I want to remind everyone about Jamie’s next webinar class. Personally, I think it’s one of the most important subjects in all things spiritually because so many ailments, physical or otherwise, can be healed through crystals. Like I said earlier, each one has their own vibrational frequency, and, since we’re energy too, they can affect our…
Best of Erik: To Be or Not to Be
Since Robin William’s death, a lot of people have been wondering about why he made the decision he did. Personally, I think a lot of comedians, including Robin, Richard Jeni and others, have their dark side, and feeling lost and sad compels them to balance their lives with humor. Let’s revisit the suicide issue again….
How to Recover, Part Two
My grand daughter, Arleen, says that she can see wavy colors on top of people’s heads. She scrunches up her eyes and wrinkles her nose to do it. Apparently, my dog’s aura is golden, my husband’s is red, and mine is sometimes blue, sometimes green. I looked up the meanings and they’re spot on. My…
How to Recover, Part One
I’m back from a restful time in Norway where life in the alpine tundra is surreally Zen. (At times, it was so peaceful that I couldn’t wait to return to the chaos which has become my life.) Other than the tranquil mornings and evenings on the front porch and the visits to relatives, I enjoyed my…
Assertive Assholes
Announcement: If you go to Patrick’s site, The Amendment (www.theamendment.net) then you’ll find all sorts of interesting interviews including those of controversial historic figures who shall remain nameless. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. (hint, hint) Very often, I receive really, really long emails from readers. That’s no problem because most of the…
The eBoard
Sorry guys. I had to take down the interview. Apparently the search engines could still find it, and it’s just too dangerous for my family and me. Maybe the next interview will make up for it. 🙂 This weekend, I decided to help my son-in-law, Shane, by doing all the yard work: mowing, weed-whacking, blowing,…
Erik’s Favorite Subject
Lately, I’ve been wrestling with conflicted feelings. As I’ve shared Erik with the world more and more, I feel like I’m losing a subtle part of our mother-son connection. It’s as though he’s no longer “my Erik.” Instead, he’s this idealized version of himself. No pain, no flaws, no humanness. I can’t reach him out…
Best of Erik: Erik’s Death, Part Two
Blog member, Daniel Lucas, created the masterpiece below. How, I don’t know, but it gives me such a sense that we’re all family, connected. If you’d like a picture of yourself in the image, please send a good quality, bright photo to him at daniel-lucas95@hotmail.com. Thanks, Daniel! This is the continuation of Erik’s description of his…
Best of Erik: Erik’s Death, Part One
This part of the channeling transcript was not at all easy for me. The graphic memories, the heartache, the sense of loss, it all flooded back to me like a tsunami of dread and despair. For that reason, I’ve transcribed just a portion of Erik’s description of his death. The heart can only endure so…
Best of Erik: Small Miracles
Jamie’s assistant, Amy, wanted you guys to know that there are a few spots open for the following channeling calls. All others are booked up. Griever’s Call June 2oth Erik’s Conference Call July 11th Griever’s Call July 18th This post was published just 4 months after Erik died. It makes me sad to read it…
He Doesn’t Write; He Doesn’t Call!
Book season is around the corner, and I’ve been contemplating my second one. In it, I would love to include appropriate personal stories from you at the beginning of each section. Your input is important, because you’re my second family. Here’s a poll that will help steer me in the right direction. Note that personal…
Healing Perspective
It’s official! The first one to guess Erik’s favorite beer (which is/was Fat Tire) is Christine Waight! She’ll be receiving a signed copy of my book courtesy of Amy Colfelt. Again, Amy, thanks for your generosity and love. Today I’d like to share some personal epiphanies that I hope will help those of you who…
Channeling Erik Weekend
I just got back from one of the most powerful Channeling Erik weekends ever. The night before I left for Atlanta, however, I had a terrible dream. I walked into a bar (I know. Sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it wasn’t an alcohol-type bar,) and there was Erik as a 6 year-old…
The Secret of Life
Hello wonderful CE folks; Thank you to everyone who’s been sending thoughts and prayers to me and my family. We’re hanging in there! There are a couple of ways to look at this: to be angry / sad / upset / grieving all the time, or to be grateful for the time we have /…
Back to Basics
Since it’s a holiday, I wasn’t planning to post today, but I’d like your feedback on something. Over the last couple of years, I think that the blog has lost it’s way. At first, it was centered around loss, grief, death and the afterlife. Since then, we began to ask questions that covered “fringe” topics…
Belief and Science
I had the most wonderful experience last afternoon. I was sitting on my couch, checking emails on my laptop (I get a lot. Sigh.) and suddenly I get a strong whiff of perfume. Immediately I knew that it was my mother’s favorite, Nina Ricci Capricci. It’s no longer available, but I don’t need to smell…
Goosebumps Across the Globe
I had the coolest experience last night. I was being interviewed by a wonderful radio show called “Let’s Talk” at around 7:00 PM. (I’ll post the link to the interview in a few days.) The interview was going very smoothly and was very animated. Out of the blue Bianca, one of the hosts, says, “Oh…
Erik’s Death Day
Today is a dreary day here in Houston. The gray darkness matches my heart as I trudge through the 4 year anniversary of Erik’s death. Sometimes I wonder why it had to be my son. Sometimes I wish I could just stop all of this and find a little peace. I ask myself time and…
Care for a Beating?
This one will ring true to all of you who have lost a love one. Erik’s pretty raw here, but he’s right. And there are ways to raise that dense energy of grief. Just think about the joyful memories with that loved one, for example. I find it very interesting how we say things like,…
The Best of Erik: Stepping in Dog Shit
Me: When things go awful in one’s life, what’s the best way to handle it? Faith? Letting go? How? Erik: Come on! That’s a really broad question, Mom. We first have to know what’s awful, and we have to identify it for each individual. Then we have to go into the same fucking talk we…
Grief and Healing
A huge part of my own enthusiasm with telepathic communication is teaching others how to do what I do. Erik, would you like to help me with this? (I skimmed the last few CE entries and read this one: https://channelingerik.com/how-to-communicate-with-the-dead-and-teenagers/ and he brings me to this paragraph: “I wanna remind people when you’re happy, when…
Erik Describes His Own Death, Part Four
My vision is slowly improving. Please forgive me if I haven’t attended to your comments and emails as I usually do. It’s still very difficult to read them. Next week, I’m having the surgery on my other eye, so both will be going through that blurry period at the same time, and my current glasses,…
Erik Describes His Own Death, Part Three
You may find typos or spelling errors in this entry, but again, I didn’t have the stomach to proofread it. Sorry. Me: Who was the first one to meet you? Erik: Well, hell, I can’t even remember. Me: Was Denise (my sister) there? Aunt Denise. I think she was also there to greet you, right?…
How to Communicate with the Dead and Teenagers (??)
Me: How can we communicate more easily and more effortlessly with the nonphysical so that when our loved one’s transition does take place, we don’t feel so bereft. I mumble under my breath, trying to make sense of the reader’s question. Erik: I think when we’re looking at easy, I wanna remind people when you’re…