you were talking about how there’s really no bad; there’s only gradations of good. So what is—I think we’re dealing mostly with semantics here. Maybe we’re thinking more in terms of the biblical definitions for good and evil. Uh, what do you mean by “evil”? Can they truly harm us?

After that long string of questions, I guess I deserved his answer.

Erik: Yes.

Me: Why? I mean, how can they pull us away from the Light like you said?

Erik: What makes people think that when—


Jamie (flustered by Erik’s waffling back and forth with his choice of words): Bleah! Pick a direction, Erik!

Erik and I laugh.

Jamie: HA! I got you, Erik!

Jamie chuckles.

Jamie: He got me during my last reading, so I’m gonna get on top of him this morning!

Everyone laughs.

Erik: Well, the “evil” spirits, um, that reside in people—when they die, they are so egocentrically focused.

Me: Um hm.

Erik: It IS about THEM—their amount of control—what can THEY do in their realm?

Me: Okay.

Erik: When a person is so focused in that way, they’re not seeing the Light; they’re not crossing over; they’re not getting that life review. That shit is all obsolete.

Me: Oh! Because they’re not open to that belief?

Erik: Right. It’s a free will choice. They’re so internally focused, they’re not looking for an external existence or external help.

Me: Except for the people who are relationship villains who, by spiritual contract, agree to be the bad guy?

Erik: Right.

Me: Right, so that’s different. Okay, go ahead.

Erik: Uh, because when that occurs and they let go, that’s a person who’s wiling to change and adapt and go back to where they came from, hence they see the Light, they go through their life review and acknowledge, you know, have regrets and feelings they never had before.

Me: But how can a truly evil spirit hurt us?

Erik: Let’s really put the word demonic on it, because there can be evil people, and those spirits still pass over and go back to the Light. But if we say “demonic,” that’s pretty much separating as much Light out of the person as possible, but they still have an existence.

Me: Okay.

Erik: It’s the farthest away from God Source that we can get.

Me: Alright, but it’s still a gradation of good?

Erik: It is, yes.

Me: Now, how can you say it’s a gradation of good? I don’t get it.

Erik: Well, remember, there’s no right or wrong. There just IS.

Me: Oh yeah.

Erik: So we can just say a soul is a soul. We really can’t judge if it’s happy or sad, good or negative.

Me: Okay.

Erik: But on earth, this is the way we perceive; this is the way we define and measure.

Me: Um hm.

Erik: So, for lack of a better word, we’re going to use a “gradation of good.” A gradation of Light.

Me: And I guess it’s still somebody you can learn from, and that person can still, um, it’s still part of that spirit’s evolution. So that means it’s still good, right? There’s no such thing as a bad lesson. All lessons are good.

Erik: Right, and there is no one entity or person that exists without any Light in them, even demonic spirits.

Me: Oh!

Erik: They would be non-existent. Without Light, there is no existence.

Me: Okay, so in what ways can they harm us? Can they harm us physically?

Erik: They can, yes. They can do whatever they want.

Me: Ew, that’s awful. But how can they pull us away from the Light? By messing with our minds, or…

Erik: Well, first you have to give them the room to do it. So many people, um, they make the mistake—they find the spirit world “entertaining.” Let’s say they move into a house, and there are bumps and creaks and they get excited about it. That excitement says, “Oh, I really enjoy this. Give me more!”

Me: So you can attract these darker entities.

Erik: Uh huh. You’re not inviting them in, but you open the door and give them space to entertain you. And through that entertainment, they can weasel right in to be a “friend” to you. Then, just like a mean person when they’re alive can manipulate you, they can impose their characteristics onto you.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: A person who never drank can start drinking a lot, to smoking a lot, to being abusive, to being upset, to being very ill—

Me: So, it’s like a possession!

Erik: Yes!

Me: How does possession work? Do they merge souls or do they sort of just get in the body with that other soul or do they—

Erik: There are many variations. It can be as simple as a feeder fish to a shark where they just kinda slide up next to them or like the birds that ride on the backs of cows.

I laugh. I know what he’s talking about because we see lot’s of that in Texas. Cowbirds. They love picking the seeds out of those cow patties! Yum.

Me: Or it can be like a puppet and a puppet master?

Erik: Exactly. Like a puppet with strings. But if we look at a puppet where you insert your hand, that’s a different thing. That’s when they can manipulate the physical body. They partly inhabit the physical body, and then when they’re done, they move out.

Me: Interesting.

Erik: And then there’s the kind of possession, um, well, the puppet one also reminds me of a spirit with a big fat straw.

Me: Huh?

Erik: And they just kinda stick it into the person, and they can suck the energy out of them. Then they get the person to do what they need.

Me: Good god!

Erik: And then there’s the full possession where the spirit will move straight into the body, use it for a period of time, then leave. There are times when a demonic spirit can move into the body and possess it, overtake it, and this often only happens in cases where the person has a weak constitution or a person who finds it slightly entertaining and has been toying with inviting these lower energies in, whether it’s to cast a spell or a curse. It’s really the ignorance of people in thinking, you know, “Ah, they can’t really do anything to me, because they’re just like air!” Have they SEEN what a fucking hurricane can do?

Me: Yeah! Exactly! Being from Houston, I can vouch for that!

Erik: Oh, and another thing, Mom. Once a demonic spirit messes with a person, it creates a lot of fear, of course, and that spirit thrives on the lower based energies of fear. It’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet for them.



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Elisa Medhus

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