Back in February, I shared with you a lucid dream that a young lady named Mariana had about Erik. Let me refresh your memory with a bit of backstory. Mariana is essentially part of our family, because I tutored her in English throughout grade school. In order to accelerate her grasp of the language, I had her come home with us every day when I picked my own kids up from school. That way, she had the opportunity to receive help with her homework and to socialize with 5 other kids.
Erik was particularly fond of Mariana, probably because they were so close in age. As soon as he had his first set of wheels, he was eager to spend time with her just to “hang out.” Their relationship has always been entirely platonic and sweet, although I’m sure she wouldn’t have to break his arm to take it to the next level.
Mariana was, of course, particularly devastated by Erik’s death and often wished she had spent even more time with him, as many of his other friends also wished. For her, losing him was like losing a beloved brother. She often visits his grave, cleans his tomb marker, leaves him little gifts and talks to him. One day, she asked me, “Do you think Erik knows when I come and sit with him in the cemetery?” I told her that I was certain he did, but I promised to ask him at the next channeling session. I don’t believe I’ve ever posted that part of the channeling transcript, but to paraphrase, Erik told me to tell Mariana that he’s there every time she visits. He also said he thought it was “weird” that she treats her visits as such a somber, meditative experience, because, after all, he’s not really there in the ground. But he doesn’t want her to be there alone, and sits with her until she’s finished with the visit. I relayed this information to Mariana, and it seemed to comfort her greatly.
A couple of days ago, I received the following email from her. I could feel the enthusiasm and excitement in every word.
Hey Mrs. Medhus!
I just got home from visiting Erik and I HAD to share this with you right away. Just a few minutes ago I was driving around and I decided to go visit Erik since it’s such a beautiful day. After cleaning his grave and talking to him I went to my car and sat there. I begged him to give him some sort of sign to let me know that he was there with me.. but nothing. As I drove off I turned it on one of his favorite radio stations 94.5 The Buzz and told him to play a song for me to let me know that he was with me. Another song was playing but I didn’t put much attention. I don’t really know how to put this in words, but I was thinking of one song that I wanted him to play. It’s a song by Blink 182 called Miss you. Sure enough after that song was over, Blink 182 started playing. My heart just stopped, and I was SERIOUSLY in shock. I cried tears of joy… he made me so happy 🙂
Just wanted to share that with you! Take care, and I love you.
Mariana P.
Clearly, Erik, other deceased loved ones and guides are always going to be there for us. We’re never alone. This is nice to remember when we feel lonely, unloved and small.