Here is the .mp3 file of the channeling session I had with psychic medium, Jeannie Barnes. I tried her out because her price is a reasonable $80 per hour. Unfortunately, she records on cassette tapes, so I had to convert it to a digital file. The quality is not that good, but it’s doable. You will hear her speaking two languages. One is English, of course, and the other is one that she suddenly began speaking in February, 1998. Other psychics have told her that this is the language of the Akashic Records. Clearly, it sounds like a true language. Very interesting, indeed.
Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

adversity After Death Communication Afterlife Akashic Records Bereaved Bereaved parents Bipolar disease Channeling Communication with spirits Communication with the dead Contact with the dead Death of a Child Death of a sibling Destiny Forgiveness Grieving grieving parents Guardian angel Heaven Jeannie Barnes loss of a child Loss of a sibling medium Messages from the dead psychic Psychic medium Soulmate Spirit visitation Spiritual Purpose Struggles Suicide