Apparently the Denver Channeling Erik Weekend is going very well. I had to stay in town for my daughter’s going away party, which was suddenly rescheduled for next weekend because her husband had to go out of town! So I could have gone all along! I really miss being a part of the audience. I...
Homo Naledi
I’ve been reflecting on the last 6 years and how things have evolved. I felt such deep grief and despair those first few years, even as I received the signs that served as evidence that Erik might still be alive. Having conversations with him every week or two has helped me forge a new relationship...
Luck and Schrooms
Kim is flying to Denver today for the first of our multi-city tour! So exciting. She plans to take a ton of videos, which we’ll edit into a montage of sorts, so that you can all see what you’re missing and benefit, at least in part, from the experience even if you couldn’t attend. I’m...
The Black-Eyed Children
Just a friendly reminder: We need more people to sign up for NYC and Chicago to secure the venue, so if you’ve been procrastinating, today would be a great day for you to register for what are going to be two amazing and life-changing events. Click HERE to access the tour page. Also, don’t forget...
Life is a Football Game
One of my YouTube buddies told me I should take 5 minutes a day when it’s nice a quiet and just clear my mind and meditate. Do any of you guys have trouble doing that? Right now I have four kids, two grandkids, my husband, four dogs and four cats living under my roof, so...
Li Chien Yuen
Looking toward our event in NYC the last weekend in July, I’d like to ask anyone who intends to go and hasn’t purchased tickets yet to do so so that we can pay for the venue. If Kim and Heather don’t get enough in ticket sales, they will have to cancel it! That would be...
Erik Steps Up
The last radio show has a lot of EVPs on it that are very clear. If you click HERE, you’ll go to the YouTube version of the show and the first few comments will give the timestamps for the voices. Let me know what you think the voices are saying. They definitely weren’t present during the...
Praise for my Boy
I’ve been spending the last two hours listening to my daughter and her husband working on a compromise on what to do today. Nick wants to go to the beach with his friends, but Michelle just wants to hang out at the house. I’ve never heard two people argue about one subject for so long,...
Channeling Prince, Part Three
Last night’s radio show was very illuminating. Erik discussed the three tragedies in Orlando and connected us with little Lane Graves, the toddler who was killed by the alligator at Disney World. He gave us a lot of advice on how to deal with the negative in the world and all the global trauma. I’ll...
Erik on Drugs (But Not Really)
My heart goes out to the city of Orlando. It’s inconceivable to think that three tragedies have occurred there: the killing of Christina Grimmie, the mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub, and most recently the death of little Lane Graves, drowned by an alligator at Disney World. I’m not sure if I should interview any...
Channeling Prince, Part Two
Good news! We found a cheaper venue for the CE event in Sedona, so we’re dropping the price by $100! For those of you who have paid, you’ll receive a refund by the end of the week. I encourage you guys to attend this very special long weekend. For one, we’re going to take a...
Abortions, Miscarriages, Stillbirths and Adoptions
Our pool deck in the backyard is pretty old and nasty. Part of the reason is that a few years ago, trying to get it ultraclean as part of my spring cleaning, I pressure washed it and then followed up with a nice muriatic acid scrub. As I did it, I noticed the deck, once...
Channeling Prince, Part One
I know many of you have watched the Prince YouTube, but sometimes you glean something different from text, so please enjoy. And please keep sending love, prayers and healing to the victims of the recent shooting as well as to their friends and family. Kim: Hello there! Me: Hello there, Ms. Babcock! Hi, Erik! Erik: What’s...
Erik, Erik, Everywhere
My heart is broken for the 50 lives that were snuffed out this morning in Orlando. It’s broken for the wounded, some of whom may also lose their lives. It’s broken for their friends and families, and it’s broken for my country because of the intolerance for the way others live their lives and for...
Busy Erik
Here I am, laptop in my lap, surrounded by all sorts of cozy animals. Specifically, on one side I have my demented little Russian Blue cat, Bluebell, and on the other side I have my pint-sized Yorkie, Bella and Lukas’s mini-Aussie, Scout. All of them like to make full contact with my skin, so navigating...
The radio show was very eye-opening last night. I wish we could have gotten to more callers. If you’ve had a chance to call in, I’d appreciate it if you gave others a chance. Some of you guys are so good at calling right at the beginning of the show! Must have speed dial down...
Negative Emotions: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
During yesterday’s session, I asked Erik to come visit me more and sit in my lap like he used to as a kid. He promised me he would, and sure enough, all day yesterday I felt intense Erik tingles on my thighs. At one point, Arleen was sitting next to me playing games on my...
Painful Pasts, Part Two
The June edition of the Ask Erik column is out. If you submitted a question, click HERE to see if it was answered. So far on the poll you guys seem to want the next CE event to be in Europe (including the U.K.) with a cruise as a close second. I’ll watch the poll...