Shannon wanted me to post this update about the conference call. I’ll also remind you tomorrow morning!
Conference call info : Per Tony’s request, I’m moving the call to Sunday, 4pm Pacific Time (5 pm Mountain, 6 pm Central, 7 pm Eastern).
Call: 218-632-9896
Passcode: 171474
We’ll work on healing “unworthy and undeserving” and releasing unidentified “stuff ” weighing us down. If you guys remind me, I’ll record the call so Elisa can post it for those who can’t attend and for anyone who wants to listen again later. I’ll be happy to answer questions once we’re on the call.
Again, if you’re in or around Los Angeles on July 2nd, email me your contact information so I can send you an E-vite for the blog member meet-up party! We already have a great group signed up, but where the CE family is concerned, there’s always room for more!
Jamie’s “Channeling Erik Workshop” scheduled in Atlanta for July 8th, 9th and 10th should be a life-changing event. Yesterday, she added that she and Erik will also teach us how to see spirits: our guides and our deceased loved ones. Can you imagine having that ability? Can you imagine what that will do to our level of grief? I know that economically times are tough, but considering the positive impact this will have on our lives, it’ll possibly be the best money you’ve ever spent. Plus, we’ll have so much fun together! If you haven’t signed up, do so today.
I’ve got great news! Remember the “Ask Erik” page I used to have? As most of you know, I’ve had to put that aside to work on questions for the book. Now, there are two places you can visit to submit questions to our boy. Renuka channels Erik by automatic writing and has an “Ask Erik” page on her site, and Jason has created an “Ask Erik” thread on the Channeling Erik forum so that the other channelers in the CE family can channel answers to your questions. Aren’t our CE family members great!
And now, here is a YouTube video that might help you learn to contact the spirit world. As you know, my weekends are my down time, so I do the lazy blogger’s technique of posting videos instead of transcribing and writing. Yes, I do have a lazy streak!
Afterlife Coffee Time with Phil G.