Channeling Transcript
Jeannie: And Erik is here.
Me: Oh, good. Hi, Sweetie! Got a birthday coming up!
Erik: Hi Mom. I’ve just got to tell you about the things that have been happening to me. It’s just so amazing! I’m learning, um, a lot! And you know I get to see you. I guess I just never realized how wonderful you really, really were, but when I see here are the things that you juggle and the things that you do and how much you loved me, it just does me good. I appreciate you so much more. I’ve kinda moved up to a different place here. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like a higher, uh, kind of like being in school and you graduate and move up to the next grade. That’s kind of what it feels like.
Me: What does it look like there?
Erik: The grass here is purple, and it’s so beautiful. There’s flowers everywhere and you hear music all the time. They tell me that music is the link between Heaven and Earth. It’s vibrational. It’s so cool, Mom, all the information that you get from here, and it makes so much fucking sense. You know, when I was there with you, things didn’t make sense to me: the people and their problems, the wars and all of that disharmony—it just didn’t make any sense. There were so many contradictions—people saying one thing and doing another. But up here, it’s so different. It’s actually very beautiful. There are others here that I see, and there are even animals. Do you know that can talk to animals here
Me: Oh, boy, that’s wonderful, Baby!
Erik: Yeah, and I sure do love that. I know with your work you’ve seen, uh, death. So I’m hoping that this helps you, you know, my explanation of what it’s like here. I can just say it’s the coolest thing! There are places here, like big coliseums where you can go, and there’s music! There’s love everywhere. And you know the old saying that love heals everything? Of course I’ve heard that when I lived there, but I see now how true that really is. If you have any questions, I can answer them. Isn’t this great, Mom? I’m now the one who can help you! You tried so hard to help me for so long.
Me: Yes, and I’m so grateful to you for all your help, Erik. I guess the first questions is this. I have conflicting feelings over whether this was your destiny or not. Something tells me that maybe it was, because you’re accomplishing so much now. I know this doesn’t necessarily mean it was your destiny, but was this your destiny, Erik? Were you destined to die the way you did to achieve what you’re doing now? Was your suicide part of a spiritual contract?
Erik: It wasn’t. I could have done a lot if I had stayed, but I just couldn’t do it, Mom. I just couldn’t do it. I just got confused and lost. I forgot what my destiny was.
Me: Well what was your spiritual contract, Erik? What were you to do here on the earthly plane?
Erik: They tell me that I was a teacher and that I would have done work with children. Not little ones, but older kids. I had music and I was creative.
This is interesting, because when Erik was little, Kim told me his destiny was to teach children.
Me: But I can’t imagine you accomplishing more here than you are right now! It’s like you’ve turned this into an opportunity to, uh, to be of even more service.
Erik: And that’s the way it is. I’m so grateful to be given a second chance, and that’s what this is, you know. I can truly accomplish more from where I sit, or that’s what I see. But again, I have choices. I had a choice once I got here to turn this into something beautiful.
Me: And you did! I knew you would! I knew it!
Erik: You always, Mom, believed in me more than I believed in myself. I just wished I had appreciated you more and saw who you were.
Me: Don’t be so hard on yourself, Sweetie. What kid does? I don’t want you to beat yourself up about that, Erik. Seriously, what kid sees their parents for who they really are? Most of them can’t even see themselves for who they really are. The human experience is an illusion that confuses the best of us.
Erik (laughing): Oh, now that shit I DO get! That is so true.
Me: So, Erik, how have you been making your presence known to us?
Erik: I’ve come in your dreams, as you know. And the music?
Me: Yeah. (In an earlier post, I mentioned the weird music coming from near the radio, but the radio was off.)
Erik: Yeah, the songs you thought were from the radio, but they weren’t? Oh, and that kind of buzzing that you feel. That’s me. It’s kinda cool, you know—that noise or that vibration that comes with me. It’s hard for me to get used to. I like it, but it’s still amazing to me. Sometimes you wake up and there’s kind of a buzzing or humming noise.
Me: Okay.
Erik: It’s not always musical, but that’s part of it sometimes. Plus, I like to mess with electrical shit. You know that.
Me: Oh, yeah! Sure do! Well, sometimes I feel goosebumps really strongly on one part of my body. It’s really intense. Or sometimes I feel vibrations on one of my fingers.
Erik: Yep, that’s me! I’m hoping that I can learn to come in a much gentler way so that we can speak like we are now, just the two of us.
Me: Yeah, oh, that’d be so wonderful. And I hope that I’m helping you by sending you love and by trying to have conversations with you, but I get so distracted, it’s hard for me to practice it. So, how often do you come to visit? I mean, do you come every day, or—I know time is different there, but…
Erik: It is different, but I’m there often. That’s the other thing that’s so great, Mom. I can just kind of go. It’s just a thought and I’m there! So I can jump from one place to the next, but my heart, my heart, of course is with you—you guys. So I come home a lot.
Me: Aw, I can’t wait to be with you, to see you. When is that going to happen. I’m not afraid to die, I just wanna know when I’m destined to go. When is my contract up?
Erik: They’re telling me that it’s not for me to know. But they’re also saying it’s going to be a while.
Not sure what “a while” means but I know I have work yet to do here: children to raise, kids to marry off, grandchildren to spoil, and people to annoy, so you guys might be stuck with me for who knows how long. I guess I’ll make the very best of it!