I hate Sundays. They’re so long and empty. No routine. All the errands and housework is finished, the kids are out annoying someone else’s parents (gotta spread the love,) and Rune and I are left alone with idle minds. What’s that saying: “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop?” So true. In rolls the missing and the regrets. In roll the sad memories. We light the candles by all of Erik’s pictures. We smell the armrest where he last laid his head, savoring the lingering aroma of his unwashed hair. We cry. We try to distract ourselves with Lifetime and Hallmark movies, the sappier the better. Then, we count the hours, the minutes, before the weekday routine rescues. Thank God it always does.
Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay, here’s another one I’ve asked through other channels. Why do some people have such a hard time communicating with the deceased and vice versa?
Kim: Yes, it’s a two-way thing. And we have to remember that if someone was a person of few words on the earthly plane, that’s usually how they’ll communicate in heaven. You know, sometimes I’ll be speaking with departed loved ones and they’ll say, “Yes.” “No.” And I’ll keep asking questions and I’ll get a one or two word response. And others are just brilliant to talk to, like Erik, you know, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk!
Me: Yes, that’s my little chatterbox!
Erik: That’s part of it, but if a human being is struggling to communicate with a deceased and really, really wants to and is working on his or her ability to receive electrical energy by practicing their channeling, it could be an emotional block like depression or trauma.
Me: Oh, sure.
Erik: Here’s what might help people who are having trouble like that, but are practicing their channeling at least once or twice a week—
Me: Um hm.
Erik: —I mean, you can’t just try it once, come up with zip and give up.
Me: Right.
Erik: Anyway, they can try hypnosis to find out what the resistance is. It’s more like resistance than a block.
Kim: Oh, this is really fascinating, Elisa. Your angels are chiming in with Erik, saying that the individual can go for hypnosis and ask the hypnotherapist to suggest to their brain that it dismantle the part of itself that says to the individual, “This can’t happen,” “This is impossible,” to shut that down.
Me: Interesting!
Kim: That part can be shut down or disabled, like we would on our computer. We disable certain features or functions.
Me: Yeah, like “file sharing off.”
Kim: Wow, I’ve never heard that one before, guardian angels! Very cool!
Erik: Mom, you could do that!
Me: Okay, I’ll look into that.
Erik (chuckling): Mom, it won’t shut down any other part of your brain, don’t worry!
Mom: Well, most of it’s already shut down anyway.
Erik laughs hard.
Erik: You wish!
Me: Now, are there some who prefer the earthly plane to the spiritual plane and vice versa? Again, bear with me, Erik, because I know I’ve asked something like this before through another channel.
Kim: Wow, I’ve never heard that question before. Elisa, that’s a fabulous question! Let’s ask Erik first.
Erik: Hell no. Some people enjoy the earthly plane while they’re there, but do they prefer it to the spiritual plane? No, no.
Kim: Now, if we ask your angels the same question—
(Pause as Kim listens)
Kim: They say they have the same perspective exactly.
Me: Okay.
Erik: The key is, when you get to the earthly plane, no matter what happens in your life, to find joy and peace with what IS.
Me: Wow.
Erik: It’s partly about not allowing what ISN’T a part of your life to diminish your ability to feel daily joy.
Me: Easier said than done, huh?
Kim (emphatically): You got THAT right, Baby!
Kim and I laugh.
Me: Okay, let’s see. Next question: do we have free will in the afterlife?
Erik: Duh…yeah! Just like you have free will over there. But the difference is that here in heaven, we can manifest immediately, plus, we’re making choices while we’re at the peak of our enlightenment, so, we’re not making the same kind of choices we’d make on the earthly plane that might be connected to a particular issue that’s meant to be a learning experience. Oscar Wilde is wanting me to say something.
Me: Oh, really? What?
Erik: Be careful what you wish for, you might get it!
Me: Oh, yeah. Wishes over here can be pretty dang dangerous.
Erik: So on the earthly plane, the big difference is you have issues to work through, but you gravitate toward ill-advised choices that are an extension of free will to help you learn and grow. That’s why on the earthly plane, unlike here in heaven, you ask yourself, “What was I thinking!”
Me: Been there, done that!
Erik: That’s why you guys on the earthly plane are so involved in damage control.
Me: Oh, go, yeah.
Kim: Wow, Erik, that is so interesting!
Damage control Hmm. I can’t think of better way to describe the essence of the human experience. Can you?