A couple of quick but important announcements: It looks like they won’t have to carve on Robert after all. The surgeon thinks it’s a huge hematoma (collection of clotted blood) rather than an abscess. Not sure how this can cause a white cell count of 21,000, but he may come home tomorrow!! I’m concerned that if it is a hematoma, because stagnant collections of any bodily fluids can become an abscess, he’s not totally out of the woods, so keep the Reiki coming!
Second announcement: If you voted for the blog in the 2011 Bloggies and didn’t get a confirmation email, please check your junk/spam mail folder. Apparently this has happened a lot! Your vote doesn’t count if you don’t click on the emailed confirmation URL. Go ahead and do it now. We’ll wait.
(crickets chirping)
Thanks! And now, without no further ado, I’d like to present the amazing channeler extraordinaire, The Magnificent Jaaaassssoooooonnnnnnn!
Barby to Jason
Oh! wow. Let see if I got it. Well I have so many questions. First would like to know if my relatives who are dead have any advice for me.( I have so many dead relatives! ) My name is Yahaira born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in sep 29-76. My grand mother Rita Santos died in 1996. I think was 80 yrs old. I think she s been around me lately sicne my life have changed 360 degrees. Other is my cousin Wilfredy. He died in a car accident feb 09. I could go to the funeral but that was devastating for us for me but I kinda had a vision were I saw him happy playing with clouds and he told me he was happy. Lately have been feeling him also, I think or may be is just my imagination. Sometimes I found my baby girl playing with somebody invisible me and my fiance have seen this. Also he is very sensitive about energy. He also have been feeling spirits, he’s always been like that but is to afraid of digging in. Well let me know if thats enough for you to read me? channel me? I’m practicing channel my angels but I get too impatient. So any message from my angels or relatives is welcome.
Thank you lots.
God bless you and family,
Jason to Barby
Hi Barby, Thanks for writing. Don’t forget to save your questions that do not get answered well enough for later. I am just learning and the questions can be asked again later as well as others. Also we can repost them on the Channeling Erik forums.
Ok. I am sitting at my desk at work. When I think of you and what you wrote:
I see an old lady who’s is very short. She has her hair in a bun with a stick through it to hold the twist. She is wearing a brightly colored floral dress that is very loose. She walks up to you and holds her hands out and pats both of your cheeks with both hands. In quick little pats. Lovingly taps them. She kinda has a large nose. I see blue earings. I smell beans and rice. I see an old stove. She says, “Oh Meha, little child, my flower, you are my angel girl. Our baby is just fine. She has God’s gift and see’s the family. Our baby plays with our family. It is normal and a good thing. Don’t let anyone be scared. There is no such thing as a bad spirit in this house. We are here.” Then I see her move away and look to a child on the floor. There is a short bent man, he has bad teeth but a big smile, and a tall thin man with a hat and loose pants near the child. There is a little girl playing there as well. I cant see any of them clearly. They all look up at me and tell me they are all family and happy. They watch out for you and protect you. They say not to listen to people tell you no. That you are the boss. Always know you have the power not them. That you should briefly write down when you feel them and the day. Just on a scrap of paper. So that the next time it happens you can say, oh, I see, it happend last time too. Then you can see when things happen. Your imagination is as real as you want it to be. If yo deny your heritage then you deny them. Your family has always known and loved their angels and loved ones. Don’t hide yourself in doubt. There is only love and it is family. We are an old family and we take care of ourselves. Look for us, say hello, thank you and I love you and you will feel us. We love you.
**From Jason. Ok, that’s all I get right now. I don’t hear anything from Erik right now about you. I hear the key is about trusting in your spirit family and angels. And not being afraid. To thank them and know they are there. They will help you but you have to ask them from a non selfish view. I will save this email meditate and try again this weekend. If I get anything more I’ll let you know. I’ll also post it online for you.
Barby to Jason
Thank you so so so much Jason. I love my grand mother so much. As a child I’d perform for my little sisters and my grandmother Rita which is the one you see with a floral dress. She was such of good cooker. I loved her food. My mother always tells me, “you got that from your father’s mother” referring to my 6th sense or so called premonitions and curiosity of digging in the spirit world. For a period of time I thought my daughter was my grandmother’s reincarnation but then I kinda figured out that not, she wasn’t cause I still feel her, my grandma. The other child might be one of my abortions? THAT’S SOMETHING I REGRET AND NOW I FEEL LIKE HAVING MANY KIDS TO LOVE ‘EM VERY MUCH. My grandpa is tall with the hat which is Rita’s husband and he died when I was very little… the short one is my uncle Jan, he was such of loving person, died due to multiples wounds cause got hit by a car that we never got to know who. Or my cousin Oaimy who also died in a car accident almost ten years ago or I don’t know since have so many many dead cousin in car or motorcycle accidents and friends too. Uff I really have to sit down and focus on specificity questions. Some time I feel I failed to my grandma since I haven’t try harder to get my dream career going. (That is acting). She was my biggest fan I remember she would sit and clap at my shows .:).. Happy memories. One time I visited Cuba back in 2003 and they told me “all of your dead relatives want you to achieve your goals, they all are helping you”… Well I just can thank you enough for doing this. I want to get a reading from a medium but have no money for it, so I really appreciate this from you. God bless you.
Jason to Barby
You’re welcome. I promise to check again later. Like I said I am in training and I’d like to see if Erik is available later for more information or visions. The only other vision I got was upon reading your reply your grandmother walked up and took my hands in hers and patted them. She looked me up and down in silence and then sniffed and nodded. And then said, “You look hungry, come eat”. And then she walked to a table with a white cloth on it.
Lots of love and light,
By the way, yesterday, while I was visiting Robert, I felt Erik messing with my hair. I said, “Erik is touching my head!” Robert replies with, “He’s tickling you!” Later on that day, here’s an email I received from Jason:
Jason’s Email
BE ON THE LOOKOUT!!! Erik has learned to actually tickle!
Robert and I were talking about this a few weeks ago, but it happened again last night.
Last night after channeling a long letter to a CE member Wishbone, Erik kept messing with my hair and ear. Then I told him to quit tickeling me! AND then I FELT his energy grab my sides and it tickled my ribs under my arms! Then he went for my feet. I was trying sooo hard to keep a serious face and told him, “No, I can’t feel anything,” so he kept trying harder and tried so hard I actually felt pressure on my feet and then jerked them in freakout mode! He then flopped on the bed laughing.
Last thing: Do you guys want me to post The Afterlife Investigation video? It’s an hour and a half long. I posted it on Facebook, but some of you guys might be in the Dark Ages still (LOL) and not have a Facebook account.