After a bit of a false start on my part, Erik has much to say on the structure of the afterlife. At first, I ask him questions about death, because I forgot that I already asked him through Jamie during the last session. It’s Hell getting old!
Channeling Transcript
Me: Do we each have soul names that are different?
Erik: Yes, we all do, but these aren’t labeled on us like tattoos. We can, with our own personal growth, change our names to whatever we want.
Me: Oh, okay! (pause) Okay, now, Erik, tell me more about death. You can talk about it in general terms, oh, and also what happens immediately after, um, or you can tell me in specific terms if you only know what happens from your perspective with your death.
Erik: Well, I’ve seen other people pass away since I’ve been in spirit, so I know that each of them are unique for that person. We already touched on that a little bit before, Mom.
Me: Oops, maybe I’ve asked you already through Jamie. I’m trying to get answers from you through different channeling mediums, but I thought I only asked you through Jeannie and Kim. I kind of wanted to see if you deliver more detail through one medium compared to another.
Erik: Yes, but you also asked me through this channel.
Me: My memory ain’t what it used to be!
Erik laughs.
Jamie (giggling): He keeps moving around my room!
Me: He paces a lot! Always has.
Jamie: He reminds me of a lawyer; you know how they do that in the courtroom?
Me: Yes!
Jamie: They walk one way, and then they turn and walk the other way.
Me: Exactly! That is exactly what he does! That’s why we had to change the floor in our kitchen. It got worn down from him pacing around the kitchen island year after year.
Jamie (laughing): Are you serious?
Me: Yeah, but it was cheap tile, anyway. We have stone flooring now, so he’s going to have to work really hard to wear this one down!
Jamie (chuckling): He’s laughing.
Erik: Yeah, that means I’m going to have to get my feet to touch the ground!
Me: Yeah!
Erik: Death is not a single equation. People don’t go through and have the same experience. It’s all based on belief.
Me: Oh, yeah, that’s right. I remember you saying that before. So the death experience is influenced by their belief of what’s going to happen? Like maybe a skeptic or atheist will die and be in complete darkness?
Erik: Yes. Then they’ll have a thought and they’ll go, “Wait a minute. How come I had that thought?” It’s really amazing that people think they can be so careless or carefree with their lives, because they think death will rescue them or when they die, God will just forgive them and rescue them. Little do they know that their afterlife is based on the beliefs they create when they’re alive.
Me: Wow! Their whole afterlife? Really?
Erik: Yep, cuz if they believe that this is all they get, their perspective is going to be so narrow that that’s all they get. It’s the same with life! Haven’t you realized?
Me: Oh, yeah.
Jamie (laughing and talking to Erik): Beans? Really Erik? (pause) All right.
(Pause, as Jamie continues to laugh)
Jamie: He says maybe you’ve never tried beans, and then at age 30 you try beans, and then all of a sudden that’s all you can see everywhere, beans, beans, beans! That’s because you’re more open to it.
Me (laughing): If they’re green beans, you probably have never tried it, Erik.
Jamie (laughing): He says that’s not true, you made him take some bites.
Me: Well that’s true; that is true. Um, so that’s really interesting. Even in the afterlife, it’s not just death. I mean, our beliefs affect both.
Erik: And the chances for evolution and growth is much more vast in the afterlife, cuz everything happens more quickly. Thought creates reality in an instant.
Me: Oh, okay. Well how is it, I mean, is it structured a certain way, uh, the afterlife? Are there levels like one where the spirits from near death experiences go, then portals to higher levels. Um, I guess I’m asking if there is a hierarchy to the afterlife.
Erik: Yes and no. Yes there are titles, spirits who are in positions to help others. There is a hierarchy, but when you say it in human language, the hierarchy suggests one level is better than the next. Even if you take the name, “levels,” like one, two, three, four and up, people think the higher levels are better than the lower ones.
Me: Um, okay.
Erik: So this is where humans have a hard time understanding that one is not better or worse than ten.
Me: I see. Okay, but—
Erik: Yes, they’re different, and as a human, you’ll try to measure them, but one is not greater or less than the other. Humans have a hard time getting this, because everything is so linear on the earthly plane. Nothing is linear here in the spiritual realm. Nothing. That’s why it’s hard for me to explain certain things to you sometimes.
