In this segment of the channeling session, I asked Erik to tell me more about, well, me. I think most of you can relate to the quandary I face, feeling like I sometimes don’t belong here on the earthly plane, so I sincerely hope you derive something meaningful from his answers.
Channeling Transcript
Me: Now, very often, Erik, I feel like I really don’t belong on the earthly plane. Why is that? I mean, I’m not even comfortable in my body. I trip over the least little thing. I’m clumsy as all get out. So, why is that?
Erik: Because you don’t belong there, Mom. Your home is here in Heaven. You’re much more comfortable as a spiritual being acting as a guardian angel and a healer and a teacher for others.
Me: Um hm.
Erik: And whenever you take these earthly excursions to do a little more evolving, to help others, to leave the earthly plane a different, uh, a better place than when you got there, oh, and I wanna talk to Michelle.
Kim: Hold on, Erik. Hold on!
I laugh at his ADHD moment. Like mother like son!
Erik: Aw, okay. So, when you see and experience the trauma, the tragedy and the challenges, you’re like, “Get me the fuck outta here!”
Me: Yep.
Erik: So when you’re over there on the earthly plane, it’s a hardship, a terrible hardship for you. In many of your past lifetimes you’ve longed to come back to heaven, but you’ve never let that mess up your ability to do the work you were supposed to do.
Me: So, who am I really?
Kim: You are a spiritual being having an earthly experience.
Erik: You’re a teacher, a healer and a guardian angel, Mom. When you’re here in heaven, you work with different people on the earthly plane like physicians, authors, and others. So it’s much easier for you to help change the earthly plane from heaven than it is for you to do it in physical form. Down in the trenches.
Me: Ugh. Messy stuff. So, if I have an easier time making positive changes as a spiritual being in heaven, why the hell am I here?
Erik: Don’t look at me, Mom. It was your decision to incarnate as a guardian angel, teacher and healer there. You’re meant to have an impact on the lives of many human beings who are stuck or derailed and having a hard time moving forward in their lives.
Kim: You’re doing the last vestiges of your own evolving, so after this lifetime, you don’t have to come back. Now, you can come back if you want to, but this is your last lifetime here.
Me: Okay. So, Erik, what do you want to say about Michellys?
Erik: Wait, first, I wanna say I think you will go back to the earthly plane one more time. I’m going to ask you to go back with me. I know you can’t say no to that, right?
Me: Of course not, Sweetie. You and I are glued to the hip. I’d do anything for you.
Erik: So, you’ll come back; you’ll come back.
Kim: Let’s see what he has for Michelle. And she’s 23, right?
Me: Yes.
Kim: He’s chuckling. He’s up to devilment! Mischief!
Kim and I laugh.
Erik: Tell her I said, “You know what you should, Michelle? You should crochet or knit something for Mom for Christmas!” Pass that along to Michelle.
Kim: Hmm. There’s some kind of mischief involved in that message.
Me: I’m sure, because Michelle’s the last person I can see knitting or crocheting!
Kim: He’s showing himself giving her a kiss on the cheek. He’s been singing to Michelle’s baby, Arleen.
Erik: Is it okay to sing, “One hundred bottles of beer on the wall” to her?
Me: Erik!
Erik laughs hard.
Erik: Ask her, Mom! Ask Michelle!
Me: Okay, Baby.
Erik: And don’t forget to hang my Christmas stocking!
Me: Oh, of course!
Erik: I think I’ve been a very good boy this year. Maybe not so much last year, but…
Me: Uh huh, you’ve been an angel, Sweetheart.
Erik: Tell Pappa I love him. Mom, do this for me. Put your arms around him and give him a kiss and tell him it’s from me. He needs a hug and a kiss.
Me: Okay, Erik. I’ll do that.
Again, sorry about not spell and grammar checking. I’ve been super busy with handling my deceased friend’s affairs, mostly being on permanent hold with each and every creditor. Ugh. No good deed goes unpunished!