
Interview with God, Part Two

Interview with God, Part Two

Ready for another jaw-dropping interview with the Man/Woman His/Her-self? GOD? But wait, I have some things to share first. I’m so excited that Lauren Laundis is coming to stay at my house. She was one of the attendees at the October Channeling Erik event, and she and our family connected strongly. Of course there were…

Interview with God,Part One

Interview with God,Part One

I had so much to ask God that it took two full hours, every bit of it absolutely fascinating. But before we go on to that (sorry to cut in front of you, God,) I have some other announcements.  Yesterday, I had a session with Sri Swami about Christopher Columbus, and the information I received…

Erik Shares What He Knows About God

Erik Shares What He Knows About God

Love this one!  Also, don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show TONIGHT at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET. Tonight, along with Erik, of course, we have energy reader and healer, Ryan Adragna and medium, Denise Ramon. The topic: How to heal from betrayal. After that, Jennifer will channel Erik as he answers questions from…

Erik on God, Part Four

Erik on God, Part Four

Enjoy the last of the series on God! If you prefer the video version, it’s at the end of the post. Also, don’t forget tomorrow at 7 PM CT is Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show. Call 619-639-4606 15 minutes prior to talk to Erik. http://goo.gl/aFHTzJ Erik: Will God ever die? No. It’s infinite. Life…

Erik on God, Part Three

Erik on God, Part Three

Oh my god, peeps, I’ve been having a puppy party every day! My daughter, Kristina, has been bringing her two dogs over since they’re painting the cabinets in their new house and the fumes are pretty strong. Every time I take them outside to pee, it looks like a freaking clown car let out! Here…

Erik on God, Part Two

Erik on God, Part Two

I’m so grateful to all of you who have volunteered to help me with the transcriptions! I’m working on my guilt feelings about being an imposition, but all of you have said you’re happy to do it, and that makes me feel a lot better. If you want to be added to the list, email…

Erik on God, Part One

Erik on God, Part One

Okay, I’ve decided to accept generous offers for help transcribing. So many people need to read the blog rather than watch its videos and I want to honor that. I’d like to create a volunteer transcription pool, so if you guys who are willing to transcribe can let me know by emailing me at emedhus@gmail.com,…

More on God and Religion

More on God and Religion

Here’s a three-part series on God and religion.  Me: What does God look like and how was He or She created? I think we’ve asked this before, but a blog member wants to know or maybe just needs clarification. Erik: What does God look like? God is energy and can present itself to you anyway…

God and Ants

God and Ants

I want to thank everyone for supporting Erik. He was crazy happy in our session day before yesterday, and he said it’s all because of how you guys are loving his book, writing reviews and spreading the word. A number of people who aren’t even blog members have been pranked by him, and so far…

God, Part Two

God, Part Two

I’m doing the coolest experiment as a vlog, y’all! I have three glass jars, each filled with a little rice that’s then covered with water. Every day for a month, I’m going to say, ‘Thank you’ to jar #1, ‘You’re an idiot!’ to jar #2 (I always feel really bad when I do that one.)…

What is God? Part One

What is God? Part One

Today, I’m taking care of my grand daughter, Arleen. I wasn’t expecting to, but Michelle’s babysitting plans fell through. That means I won’t be able to do as much of my usual work because I need that important time for playing Magical Forest, Doggie Fashion Show and other adventures and extravaganzas. Today is the beginning…

Best of Erik: What Does God Look Like

Best of Erik: What Does God Look Like

Before we begin this post, I’d like to reiterate a concern of mine. Many blog members seem to have elevated Erik to the status of a quasi-deity and this idol worship makes Erik and me very uncomfortable. First, it creates this disconnect, making him seem less approachable and more detached from us as you’d expect…

Channeling Mother Teresa, Part One

Channeling Mother Teresa, Part One

After completing the interview with Mother Teresa, I was left feeling very conflicted about her. My conclusion was that here is a woman who everyone idolized to sacrosanct levels, yet she was very much human. What surprised me is that she seemed interject her ego, at times. I know we’ve already done many of these…

Life is a Paddleball Game

Life is a Paddleball Game

For those of you who weren’t able to listen to the radio show yesterday, it was amazing. Erik was in fine form, the callers asked wonderful questions and Jamie, as always, was her usual gifted self, a wide open, filter free channel. No worries, though, because when the hosts have the mp3 file available, I’ll…

What Does God Look Like?

What Does God Look Like?

I’m so very impressed by the number of thought provoking questions that have been submitted for Erik to answer. The list is very long now, so if you are one of the ones who has asked questions, I promise I’ll get to them. I just hope you’re patient! That said, I’m still open to more…

Channeling Leonardo da Vinci, Part Three

Channeling Leonardo da Vinci, Part Three

Enjoy the next to the last segment of Leo! Me: What were you here to learn? Leonardo: I was here to learn how to take direction from myself—not from my mother, not from my father, not from my sponsoring artist, not from money, not form politics, not from kings and queens, and not—especially not—from God!…

Human Suffering and Parallel Lives

Human Suffering and Parallel Lives

Me: Erik, if you said that we’re never given more than we can handle—that we will only attract what we can handle. So, why do people suffer so much and some to the point of suicide? Erik: Well, what they don’t take into account is that other people also have free will and can mess…

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