Search: jesus

A Three-fer

A Three-fer

The following is an eclectic mix of topics that Erik covers, but each was so short that I felt compelled to compile them all together so you guys wouldn’t feel robbed. With some of them, I’m obviously going to have to prod him for more information, but this is a start!  For those of you who…

Channeling Gilda Radner

Channeling Gilda Radner

For most of my adulthood, every Saturday at 10:00 PM was a special time. We rarely missed an episode of Saturday Night Live. Sometimes, we’d drag an old TV out to the driveway, hook it up to a long, orange, industrial strength extension cord, plunk down our ratty old lawn chairs and watch it with our…

Channeling Anne Frank

Channeling Anne Frank

Although I’m not into organized religion and know little or nothing about these holidays, Passover and Easter is a chance to reflect on our beliefs and honor them. For me, I see Easter a little differently now that I know that Jesus did not die on the cross. Keep this to yourselves so the Easter Bunny…

Channeling Anna Nicole Smith

Channeling Anna Nicole Smith

The trance channeling event that got messed up due to problems with the virtual classroom has been rescheduled to 4/2/14 at 7:00 PM EDT. They’ve increased the time from one hour to 75 minutes, so that’s even better! More time for questions! If you’ve already paid, you don’t have to do a thing. If you…

Channeling Meher Baba

Channeling Meher Baba

Happy Celebrity Friday everyone! Because I received so many requests from blog members for me to channel Meher Baba, I obediently complied. Enjoy his wisdom. I also want to give you a follow up on my Healing Perspective exercise. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, please read it HERE. I’ve been going…

Scalpel, Anyone?

Scalpel, Anyone?

No one is guessing Erik’s favorite beer, so I’m going to give you a short list. Remember, only one guess per person, and those of you who have already guessed can try again. Shiner Bock Lone Star Long Neck Fat Tire Blue Moon Dos XX St. Pauli Girl Samuel Adams Red Stripe Corona Modelo Be…

Are You Stuck?

Are You Stuck?

Remember in the Jesus interview how Erik told Jesus to show everyone how cool he was, and Jesus changed into a t-shirt and jeans? If I ever publish a book on the celebrity interviews, one blog member said it should be entitled, “Jesus Wears T-Shirts and More Stories From the Other Side.” I love it!…

Milk of Amnesia

Milk of Amnesia

I’m sitting by the fire while it’s sleeting and snowing outside with my laptop in my lap. It’s so cozy. The kids’s schools have all been canceled. (It doesn’t take much here in Houston. One snowflake and everything here comes to a grinding halt!) For those of you in the Midwest and Northeast, be careful….

What is a Soul?

What is a Soul?

As I type on my laptop in front of a roaring fire, I feel so glad I’m not outside in the sleet and icy rain. Everything is covered with a thick sheet of ice. I know it’s worse elsewhere, but this is Houston, TX. We rarely get these winter storms. Because of that, most Houstonians…

Hardcore Feelings

Hardcore Feelings

When Erik told me, on the eBoard, that his wish for me is to heal and that to do so I need to let go of him, I thought of something that might help everyone (alone with the brilliant suggestion in the comments section.) When we lose someone, even knowing that their spirit still exists,…

The eBoard

The eBoard

I can’t tell you how touched I was to receive such an outpouring of support. I wish I could have answered every comment but I tried as best I could. Time and time again, the tears flowed as I read. Thank you all. Because of the support and stories I received, I really do want…

Animal and Plant Souls

Me: Does anyone know if animals, like our dogs, have their own guides and angels? Do they make blueprints for their lives, including exit points? Erik: Yeah, they do make a blueprint for their life. (Pause) Me: Including exit points? Erik: Yeah, and you’re going to laugh your ass off when you die and you…

Faith in Doughnuts

Faith in Doughnuts

Hi Erik.  I’ve been thinking a lot about faith lately.  I was listening to Theresa Caputo’s autobiography and I noticed that she operates with a high level of faith associated with her Catholic upbringing.  My parents raised me with a focus on nature and family, but also with an openness to a variety of philosophical…

Exit Points and Free Will

Exit Points and Free Will

This past weekend was a tough one. I buried Erik four years ago Saturday. I miss him a lot and I’m still feeling down in the dumps today. I hate this time of year with his birthday the end of September, his death the first part of October and his burial mid-October. Fall used to…

Teri & Erik on Blondes in the Afterlife

The weekends only improve with Kate! More outstanding input… ============================================= My Sweetie & I have lived in our current house for almost a year, and in all that time we didn’t know that the bedroom door had a lock… until it managed to lock itself while Sweetie was in the shower, with nothing to wear…



Sorry about not posting yesterday. My husband and I are camping in Boerne, Texas with our grand daughter, Arleen! Here’s a wonderful post from Kate.  I ask Erik to help me find pictures by getting him to give me key words to search, then he chooses the photo when it comes up.  He picked the…

Erik Channeling His Inner Diva

Erik Channeling His Inner Diva

Erik’s channeling his inner diva – he’s got the curly, shoulder-length red wig on, he’s got the finger he’s pointing upwards with long fingernails, he’s tucked his chin backwards and is jerking his head back and forth, like,)  Mmm girl!  Here’s whatcha gotta do.  This is ALL you gotta do.  Here it is.  You ready…

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