Me: Yeah, we always have such a linear perspective over here, don’t we? But now, Erik, you said you sort of graduated to a different level, to a new place. How do you, uh, so are there different parts to the afterlife? You said you were in a beautiful place where the grass is purple. Is it that you evolved into that or, uh, well, just tell me how that all works.
Erik: The term “graduation,” meant that I’m just able to perceive and understand more than I did before. I perceive and understand more of what exists, so I’m able to do and create and help more now. That’s because I proved to myself that I have the capability for that. Now, I can be unleashed to other people. It’s like now I’ve tasted the green beans, I know they’re out there, and I opened up my perception to see more.
Me: Ah, unleashed on the unsuspecting public, eh, Erik?
Jamie laughs.
Me: So let’s see. I guess you evolve, and so your thoughts evolve with you?
Erik: Yes, and when your thoughts evolve, the reality you create evolves too. It changes. And so that’s how the hierarchy or structure of the afterlife is created.
Me: Wow. So it’s all about beliefs, perception, opening your perception to more possibilities.
Erik: Yep, exactly.
Me: Anything else you want to say about the afterlife, Erik?
Erik: Oh, we can be on this subject all day, Mom.
Me: Well, since we don’t have all day, can you just give me one more thing?
Erik: Two more things.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Nothing is fixed. Everything is in existence because it’s believed in.
Me: Uh, huh.
Erik: Not because it’s been created by one person.
Me: Okay.
Erik: And the other thing I wanna say is (long pause) you can never be right and you can never be wrong. You can only just be.
Me: Wow, that’s good. Very different from the earthly plane, because here there is always contrast, always duality, always right and wrong, winner and loser. You know what I mean, right?
Erik: Exactly, but that’s why it’s such a great classroom. You have to learn all you can about one side to understand the other. If a portrait has no contrast, I mean zero, it’s just going to look all monochrome and shit. You’re not gonna know who the hell it is in the picture.
Me: Exactly. But you said you evolve more quickly in the afterlife.
Erik: Yeah, I know. But I was talking about how perceptions evolve. Your perceptions evolve really, really fast. Here, you think “green beans” and there they are. So you open your range of perception instantaneously, moment to moment. The earthly plane is where soul growth evolves quickest. Thought doesn’t create reality as quickly, but the duality and the lessons it can teach, that’s some heavy shit. That’s where our souls can have some serious realizations.
Me: So how do parts of the afterlife differ in terms of vibrations or energy?
Erik: Different “areas” of the afterlife are based on different intensities and kinds of energy. I say “area,” but this is really not a two or three-dimensional realm. It’s just that I have to use this to explain it in a way you’ll understand. You can look at it in terms of vibrational levels.
Me: Okay.
Erik: In certain vibrations, your perspective is narrow, and in others, it’s broader.
Me: Okay. So the lower vibration, is that narrower?
Erik: Yes. Like we were talking about atheists or skeptics; they don’t believe anything. They have a narrow vibration; they have a different vibrational Heaven.
Me: Okay. Wow.
Erik: But when they reach out and say, “I can’t believe I had that thought,” or “I wonder where my dog is,” then we have the ability to intrude with another vibrational energy and help that soul perceive that there is more in existence. But we can’t intervene unless we’re somehow invited.
Me: What do you mean, invited?
Erik: They have to open up or raise their vibration level.
Me: That reminds me of how it’s so very difficult for you guys, you spirits, to manifest or communicate when we’re deep in grief.
Erik: Yes! That’s exactly right! When you grieve, your vibrational energy is way too dense for us to get through.
For all of your who grieve as I do, know that as our vibrational energy lifts, the visits will come. They love us so much. I can just see them trying to open up the channels of communication with a huge battering ram. If your loved one hasn’t made contact, believe me, it’s not from lack of trying. Stay tuned tomorrow for more on the Afterlife. And be sure to share, spread the word, help extend the reach to as many as you can. If everyone brings in five more new members, and then they each bring five more into our fold, it’ll do so much to soothe our wounded world.