Pranks and Aural Colors

Yesterday morning, before taking Lukas to school, I flipped on the TV and lo and behold, Elmo and Grover from Sesame Street was on. Weird, because when we went to bed eight or nine hours earlier, we were watching Fox News Channel (yep, the cat is out of the bag now. Sorry.) Grand baby Arleen never watches that channel anyway, and when she watches TV, however rare, she does so in my bedroom. But, my focus was on groping my way to the love of my life, my Tassimo Coffee Maker, the reliable deliverer of my much coveted morning latte.

As Lukas and I sat and chatted, eventually I realized that Elmo’s voice was like nails on a chalkboard and switched it back to Fox. I didn’t think anything else about it until later that evening after returning from visiting my mother and father. I collapsed onto the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table, MacBook in my lap, and TV remote on the other end of the table. I thought, ‘Gosh, I haven’t caught up on the news today. Maybe I’ll turn on the TV. But that’ll take getting up to grab the remote and I’m feeling so cozy and settled in.’ Then, ta da! On comes the TV by itself. Thankfully, it was Shepherd Smith, not Elmo. But clearly, something paranormal was afoot, because I was alone in the room. Erik, you’re a little wisecracker rascal! I haven’t had a prank from him in a while, so it was like a cool breezy on a steamy Houston summer day. Ahhhhh.

Channeling Transcript

Me: What color am I, Erik? What color is my soul, my aura, whatever?


Me: Do you even know, Erik?

Erik: Oh, yeah. Oh, and did you know—this is gonna surprise the shit out of you—but I used to see colors!

Not liking the image he just gave me, but…

Erik: I kind of blocked it out, because I wasn’t sure what it meant to see colors. Sometimes it happened when I was stoned, but sometimes it happened when I wasn’t.

I guess he’s above the law now—literally.

Me: Wow, I never knew that about you, Baby!

Erik: You are, uh, there’s purple on the fringes of your aura, blue around your hands, and golden light. It is SO beautiful—just like you, Mom.

Me: Awwww!


Me: Okay, let’s see. Oh, one of the blog members wants to know what’s with all the terrorism throughout the world?

Erik: I’m going to let the angelic being standing next to me help me with that one, but first, I wanna explain a little bit more about the colors. I wanna explain what the colors around you mean.

Me (surprised): Oh, okay!

Erik: Purple is wisdom.

Jeannie: He’s showing me this. Ah, I wish I could draw pictures; this is so beautiful!!

Me: Hm!

I look at my face in the mirror every day with great reluctance and often with some degree of horror, so I’m eager to hear more.

Erik: I see you with this golden light which is pretty much God Energy.

Jeannie: He’s showing me a picture of that golden light just flooding out of you all over, and at the edges of that golden light is purple.

Erik: Yep and purple signifies wisdom, spiritual wisdom. And the blue around your hands, Mom—that’s healing.

Jeannie: He’s showing me this. Your hands, if you look at them, there just all blue.

I look at them and, well, they look kind of veiny and wrinkly to me. Sigh.

Me: Wow, come to think of it, I remember examining a patient, god, it was a long time ago—I must have been in my mid thirties. She was older, maybe in her late fifties, early sixties, and she had beautiful gray hair flowing down to below her shoulders. She struck me as being very calm and comfortable in her own skin, something I hadn’t accomplished at that point. Anyway, when I touched her, she gasped a little bit and said, “You’re a healer, aren’t you?” Of course at that point in my life, I just figured she was one of those airy fairy, woo woo people and didn’t pay much attention to her comment. Very interesting. Now I guess I better learn how to harness all that better.

By the way, we have a new member, Aether, from the U.K., a lovely, spiritually gifted woman. Anyway, she made the comment that she felt like she was the only Brit in the Channeling Erik family, but I know we have several. Tracy is one, JoAnne is another, and, forgive me, but I know there are others, but my brain, as usual, is not cooperating at the moment. Could you guys come to the surface and reach out to her? Who knows, maybe you’re neighbors! Check out her story in the “Introduce Yourself” thread in the forum.

Also, please add your own two cents about the program details in the upcoming long weekend with Jamie in Atlanta. Note that one of the sessions will include learning how to see auras in ourselves and others. Hope no one is color blind (wink.)

Love you all!

Here’s a great link about how to read auras. It has exercises and everything. After practicing some of them, I feel totally cross-eyed. I just hope my mom wasn’t right when she told me my eyes could stick like that.

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Elisa Medhus

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