Music as a Way to Heal

It’s fitting that Erik answer all music-related questions, given the love he had for all forms, classical, rock, jazz, blues, country, and more. What he hasn’t covered until now is using music as a healing modality now and in the future. I find this all fascinating.

A recent comment on another blog by two Channeling Erik members prompts me to remind everyone that Erik is not some kind of supreme, highly enlightened angelic being. He’s just a boy doing his best to help others–not in spite of his flaws, but because of them, perhaps. It’s crucial to not confuse Erik with the message. I know, I know, many of you might wonder why the mom in me doesn’t want to plaster the back of the car with bumper stickers, “My son is no honor student, but he IS a spiritual guru,” but he’s not. He’s on the same journey we are all on. learning as he goes and sharing what he knows. Here’s a note from Jason about how Erik himself feels regarding his supposed angelic status:

I would like to mention that in my opinion Erik is not and never has been an Angel. Nor does he reside in an Angelic Realm. When I ask Erik, “Hey- you an Angel?” He shows me in a choir robe that is stained and he has a wire halo above his head and ratty wings and is picking his nose and flicks his booger at me….) So you be the judge of that. I know how he is with me only. Every emotional and Spiritual hardship and life problem he is there for me with nothing but love, teasing, playfulness, and more love. That’s all I know.

Channeling Transcript

Me: What is the connection of our love for music and our soul, specifically? Have you learned a little more?

Erik: It’s the sound vibration—it’s in harmony. And you’ll find that when people can create instruments that listen to our bodies, they’ll discover that our bodies can actually create music.

Me: Wow!

Erik: They create sound that our ears don’t hear. And when those sounds are in harmony, our systems work properly. That’s why it feels so good sometimes to lie flat on your back and listen to the music and feel it.

Jamie: He shows me an image of a table with those sticky sensors, you know the white round ones they put on the skin.

Me: Oh yeah.

Erik: They’ll be a way they’ll do that, and they’ll be able to measure and play back the sounds of the body. Mostly what you’ll hear is a really AWFUL sound! It won’t even be like music. And there’ll be ways that you can lie on a table and have the vibration of the sound—like coming through the speakers or from a tuning fork or a person playing live music—and it will tune that person like tuning a piano.

Me: How cool!

Erik: Yeah, I know. And it’ll strengthen or loosen the sounds, uh, vibrations, to create a harmony in the body.

Jamie starts giggling.

Me: What?

Jamie: He’s giving me the example of the (more giggles) the phlegm flute? The phlegm flute, Erik? Really? (yet more giggling)

Me: The phlegm flute? That does NOT sound very attractive or appetizing!

Jamie and I giggle hysterically!

Jamie: Erik, what are you doing?!

(Long pause. I can hear occasionally snickering from Jamie.)

Jamie: This one’s from a guy that created—it looks like a flute that you blow into and you play, and the vibrations loosen the phlegm in the lungs.

Me: Ew, gross.

Jamie: And so it’s a natural way of releasing phlegm and toxins in the body without using chemicals. Just simple sound vibrations.

Me: Oh, good! Very interesting. I bet the EFT probably helps our vibrations too.

Erik: Hell, yeah.

Me: Okay, now you say you hear music everywhere. I know I asked you this a while back through another channel, but I’d like to see if you’ve got additional information now. What kind of music is it, and how is it created? Also, is it in each soul’s mind or is it ambient music, or—

Erik: Ambient music, and it comes from other living beings.

Me: Ah! You know, I keep getting this in my mind and I’m not sure where it comes from, so maybe it’s channeled, but I get that plants create—-oh my god—a lot of music and that maybe that’s part of their healing properties.

Erik: Yep.

Me: And we can’t hear it, but it does affect us by affecting our vibrations.

Erik: They have full-on emotions; they have thought processes. They may not move as quick as us, so WE decide they aren’t intelligent, and—

Me (chuckling): They probably move a lot faster than my kids when I remind them to come downstairs and do their chores!

Jamie laughs.

Me: So it’s all relative.

Erik: True, all relative.

Me: So it’s created by all the dimensional beings—ah. So what does it sound like? Can you even describe it?

Erik: Well, to my ears, they sound like strings, like a long bass note with the violin playing. And it’s harmonies. It’s never just one sound or note. It’s the interaction of everything together.

One more thing: I’d like to apologize for not responding to each and every comment. I read them all, of course, but it’s just crazy busy in my life and if only I had a couple more hours in the day… But I don’t want anyone to feel snubbed or unloved, because I do love each and every one of you to bits.





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Elisa Medhus

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