Erik Encounters

Other Erik Encounters

Other Erik Encounters

I’ve been checking on our possible Ayahuasca trip, and it seems like there’s on in Orlando called Soul Quest. Upon researching it, I discovered that it and “churches” like it are under investigation by the DEA. Also, I discovered that being on antidepressants can create a life threatening situation, and I’ve been on an antidepressant…

TV turned on

I have been watching Channeling Erik’s YouTube videos a lot. I’m fairly new to the blog but soon after I joined I had an interesting experience. When I woke, or rather, was on the verge of waking I got a very clear image in my head for just a flash. It was two cupcakes piled…

Hearing Eriks Voice

Good Morning! First off I wanted to say God bless you both and Happy Easter! I am 31 and have always had very strong spirituality and felt that I have gifts that I am not quite sure how to tap into, maybe one day Erik may be able to help me with this ! Lol…

More Erik Pranks

More Erik Pranks

Prank #1 My family and I just got back from vacation and I decided to get my house back in order and do some cleaning. I had been thinking about Erik a lot that morning and I lifted up my toilet seat to clean it and there was a frog just hanging out like he…

Eric experience

I find since the day I subscribed on YouTube, I have gotten everyday exactly what I needed to hear. Not always liking what I needed to be doing but knowing it was what I needed to implement in my life! I have been feeling unloved and taken advantage of. Patty from Gteam paranormal sent me…


My youngest son, Cameron , has been gone almost 4 years. His brother tells me that he has frequent dreams about him and that the reason I don’t see him is because (according to Cameron) I’m not ready. The dreams that I do have are when he was little, and he is missing. I almost…

Verbal To-Do Lists From Erik

Verbal To-Do Lists From Erik

Erik better not mess with MY to-do list. That’s taboo and worthy of a lengthy time out! Oh, and sorry about the cruel April Fool’s joke. You know I’d never leave you guys hanging! I love you too much! (And I love what I do!) Hi Elisa, Erik has played some VERY awesome, but also,…

Erik Squeaked my Doggie’s Toy

Erik Squeaked my Doggie’s Toy

Well, I’m going to try to upload another YouTube today. Wish me luck. I’m going to try to hook my computer up to the router’s ethernet port. Hopefully that will help. On another note, I’ll be taking a 6 month hiatus from the blog. I hope you guys remember to come back. I just decided…

Man spray

While watching one of the YouTube videos online right in the middle of a video I started to smell manly Cologne. At the time, I was the only one in the room (along with my dog) and the smell was present for a couple of minutes but completely went away. Pretty awesome stuff I must…


Dear Elisa, Thank You for creating this blog and sharing it . I am fairly new to the site I think it has been a few months now but im on it all the time it has it’s own thumbnail for my top visited site with Erik’s face lol. When I Initially came across the…

More Than Just a Prank

More Than Just a Prank

On the way back home and, as promised, here’s the post for the day. I’m going to try to post this past week’s radio show and a YouTube video when I get home, but my Internet there has been acting up and upload speeds have been terrible. It takes me over 24 hours to upload…

Family Prankster

Family Prankster

It looks like 61% of you want an online spiritual course (with Erik as the professor–don’t worry, he curves) and 34% want two courses, one for adults and one for kids. Here’s a possible subjects (in my opinion.) Thanks, Heather Quinto, for your contributions to the list. Your opinion counts, too, so let me know if…

Dropped the soap

Everyday for weeks when I’d take a shower, the soap would fall off the ledge and soap dish and I’d get this strong feeling that someone was in the room…not watching me but more so just in the room behind the curtain. Every time the soap dropped I’d pick it up and it would fall…

Seeing Erik?

Hi Elisa, My name is Leah and I live right outside of Dallas. I stumbled across your YouTube channel a couple of months ago and have been watching ever since. I love you, and I love your son. Kim, Jaime, and Robert are amazing. For some reason, you feel like family to me. A few…

Finding My Marbles

I had a synchronicity event with a famous person the day before he died. His name begins with W. I started listening to the Channeling Erik interviews on YouTube, led to it by way of this synchronicity. I asked Erik to prank me, but I told him that it seems like I have pranks every…

FIRE! Not……

March 2017 – Erik triggered smoke alarms twice in the last two weeks. 3 at once the first time, 7:30 AM. No smoke ANYWHERE. I brought a ladder to unplug them from the ceiling, then the back-up batteries. What was the Prince of Prank’s encore performance? Move one of them under a bed, re-connect and…

Right Shoe, Wrong Shoe

How many spirits have this fun sense of humor? Ask for your own personal prank and brace yourself! Prior to finding Channeling Erik my beliefs in my spirituality seemed rather unique and I never really shared them as most people would just look at me in disbelief that I was so open minded about “religion”…

My daughter and I had a Erik encounter

I found your YouTube channel recently. Almost like I was drawn to it. I’ve been watching for a few days. My daughter Emma has since she was small always had a connection to the spirit world and she is now 10. I haven’t shared with many people including Emma that I’ve been watching your channel…

My daughter and I had a Erik encounter

I found your YouTube channel recently. Almost like I was drawn to it. I’ve been watching for a few days. My daughter Emma has since she was small always had a connection to the spirit world and she is now 10. I haven’t shared with many people including Emma that I’ve been watching your channel…

Was it Erik?

Was it Erik?

Rune is in New Orleans racing (with his broken foot.) I hope he doesn’t re-break it, but he’s pretty cautious, so I’m sure he’ll listen to his body so that if it hurts, he’ll stop. Meanwhile, I’m at home taking care of Baby Easton who, thankfully, is taking a nap so that I can get…

Possible Erik Dream Visit??

Every night, I listen to audiobooks on headphones as I fall asleep. They usually play through the night as I sleep. Friday night, I was listening to “My Life After Death: A Memoir…”. I seemed to hear every word while I was sleeping while simultaneously having a vivid nightmare about some floating head orb things…

Erik, my friend and teacher

Dearest Elisa, about a year ago, I found Erik and your beautiful website, as did so many other people. I started to read the archives and still am. One day, I started to talk to Erik. And another day, I asked for a sign. The day I saw the first sign, I was not really…

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