Here are some dates Jamie has provide us for a fantastic Atlanta Channeling Erik Family Reunion (or Union):
May 13th, 14th and 15th
June 17th, 18th and 19th
June 24th, 25th, and 26th
Let me know which ones are good for you. A head count would be nice. Plus, we’re going to plan a Fall trip as well for those who can’t make it in the spring/summer. I’m still waiting on the details of the program she’s going to provide, too. Steve, you can probably give us cheap hotel/motel tips, right?
Channeling Transcript
Me: If there is no time where you are, Erik, am I watching myself live this life and occasionally toss things into my spiritual contract, these choices I’m making, or is everything planned out before I incarnate? I know that while I’m in the physical, my free will and the free will of others can cause changes, but can the self that is me living in the afterlife makes changes to my incarnate self too? I know we have multiple selves living multiple lives in multiple pasts, presents and futures in multiple possible dimensions, but can we actually guide ourselves? Can we influence the different selves that comprises us?
Erik: Yes!
Me: Oh wow! Cool!
Jamie: I’ve only met one in—oh my god, coming up soon, I will have been doing this publicly for 20 years—but I’ve only met one in those twenty years, and that was last year. He walked in, and I saw one of his other selves come in behind him.
I gasp.
Jamie: I looked at him with—I was so taken aback!
Me: So one was a spiritual entity from the afterlife?
Jamie: Yep. Looked just alike. It wasn’t a twin in the womb thing—nothing like that. And the spirit explained that he was a division of self there to guide himself.
Me: Amazing!
Jamie: And I was like, ‘Yep, I’ve heard of that.’
Me: Wow, so tell me more about that, Erik. What can happen, and how does that work?
Erik: The real question, Mom, is what CAN’T happen!
Me: Yeah, I guess you’re right. That’s true.
Jamie: And a moment ago, he was talking about pushing the cat over. Plop!
Me: Oh, really? Because Lukas’ cat, Ringo, has been standing at the door to my office, and I saw him through the glass just suddenly fall over on his side! How funny!
Jamie giggles.
Me: So you can be there with Jamie, and you can do things here where I am, too.
Erik: Yep. That’s just another example of division of self. The possibilities are endless!
Me: Hm! Can you be an incarnate and meet another one of your incarnate selves?
Erik: Sure!
Me: So all bets are off; anything is possible?
Erik: Right. You can meet one of your other selves, but that’s not, um, that’s not a common thing. You know, we don’t often plan for things to be that way.
Me: Okay.
Erik: And if it does happen, it’s to have certain learning experiences. But yeah, any one of your other selves can guide or upload information to another self. You do it a lot when you’re dreaming even.
Me: Too cool. Now I’m going to see if you have nay more information on this one. How do senses and emotions evolve while you’re in the afterlife—or do they? I know that beliefs and vibrations can evolve, but let’s talk about senses first—like taste and touch and all the others.
Jamie: He just waves his hand over his head like, “Whoa, up to here!”
Erik: They just come ALIVE! It’s like somebody put electricity through them.
Me: Hm!
Erik: You know, I’ve been told we can have those same feelings in the human body, but I guess it’s just so dead from the way that we treat it and feed it, that we don’t have that same electrifying feeling when we go through emotional and perceptual sensations. But that’s how it feels. You absorb everything, everything within!
Me: Well, have your senses evolved or changed in any way since your death? I mean, I know there are changes from the point of incarnate to discarnate, but—
Jamie starts giggling wildly.
Me: Oh, okay, go ahead!
Jamie: He goes, “Yes, I’m very much catlike,” and he whips his hair around!
Jamie and I both laugh.
Erik (with mock tone of mystery and self-importance): Yes, I have catlike senses! I can see in the dark and everything!
I giggle at his silliness.
Erik: Yeah, my senses ARE heightened, because I can tell when people are thinking of me. That’s one of the things you gain—that telepathic sense—not just words in the head, but emotions too. You gain this emotional telepathy.
Me: Okay.
Erik: So if you’re thinking about a happy thought of us, of you and me together, I feel it, and then I know what the thought is.
Me: Hm! Now does—
Erik: That’s the pinpoint where we talk about the instant messaging we can do over here.
Me: Yeah, yeah, and I bet you have unlimited minutes on your plan, huh? So, have your senses further evolved in, say, the last year since you crossed over into the afterlife, or does the only big change occur at the point of transitioning to Home?
Erik: Well, the biggest change does occur right when you leave the body. That’s the biggest shock. But, beyond that, there are little tweaks here and there—you expand your senses, your emotions and accept that expansion by opening your awareness and raising your vibrational level.