Looking through my list of Ask Erik questions, I see I have five more, not including this one. After that, we’ll begin our journey through the Universe, Time and Space, the Afterlife, Death, God, The Collective Consciousness, The Human Experience, life as an discarnate soul, and more. I don’t know why I put some of these in title case, but it just seemed the right thing to do. I so look forward to asking these questions and sharing them with you all. Until then, let’s take a look at Milafel’s story. If the love her uncle and granddad have for her is any indication, she’s indeed a very special soul.
Milafel’s Question
His name is Cepriano. He died around two weeks ago here in the Cebu, Philippines. He’s 41. He’s been sick for quite some time. I’ve been asking him (my uncle) to give me some signs he’s doing well on the other side, but I don’t know if he ever did something. I just want to know if he’s with my grandfather now (his father). I never get to know my granddad full well since I was only a year old when he passed away, but I heard I was his favorite grandchild. 🙂
Thank you so much, Elisa. Know I’m inspired by your family.
Milafel, 26, Cebu
Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay, got one all the way from the Philippines. This comes from Milafel. She’s 26, from Cebu in the Philippines. She wants to ask about her uncle who recently died, also in Cebu. His name is Cepriano, and he was 41 when he passed. Apparently he was sick for some time. Anyway, Milafel wants to make sure he’s doing fine and that he’s there with her grandfather. That would be Cepriano’s father.
Jamie: The grandfather is here. Erik brought him along. He speaks really clearly. And he really, really loves Milafel. He loves her so, so much, like there’s more than just the grandfather/granddaughter connection. He will be with her always.
Erik: He’s saying he will not let go of her. That’s how he’s putting it.
Me: Okay. Yeah, someone in the family told her she was his favorite grandkid, so…
Jamie: He’s there to help offer her good health, but he won’t smother her. He says his son has arrived, the uncle. He’s very happy to have no more pain and VERY happy to eat!
Erik (chuckling): The grandfather keeps laughing and laughing, because Cepriano has been totally gorging himself on food ever since he got here! His body was not his own just before he died.
Me: Yes, I can imagine.
Erik: When the uncle gets settled, he’ll show up and begin to give messages, but right now he’s still adjusting to where he is.
Jamie: The grandfather must be a very knowledgeable guy. He’s already covering, uh, he’s saying that the uncle was incurable, and so this was his way out. But Cepriano prolonged his death out of fear of dying.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Now he laughs at that and wishes he didn’t do it. The uncle also says Milafel needs to know that there is a good man for her—a man, a male figure, very masculine. He’s not talking necessarily about a romantic interest. It’s just a very macho dude that will want to hold her hand and help her heal through all of this. He says, “Will you please tell her we give her permission to accept him?”
Jamie: I’m wondering if she’s just not recognizing him.
Me: I don’t even know if she’s married. This could be a brother, a friend, a teacher, someone she’s not met yet, and even her husband if she’s already got one. Can you tell me more, Erik? Is this guy in her life now?
Erik: No. He’ll be coming soon. If not by the end of this year, by the beginning of next year.
Me: Okay, good. Any other messages you have for her?
Erik: The grandfather says, “Please tell her how much we love her and that she’s not alone.”
Milafel’s Response
Hi, Elisa and Erik,
Thank you so much for these messages! I am so thrilled! I even stopped whatever it was I was doing because I just want to reread the message.
At first, I was having some trouble determining what GF/GD means. 🙂 Now I know it means “grandfather” and “granddad.” Yes, I do feel he’s around with me a lot of times. I’m happy I got that validation. I may also like to add I never forget his birthday and death anniversary–never. For some reason, I am always the first one who gets to remember it, not his own children, including my father.
As for my uncle, I would definitely understand why he keeps on eating right now. He’s been sick for several years and was near death a lot of times. He did have a strong fighting spirit, and maybe it’s because he’s too scared to die. Before he died, he had a huge tummy because of water retention. That must have been preventing him from eating well here.
I’ll say a silent prayer tonight and thank my GD for wishing me good health. I’m having some issues with my health for a year now, and though the recent results say I’m quite well, I still have my apprehensions.
I’m intrigued about this “masculine man” because I am married. 🙂 Do you think it could be a baby who’s going to grow up a fine young man? Oh, I do hope so. But I have faith in their guidance.
Again, thanks to you and to Erik. Do take time with the transcript. You’ve already done so much for me.
As for that male coming into Milafel’s life, I sense that she’s intuiting the correct answer as well. As I write this, Erik keeps popping into my head showing me blue baby booties and a silver rattle! I wish I had gotten more information, but time constraints are a bitch!