[paypal-donations] If you missed our show last Tuesday, please take time (to help alleviate your cabin fever) to listen here. Again, I decided to not have a guest speak for the first half of the show. That way, I’m hoping everyone gets a chance to ask Erik a question or to get a message from…
Pamela Aaralyn’s and Erik’s Weekly Q&A 10/21/19
Oh my god, I’ve been so freaking sick this weekend. Starting on Friday, I developed a bad chest infection with fever, aching everywhere, headaches and the feeling that I had been run over by a Mack Truck. Not fun. DayQuil and NyQuil are now my best friends. Send over healing energy if you can. It’s…
Erik Discusses the Human Experience, Parts 4 & 5
I really love this human experience series of Erik. It puts so much in perspective and eases the pain of being human by illumination. I sure do love my boy. Just felt a hug. It had been a long time and a mama needs those hugs! Above image courtesy of QuoteHD.com If you want to…
Erik on the Human Experience, Part Three
Here’s another short oldie about the human experience from a spirit’s perspective. Speaking of short, I changed my poll to determine if you want the YouTubes to be shorter than an hour. A majority of you answered, “More than 30 minutes” so I included more options and the ability to contribute your response. Your feedback…
Erik on the Human Experience, Part Two
Before watching this old YouTube, check out this guy’s voice! His name is Dimash, Kudaibergen. Blog member, Jackie Corke, introduced me to him. I truly think he has the best voice I’ve ever heard. And the range? Wow. You should watch some of the reaction videos, too. It’s hilarious to see people so blown away….
Why Incarnate?
I’m so excited that I’m going to use the life coach services of my friend, Jamin Olivencia. One of my kids is struggling to find direction in life, and I think Jamin’s perspective will help him. It’s interesting how Jamin came into my life. He was in an out of body state when he found…
A Break from Being Human
The human experience can be rough, so some of us long for a break. A break from the grief of losing someone we love. A break from being mired in daily struggle. A break from being human. This is the first time Erik spoke to me without the need of a question prompt. He spoke with…
Humans 101
I think my grandson, Easton, sees Erik. In fact, he and Erik probably got together before his incarnation. I’m sure Erik warned him, “Brace yourself, dude. That family is cray-cray!” So yesterday, I felt Erik next to the couch while I was holding Easton. Then Easton reaches out in Erik’s direction and starts laughing. Just…
Reality or Just an Idea?
Our vacation is coming to an end. It’s been amazing. For example, we visited the ruins of Pompeii and traveled along the hair raising Amalfi coast yesterday. Tomorrow, we spend the day in Barcelona, and Monday, we get on a flight back to the States. We’ve had so much fun, but I look forward to…
Why Are We Here?
Listen to this latest YouTube at around 12:01 to hear Erik say, “Get high” after which Robert says, “Well, Erik says they get high!” Yet another EVP! Here’s another Best of Erik! I think it’s one of the most important of his posts. Looking back on my life, I see the wreckage of tragedy in…
Who Are You?
The July edition of the Ask Erik column is out! Check to see if your question was answered HERE, and enjoy the information from the other questions as well. Speaking of the Ask Erik column, I’m taking questions for the August edition until Wednesday at 6 PM Central Time. Please keep them short, coherent and…
Stuck in a Rut? Part Two
Over the last several month, we’ve had a lot of new members join our Channeling Erik family joining. I’d like to welcome you, you know who you are! Thank you for coming along with us on this exciting journey. May you enjoy the spiritual growth as much as we are. I urge you to start from the beginning…
Stuck in a Rut? Part One
In order to understand this post, here’s the poem that will remind you of the flow of life. We all have moments in life when we feel wedged in a deep rut flanked by speed bumps on all sides. We feel like ships adrift at sea with no port of destination. For some, those moments…
It’s All About Perspective
In the beginning of this channeling session, I asked about the hardships one of our family friends had to endure during much of her youth. For obvious reasons, I’ve changed her name to protect her privacy. But I share this with you, because many of us struggle with adversity at some time in our lives,…
Human Suffering: A Guide’s Perspective
A Channeling Erik family member who is also a client of Eclectic Horizons asked the following questions of Erik through psychic medium Kent Lehman. Click here to read the first part of this session. Client: Ok, so is it difficult for our guides to watch human suffering? Kent: He said to remember that the way…
Giving up on the Human Experience
Many of us have gotten to that place where we think, “The human experience sucks, and I don’t want to keep learning from it I don’t want to try to get the most out of it.” but Erik shares words with us that will give us strength. Me: Erik, there are so many people who are…
Where Should We Evolve?
Hey all. Thanks for all of the wonderful stories for the possible reality TV show! If anyone else has a story they’d like to share, send them along. The instructions are on yesterday’s post. My vision is still pretty bad. During the surgery, my left eyelid became paralyzed so I have to slather ointment on…
The Gift of Human Struggles
I’m reposting this because my blog crashed, and I had to restore it from a backup on the server. Unfortunately, the backup was created before I posted this. Sorry! Many of us have had a life filled with hardships and tragedies. I look back on mine and see a path littered with potholes, some the…
Best of Erik: Who Are We?
During the last few days of my recovery, Rune and I drove up to Little Rock, Arkansas to stay with my sister and brother-in-law. Their backyard backs up against the forest, so sitting on their front porch enjoying nature was a godsend. Very relaxing. Of course the bobcat roars made me cling to my 2…
Eclectic Horizons recently invited another one of our clients (who is also a Channeling Erik family member) to ask questions of Erik through psychic medium Kent Lehman. Kent: OK, he’s playing his theme music so I know he’s here! Client: What’s he listening to today, Kent? Kent: Well, today it is what it usually is,…
Best of Erik: A Break From Being Human
This repost is about respite. A break from the grief of losing someone we love. A break from being mired in daily struggle. A break from being human. This is the first time Erik spoke to me without the need of a question prompt. He spoke with solemn passion. How timely. Erik: You know, Mom,…
Why Are We Here?, Part Two
One of you guys very astutely brought to my attention that I typed, “What” instead of “Why” in yesterday’s title. Oops. My mind isn’t what it used to be! Also, I have a brief announcement: I’m going to be out of town on a cruise (yay) from this Sunday until the following Saturday, so unless…
Why Are We Here?, Part One
Looking back on my life, I see the wreckage of tragedy in its wake with only small islands of peace and joy. As I reflect on the dark side of life, I ask myself, ‘Why are we here if only to suffer?’ Is the human experience just some random affair? Is it the cruel joke…
Human Experience: The Basics, Part One
Yay, this is the last of the accidentally published posts! Before you read on though, I have some announcements. First, no one guessed Erik’s first set of wheels! 🙁 It’s a baby walker! (although the baby in the photo is not him.) I’d also like to announce that sweet, sweet blog member, Amy Cofeltt,…