The Afterlife Investigations Elisa MedhusJuly 2, 2011in Afterlife, belief, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Consciousness, Contact with the dead, Immortality, Life After Death, Multiple dimensions, Orbs, Physical Manifestation, Pranks from spirits, Proof in the spirit world, Proof of the Afterlife, Scole Experiments, Skepticism, Skeptics, Spirit visitation, Spirits and electrical appliances, Spirits and radios, Spirits and telephones, Spirits moving objects, Spirits working with Energy, Spiritual presence, The Physics of Consciousness, The Physics of Heaven, The Physics of Thought The party for the West Coast Channeling Erik family is in just a few hours. Wish you all were here, but do enjoy your July 4th weekend. I’ll try to take videos or photographs! Please Share:TweetRedditEmailShare on TumblrPrintLike this:Like Loading... Related Afterlife Communication with spirits Consciousness Immortality Life After Death Materializations Orbs Physical Manifestation Proof in the spirit world Proof of the Afterlife Scole Experiments Skepticism Skeptics Spirits moving objects Spirits Using Energy