Hey All, Since Michelle and I are attending Kim O’Neill’s Intensive Angel Boot Camp, I’m going to make this post short. Sure, I’m compulsive, anal, Type A, but I have my little time-saving short cuts. The blogger’s cheat: Let someone else do it for you via a YouTube video. I’ll have to say, however, this...
Kim on Jason and Robert
In an effort to get through as many of the Ask Erik questions as possible for those of you who have been waiting so patiently for the word for word transcript, I skipped an earlier section of my session with Kim O’Neill from September 21st. As I return to that segment, I see that it...
Ask Erik: Robert’s Questions
Friend and blog member, Robert, asks Erik three specific questions. The amount of detail Erik and Kim provide is remarkable. I can definitely come away from the experience feeling highly honored to be in Robert’s life and look forward to all that you and I will surely learn from him. Robert’s Questions Hi Elisa and...
Gimme This Guy’s Guardian Angel!
Blog member, Dan, shared this amazing video which shows that sometimes, it’s just not your time to die. The guardian angels must have been scrambling for this dude! Watch, and don’t forget to breathe. Oh, and to my guardian angels, I’m just kidding. I wouldn’t trade you for the world!
Ask Erik: Amber’s Questions
Amber’s Question Elisa-I came across a blog just as I came upon yours, purely by accident and I am so touched with both blogs. It is about a beautiful baby girl that passed away at 4 1/2 months old to a rare genetic disease, SMARD. I have read her mother’s blog from start to finish...
Think All Psychics Are Frauds? Think Again.
So many skeptics think all psychic mediums are con artists eager to bilk money from the vulnerable and gullible. In my experience, this is not true. Sure, some are unscrupulous frauds, but most are not. Most are gifted in varying degrees, although I’ve yet to meet one with a perfect batting average. Why? First, they’re...
Ask Erik: Brenda’s Questions
Brenda’s Question Hello, I have been visiting your site and have a question for Erik. I am hesitant to put it on the site, because of anyone that might recognize the situation. A family in our town was killed coming back home to Colorado. Mother, father, son and daughter were hit head on from a...
For Those Who Mourn Deeply
Hey All, Blog member, Nancy, shared this YouTube from Victor Zammit’s site. I know how many of you mourn a loss so deeply, that visitations, materializations, signs of their presence, all elude you. Perhaps this short clip will give you hope. Stay tuned for another entry later today.
Scientist Explains Materialization
Jason shared more fascinating information with the Channeling Erik family when he emailed me these YouTube videos of an interview with physicist David A. Ash. I was so impressed by Ash’s view of our reality and that of the “afterlife” that I ordered his book, New Physics of Consciousness. After I finish reading it, I’ll let...
Four Techniques to Develop Etheric Vision
Jason shared this fascinating article on how to visualize things in the spirit word. After the article, please practice, practice, practice and share your results with the rest of our family! 4 Easy Techniques to Develop Etheric Vision Second sight for ghost hunters, healers, and mediums Nov 23 2009 BY RICHELLE HAWKS THE DEVELOPMENT OF...
Ask Erik: James’s Question
James’s Question Elisa, You wanted to know my name and age, it is James and I am 54, born in Sterling, CO. My son is also James, born December of ’87 and he was killed in the Sterling, CO area in an ATV crash. If you would like anything else, please let me know. I...
Intense OMG Moment
Last night was the most amazing night of my life, as spiritual epiphanies go. I’m a very light sleeper and tend to wake up several times during the night. Since grandbaby, Arleen, was spending the night in our room, my sleep was particularly fitful and broken. In the wee hours of the morning, I woke...
Erik’s Appearance
A couple of nights ago, I decided to try a technique that Jason recommended for being able to visualize spirit guides and deceased loved ones. So, a instructed, I focused on a dark corner of the room for, say 30 seconds or so. This was no easy task, because, as usual, other thoughts intruded like,...
Ask Erik: Sam’s Questions
in nearly all age groups. Sam’s story is a perfect example of this common quandary. In this case, Erik functioned more as a taxicab than a messenger in that he brought the deceased forward, but deferred to Sam’s guides for insight. Sam’s Questions Hello Elisa, My wife has found Channeling Erik to be quite profound...
Pat turned me on to this YouTube video of an interview with J. Krishnamurti. I’m ashamed to say I never heard of him, asked my sister from California if she knew him, and she said something like, “Sure, who hasn’t?” Now I know that he is one of the great Masters. So much to learn,...
Ask Erik: Hiro’s Question
Channeling Transcript Me: This next one is from Hiro. Kim: Can you spell his name for me? Me: Yeah, it’s H-I-R-O. And he lives in Dubai, is like 62-63. He is very interested in a young man by the name of Karl Umrigar who died at the age of 19. His mother, Nan Umrigar, is...
Double Trouble
I have two stories to share, both about Erik’s antics. The first: My brother-in-law, Jim, is very fond of a certain shirt of his. Two days ago, he scoured the entire house for it. His wife, Laura, my younger sister, aided in the reconnaissance operation, hunting high and low in every closet and drawer, pawing...
Ask Erik: Elisa P.’s Question
Erik took a back seat to this question, deferring to Elisa P.’s spiritual guides. Later in the day, I plan to post an amazing occurrence: Erik finds yet another blog member to pester! Elisa P.’s Questions I also had a crazy experience while driving in my car that I swear someone was in the car...