Erik Visits a Friend

One of Erik’s friends, David, contacted me about a visit he had from Erik. The cool thing about this story is that David is not a blog member and knows nothing about the other interesting visits our little prankster has made. That said, the absence of all prior knowledge eliminates the possibility of outside influence and bias. If there was any doubt before, there should be none now. Erik’s visits are NOT just part of our imagination. He comes to us and he cares about us. Enjoy David’s email:

I had a dream the other night of Erik and he was looking at me. I couldn’t understand his facial expression. all I could sense really was smell of his and I woke up smelling the smell and think it was strange because I had sent him a message on Facebook earlier. Then I felt that I should talk to you. sincerely, see ya.

You’ve been a very busy boy, Erik! We love you!

Stay tuned for the next Ask Erik post this afternoon! Remember to share the love!

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Elisa Medhus

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