Before we developed this environment we live in now, ego was something that provided that sense of separation and the urge to survival. It’s what was responsible for the fight or flight thing. Then we developed this whole atmosphere of “You’re wrong, and I’m right,” “I make more money than you do,” “I have a loftier career,” “I’m superior; you’re inferior.” It sucks. Now we’re on this runaway train and the ego is diddling with the controls going, “What the fuck do I do now?” Our egos have got us caught on the hamster wheel. Eat or be eaten. Be a winner, not a loser. Our egos also connect us to the past in a way that causes us pain. “Oh, poor me. I was molested as a kid.” You’re attached to the belief that you’re a victim. Well, guess what? You’re not being molested now, are you? If some of you still are, get out of that shit. Let it go. Look at the suffering as a page in a book and turn to the next one.