I saw this on Facebook yesterday. It’s exactly what Erik says. My little genius. In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publish their contents until two decades after his death. This is one of them, for Lieserl…
Does Terrorism Terrorize You? Part Two
Long time blog member, JoAnn Nichols, has passed away. I’ve asked Erik to smooth her transition and show her the ropes. Please send prayers and love to her family and friends. The weather here has been stunning, perfect for our camping weekend in Austin with my six year-old grand daughter, Arleen. We only had one hiccup….
Don’t Beat Yourself Up!
So many of us let the world beat us down. Some do that constantly; some do that from time to time. So this wonderful post will help us all. Usually I have more of an introduction but you need to dive int these words of Erik right away. Plus I don’t have anything to say. I’ve…
Leave ’em and Love ’em and Yes, Pants
A lot of us who have lost a loved one are afraid that they won’t get that warm, fuzzy feeling from them. We need to be slathered with love to replace what we miss, physically, but do spirits love ’em or leave ’em? Me: Erik, does the love spirits feel for those they leave behind…
This one gets to a slow start. Sorry! Me: Hey Jamie! Hey Erik! Erik: Mom, you must have a timer or something. Me: Huh? No. Erik: I’m amazed how you’re always on time! Me: I know, I know. It’s an OCD thing. Actually I’m one minute late today, because I have my grandbaby here so…
It’s all About Love
I picked up my little grand daughter from the bus stop yesterday, and the first thing she did was drop her backpack, grab a Post-Note and write this. It gives new meaning to the phrase, “Out of the mouth of drunks and and children.” Since the age of 18 months, I’ve played a game with…
Helping Our Deceased Loved Ones
Many of you, including me, have signed up for the upcoming webinar slated to take place December 17th at 6:00 PM EST. To give you a taste, here’s the first one. Since this one, Jamie has improved the audio, and the video isn’t small screen anymore. Due to another glitch, you have to move forward…
Being LGBT, Part One
I’m BAAACKKKK!!! Sorry for the delay guys. I had major surgery followed by complications which caused my vision to decline to near blindness. I couldn’t see anything on my desktop, must less the keys on my keyboard, but everything is moving in the right direction, getting better day by day. I missed you guys!!!! This…
Loss, Part One
I want to remind everyone about Jamie’s next webinar class. Personally, I think it’s one of the most important subjects in all things spiritually because so many ailments, physical or otherwise, can be healed through crystals. Like I said earlier, each one has their own vibrational frequency, and, since we’re energy too, they can affect our…
Best of Erik: Ego and Love Energy
Oh. my. god. I attended Erik’s online class yesterday: “Understanding Energy Layers and Making Them Work for You,” and it was amazing. Jamie trance channeled him, which is doubly fun. During the class, Erik read the auras of some of the members, including me, without being in our physical presence, of course. He was spot…
Loving Others and Ourselves
Phew, I’ve been getting hundreds of Ask Erik submissions from you guys, and most of them are so creative and thought-provoking. Most of the time, I don’t reply. I just add each submission to the rest of the accepted ones. I will tell you when you send one to me that doesn’t really fit the…
Channeling Albert Einstein
Okay, I’m completely flummoxed. I received the following email from a blog member (who shall remain nameless, of course), and I just don’t know what she’s referring to. I’d like to know, because if I’ve done something disrespectful, I need to know so I can change my mindset and behavior. In other words, I’d like…
Making Channeling Erik Fun!
I have a question for you guys. I think it would be fun to start having live chats on a regular basis with Erik, Jamie and me. First, what do you think about that idea? Second, what format would you prefer: Twitter chat, Reddit, Facebook, or YouTube? I think YouTube has some sort of live…
Munchin on Love
Another great post from our resident spirit translator and Erik bud, Kate Sitka. (An Erik & Kate conversation.) This morning, I’d been thinking about a reading with a friend / client last week, where she’d asked, “What is with all this WATER? I’m drinking so much water lately.” She is healthy (not diabetic) just intuitively…
Best of Erik: How Do You Love Yourself
Liz posed a very thought-provoking question: How do we learn to love ourselves. Apparently, this question is so essential to our very being, our essence, that Erik through Jason, wasted no time in providing his insight. Thanks Erik, Jason and Lizzie. Erik, How do I love myself? “OK, dude, here’s the thing. Love, people think…
The Best of Erik: Love and Joy
Me: Can you talk about the importance of forgiveness and the best way to forgive? I love that blog members ask these thought provoking questions. They have the courage to dig in really deep. Erik: The best way to forgive. Jamie: Erik’s giving a visual along with what he’s saying. Erik: The best way to…
The Best of Erik: The Emotional Planetarium
Me: Is there any spiritual basis behind people not being able to connect with others or more so for people who have a fear of getting close to others—not so much in an, “Oh geez, they might find me out,” but just not being able to share their feelings? Maybe it’s about trust? Jamie: So…
Erik Gets Cornered!
I haven’t seen Erik squirm this much in a long, long time! You’re all going to love this one, and your girls are all going to be left scratching your heads and wondering! Me: Can spirits develop an attraction for someone who is living and vice versa? Erik: You mean like an intimate attraction? Me:…
The Emotional Planetarium
For all of you who participated in the small group channeling conference call dedicated to parents who have lost children, I have your mp3 recording ready. Please email me at emedhus@gmail.com so I can give you the download link. Because the subject matter is so sensitive and intimate, I thought it was best not to…
Where’s the Love?
Nothing ushers in the weekend like love. At the very least, I hope it wraps our peeps in the northeast in a nice warm blanket of our care and concern. We send our prayers. When I looked at the transcripts, I saw that the next three in a row had to do with love, so…
Channeling Practice With Erik and Conference Call Download
Thanks, Substitute teacher, for the AWESOME post today. I’m just a tag-a-long mostly because the callers for Thursday’s conference call eagerly await the download link for the recording which I have at the end of the post. Before we start, I’d like to ask you all to email me if you’re going to the San…
Ten Tips from Erik
Blog member, Jason, channels his past life twin bro, Erik, often and yesterday Erik (no doubt after much pestering) told him to provide us with the following ten tips. Thanks you, Jason, for giving Erik and voice, and thank you Erik, for keeping us humans in line. 10 Tips for feeling the happy child in…
Erik’s Easter Visit
Easter morning at his usually visitation hour (4:00 AM,) Erik surprised me with a delightful visit. These usually come when I’ve been particularly sad and missing him deeply. Profound family drama and hardships have punctuated our life lately, triggering more grief than usual, so his visit couldn’t have come at a better time. As a…
The Power of Words
Blog Member, Dan, sent me this powerful video this morning. It brought me to tears. Watch this know that blindness comes in so many forms, literal and figurative. Regardless of the form, from time to time, we all need a little help to transcend that blindness and see the beauty that is within our reach….