Prostitutes, Drug Addicts, Criminals and Robots in the Afterlife?

Channeling Transcript

Me: One of the blog members wants to know if there are prostitutes, drug addicts and criminals in the afterlife. I mean, can you pay for the services of a prostitute, can you buy drugs, can you commit crimes there?

Erik (laughing): Well, there aren’t any criminals, cuz there’s no crime here, Mom!

Me: Yeah, I figured, especially since there’s no need for money there.

Erik: Now, if you wanna do drugs, you do drugs.

Me: Wow, so you can do drugs there?

Erik: Well, it’s an altered state of mind. It’s not called a drug.

Me: Okay.

Erik: But it is a form of altering your energy patterns. It’s not necessarily seen as something bad. It’s more like a ritual for some spiritual beings.

Me: Is it like playing with energy, just for entertainment?

Erik: Yeah, but most of the time it’s not even needed.

Me: Okay. So they play with energy patterns as a form of play or a ritual.

Erik: Yeah, like it’s a social thing, too. It’s not addictive either, cuz you don’t have that biology, that physical nervous system that causes humans to get addicted. But as far as drugs like heroin, pot, crack, no, we don’t have those here. I guess we could think them into existence, but we don’t have bodies so they wouldn’t have that same effect on us. Plus, why would we even want to fuck ourselves up?  We don’t have those self-destructive patterns here.

Me: Right. Makes senses. So what about the prostitutes, do you have them there?

Erik laughs hard.

Erik: No! You can’t commit a crime on someone else. And since there’s no money here, how would someone sell sex to someone else? There’s only willingness. So if you want to engage in that kind of activity and the other being says no, then it can NOT happen. There’s no amount of force that can make it be.

Me: Yeah, I figured. I just wanted to get this down because other people have asked. Some of the blog members come up with the most creative questions!

Erik giggles.

Me: No, I mean it’s great! It’s awesome!

Me: Okay, um, here’s another. Robert Monroe talks about entities that are non-human, computer-like and other entities from different star systems. Do these exist? And if they do, is there any kind of threats from these beings to human life on earth like invading our planet or taking over our genetic code or whatever?

Jamie (giggling): Erik!

Erik: How do you think our genetic code was made?

Me: Oooo!

Erik: A lot of us—

Jamie: Oh, Erik! Are you sure you wanna—

Me: Oh boy.

Jamie: Do you really want to—

Erik: Yes, I do! I do! I do wanna talk about this, Jamie!

I chuckle at their interplay.

Jamie (sounding resigned): Okay. I’ll be cool.


Jamie: He thinks I’m uptight today!

Me (teasingly): Well you probably are! Look who you have to deal with right now!

Jamie laughs hard.

Me: Erik, we’re only human, helllooo?

Erik: Sucks man. Anyway, AS I WAS TRYING TO SAY…People wanna believe heavily in evolution.

Me: Ah, controversy. I can already see the hate mail rolling in.

Erik: I’m all for it; I’m all for us starting off that way.

Me: Um hm.

Erik: But we have had intervening.

Me: Ah!

Erik: We have had contact with other races and species, so it’s not all 100% evolution.

Me: Okay.

Erik: Because we are not all—

Jamie: I’m sorry, Erik. Say that again. YOU LOST ME!!!

Jamie and I both giggle. Erik can talk at the speed of light sometimes, especially if it’s a topic that excites him or something he’s learned very recently.

Erik: Because we aren’t all 100% body, um, the body. That physical aspect—that’s the alien-like part—

Me: Oh!

Erik: —that we contain, and that is what allows us to evolve spiritually.

Me: What does, the alien, uh body part? I’m confused.

Jamie: Oh, he just corrected me. He’s saying the soul, the part that’s not connected to the body, that’s the alien part. My bad.

Me: Okay, so what do you mean by that, Erik? Does that come from another realm or—

Erik: It behaves equally to other entities, um, other aliens. We have the ability to travel at light speed, manifest reality and matter in an instant, use telepathic skills—

Me: Um hm.

Erik: Isn’t this funny? This is all what aliens can do! These are all things that our spirit can do. I’m not dissing God, okay?

Me: Yeah, better not. You don’t want him to smite you, whatever that is!

Erik: I’m not doing that. God, this center, um central energy source has everything to do with being who we are—allowing us to create our own destinies—but to think that this energy source, this God, only focused on one place at one time—Doesn’t anybody understand how small we really are?!

Me: Oh, yeah.

Erik: Doesn’t anybody understand how big this galaxy, this universe, these infinite universes really are?! There are infinite universes. I know that’s hard to imagine given the linear three dimensional thinking of humans, but nothing can be contained in a box here. And when you’re in these dimensions after you pass away, you can explore that better.

Me: Um hm.

Erik: But to answer that person’s question, there are other alien sources that are more mechanical. But inside those mechanics is a speck of light, of conscious energy.

Me: Oh, I see. So life force?

Erik: Yeah. Life force, life source. And there are different types of life source, hence many different—

Jamie to Erik: You gonna call ‘em races, really?

Erik: Yeah, hence many different races. But the similar basis that is common ground is pure energy. We all use it in such different ways that it morphs.

Me: Interesting. But they’re no threat to us, right?

(Long pause)

Erik: Um, that’s a pretty big blanket statement, Mom, cuz there are so many different races. Over all, no, not a threat, but there are some that, because of curiosity, disturb our daily living.

(Long pause)

Me: Hmm! I mean, how do you threaten something that’s immortal, anyway?

Erik: Exactly! So, Mom, how are we going to work and explain to people on earth to get them out of their own perspective?

Me: Oh, it’s so, uh, I guess that’s what we’re trying to do, here, huh?

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Elisa Medhus

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