You guys are going to get a kick out of this one. I think Erik really loves talking about Sasquatch. He might be a little jealous, though, because Erik’s feet were tiny. He wore a size seven if that. Kind of reminds me of those little Japanese women who bind their feet. You’ll notice that…
Stonehenge Revealed
One of the coolest things about being dead (yes, I said it.) is that all you find out the answers to all of the great mysteries of the world. I’ll post these little by little so we can know what the world doesn’t. Today, Erik presents his knowledge about Stonehenge. Me: Let’s talk about Stonehenge,…
Yay, Sex is Eternal!
This has got to be one of the funniest sessions ever! Prepare to laugh your ass off. Me: Okay. Do souls fall in love the same way we do? Erik: Not exactly. We don’t have courtship, berceuse when you’re getting to know a new soul; you’re completely vulnerable energetically. Your story is vulnerable. Past lives,…
Genders in Heaven
Here’s the transcript on how genders work in the Spirit Realm. If you have plenty of time, you can watch the YouTube of it instead! YouTube Link Me: Does it matter what gender you are there? Erik: No! Me: Is your soul gendered the same throughout all of your incarnations? Erik (laughing): No! Me: Well,…
Erik’s First Online Class
I’m so excited! I just joined Erik’s first online appearance for Saturday, May 18th. It’s a 90 minute event where Erik talks through Jamie for 45 minutes followed by your chance to interact with him for 45 minutes. I can’t wait to join you guys for the fun. It’s only $20 and well worth that…
So Many Dimensions, Nowhere to Go
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Ours was pretty stormy other than Sunday. Hail, drenching rain, lightening and high winds. So cozy! Me: If we were in the 4th dimension, 3rd dimensional density level, and are now entering the 5th dimension, 4th dimensional density level—I don’t exactly know what this reader means by dimensional…
Channeling Adolf Hitler, Part Three
As I type this my little Yorkie is looking up at my empty stairwell growling and barking. When I put her down from the couch onto the floor, she goes to the stairwell and stares up. Then, she’ll run around like she’s chasing someone–Erik? Sigh. I’ll never get any work done as long as you’re…
Walk-Ins and Destiny, Part Three
If you guys haven’t listened to the Jesus YouTube (or even if you have), go to 26:30 right after I ask Jesus if he has reincarnated. You can hear him say, “Yes.” Then at 33:07, you can here a voice say something like, “You gotta give him some respect” or “Depending on your perspective” right…
Jamie and Erik
I think one of the things I enjoy most about these channeling sessions is the banter between Jamie and Erik. Jamie, being the gullible, naive girl she often is, sets herself up for Erik’s relentless teasing and raunchy jokes. One day it made me think, ‘What does Erik really think about Jamie?’ Me: Erik, you…
Channeling Mother Teresa, Part Four
I noticed we’ve been getting TONS of new users over the past week. Where are you coming from, guys? An article? A blog? A website? Come clean! Enjoy part four of this fascinating interview series. What I love about this particular interview is that it has stimulated such interesting discussion, and, for me, this has…
Past and Future Shake Hands
Mark your calendars! Tuesday, March 5th, Erik and Jamie will have their monthly appearance on The Sean and Jen show from Soul Path Insights Radio. For those new to Channeling Erik, this is a national radio show aired on Transformation Talk Radio and WLBQ 1230. The hosts, Jennifer and Sean, will interview Erik through Jamie…
Grounding to Mother Earth
Many of you have noticed the world going a little mad around us. They shootings, the road rage, the anxiety and depression, It seems like so many people are on edge. As the Earth’s magnetic poles shift, her energy changes, too. Since everything IS energy, humans notwithstanding, our energy touches that of Mother Earth’s and…
Erik’s Third Sean and Jen Show
I’m pleased to announce the third in the monthly series of Erik and Jamie appearance on The Sean and Jen show from Soul Path Insights Radio. For those new to Channeling Erik, this is a national radio show aired on Transformation Talk Radio and WLBQ 1230. The hosts, Jennifer and Sean, will interview Erik through…
Conference Call and Important Dates
Yesterday’s small group channeling conference call was a big hit other than some technical glitches, some of which were actually hilarious. Click on the link below and it will download to your desktop. As you listen, you will see that much of the wisdom that Erik shares to each individual can apply to your own…
Jamie Trance Channeling Grace
Before we begin today’s exciting topic, I want to share a couple of stories. The other day I was sitting outside with my sister, Laura, reminiscing about our mother who died this past summer. A few months ago, blog member and medium, Robert, told us that she would come to visit us as a butterfly….
Channeling Practice With Erik and Conference Call Download
Thanks, Substitute teacher, for the AWESOME post today. I’m just a tag-a-long mostly because the callers for Thursday’s conference call eagerly await the download link for the recording which I have at the end of the post. Before we start, I’d like to ask you all to email me if you’re going to the San…
Infant Feticide
OMG peeps!! I just received your gifts: a beautiful heart chakra necklace and a gift card! I don’t know what to say. I’m overcome with joy. I didn’t realize I was so loved. I really didn’t. While I was trying to read the letters through my tears, I thought my heart would burst from the…
Channeling Gautama Buddha, Grand Finale
A couple of housekeeping issues: Jamie still has some openings for the Channeling Erik event in San Diego November 9th, 10th and 11th. There’s a chance that a documentary film maker will be there filming an interview with the group, so that adds to the excitement. If you’re on the fence, take the leap. Give…
A River Runs Through It
Me: Okay, here’s a long one from a reader. Let me see if I can encapsulate it. “One thing that I’ve yet to understand through this now is the time we look inside for everything, into the heart, as externally is where the things we cannot control are. So, if our focus is internally, in…
Channeling Gautama Buddha, Part Five
Blog member, Amber, brought to my attention that the “Browse the Archives” button wasn’t working! I checked my plugins and found that and other ones were deactivated for some reason. These included the comment and socializer buttons. So, newbies, you can search the archives two ways: Use the “Browse the Archives” button or the “Start…
Channeling Gautama Buddha, Part Four
We’re not finished with Buddha by a long shot, peeps. He’s just so chock-full of such awe-inspiring wisdom. I can’t tell you how deeply even I, on the other side of the computer screen video Skyping, felt his enormous energy coming through. When Jamie allows me to make public the interview YouTube, I think you’ll…
Mercury Retrograde and Fear vs. Intuition
Today we have a hodgepodge of topics, because they’re kind of short. I didn’t want you guys to feel ripped off. In the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking of ways to help Jamie reach the next level as well as help Channeling Erik reach a broader audience. Therefore, we’re considering video-skyping all future channeling…
Painful Deaths, Comas, and Other Cheery Subjects
Before we start, I have some good news to brighten your day. An anonymous Channeling Erik member would like to pay for the sessions for three blog members who would like to be a part of the grieving parents channeling conference call but are unable to afford the $45 fee. If you struggle financially and…
Heaven’s Dollar Menu
Paul was so very touched by all of your heartfelt comments from yesterday’s post. He did want to say that the link I provided for his artwork was not functioning, so I changed it in that entry. It’s As for the San Diego event, I want to thank everyone for their patience! Jamie’s assistant, Weedie,…