What I’m about to share today is probably the most amazing Channeling Erik experience yet. First let me begin by saying that Erik announced some happy news during my last channeling session with Jeannie Barnes. He says he’s been moved to a higher level! I suppose the work we all do together with him has really helped his soul progress rapidly. I will post the details of this in the future, but in a nutshell, he says it’s like graduating from a class in school and advancing to the next level. Erik says, “It’s so cool, Mom. The grass is purple here! There are flowers everywhere! It’s so beautiful.” I could go on and on about his description of the wondrous surroundings he is in now as well as what and who is available to him, but that’s an entire entry unto itself.
Since his graduation, Erik has taken at the very least two young men under his wing: Jason and Robert. Jason is from Minnesota and Robert is from Pearland here in Texas. Both are very sweet souls who know nothing about one another, yet share the same stories about Erik’s escapades with them. I only share Jason’s experiences, because they’re in email format while Robert’s were relayed to me over the phone. In both cases, Erik seems to have befriended them. He offers advice, teases them playfully, and basically “haunts” them around the clock. Fortunately, they’ve both become quite fond of Erik and enjoy his antics immensely. I’m sure eventually, however, all this will get a little old.
I believe what we see here is an amazing opportunity. Robert, Jason, Damien (the guy in Ireland who conveyed his visit with Erik) and perhaps others is not short of a miraculous phenomenon that could garner the attention of the media when the time is right for a more broad-based spiritual awakening. If Oprah or other’s in the public eye got wind of “Erik’s World Tour” and brought it to worldwide attention, can you imagine the number of people that could be helped? Can you imagine the number of eyes and hearts that could be pried ajar, at least a sliver? If everyone who had an “Erik Story” shared it with Oprah’s producers through this link: http://www.oprah.com/contact_us.html, we might have a chance to do so much to help a world in great need.
Enjoy this astonishing and hilarious email exchange between Jason and I and tell me what you think. Please excuse all typos and grammatical errors. I have my grandbaby today and, well, you know…
Jason’s Email
I really hesitate to show you this because… well, I am just not sure if what happened was real or not or in my mind. Also, I do not want to give you false hope, mislead you or upset you in ANY way. I don’t know if anything will even happen again. But, I just read in you last blog posting that you are having daily communication with Erik. (I am still reading Aug.). So then, after I read that, a voice said go for it.
The following actually happened right after I emailed you the first time.
Again, please, please forgive me if you think this is improper and false, I mean no disrespect.
Ok. This is today’s journal entry below: (But I’ve not- and am not posting it until I get more conformation, or if you say- no. I am leaving town for the weekend so I’ve got a few days to see if any other communication or even lucid dreaming happens. I’ll let you know. I promise not to post it without your consent. After all it may be all in my head. And nothing else may happen… I am so scared and nervous that I may be wrong. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.)
– not too much to report on beyond the ‘usual’. Still my guides are working with me on issues. Lately they’ve become the ‘marching band’ for keeping me on track. Lots and lots of mental and physical reminders. For example; Ever had someone drum their fingers on your head? Remember your mom trying to get you to do something… well, then I am sure you can imagine; except, this is discarnate spirits doing it. And, I will say, it’s working. Along with this– this week; I’ve had better clarity with mental image projection/sharing from my guides. Before, other than telepathy and feelings, imagery only came in flashes in my minds eye.
**Ok, now for the next experience. I am not sure if I am imaging it– as in projecting wishful thinking,– or just delusional or if it’s real. I suspect it’s real… But, I am totally willing to be mistaken. I’ve never actually telepathically channeled anyone other than my guides before! I mean, I am not really sure what to think. I am waiting a few days to see if anything else happens.
So in my “musings of the unknown” section I mentioned a blog called ‘Channeling Erik’. Well, since reading it, I think Erik came to me. This morning actually…
I was feeling very touched and moved by the blog and wanted to thank him and his family for sharing. See, I got a lot tips on communication from them about mediumship/guides etc., as well as a lot of other things.
So I fired off an email of thanks to his mom, not really expecting any reply. When all of a sudden, the mental image of an attractive young man bursts through this etheric cloud. He kept flashing between an image of his face with messy hair and a full body shot, as if he was stepping though the hole in the cloud—laughing-grinning saying, “dude it’s no big deal, no worries.”
I was kinda taken aback in shock. He then started kinda mimicking George and danced around me taking what appeared to be delight in startling me.
He then turned to me pointed behind him irreverently and said, “They, (my guides) want you to get back to work.”
I was kinda floored and asked Roger, “Is this real? Is he really there?” Roger just said, “He does what he wants”–and then flopped his arm out in resignation. Lydia just rolled her eyes. And George appeared to be having a snickering fit.
Then; this spirit that looked like the guy in the “Erik photo” projected his face out in my minds eye and said, “boo!” and then started laughing. Then next he said, “No, really it’s me, you’ll see.”
I thought, “What?!” I looked at Roger and Lydia in my minds eye, Lydia said, “Well, you wanted more signs didn’t you? Just because he’s here doesn’t mean you don’t have to keep your promise to us”. And then she leaned back in a corner as if to give Erik the full stage.
Oh, I got to tell you this happened today from 10am -11:30ish. Some of it while on the bus! I was trying so hard not to laugh or look askew in front of strangers! I kept saying, “No, I don’t believe this, ” and Erik would pop his head back out from the etheric cloud and say, “you’ll see.” “I am now stuck on you like glue.” He even stuck his tongue out at me! laughing and snickering fading in and out. What does that mean?!
What was also shocking was how easy communication was with him and how loud and irreverent he is. In fact I don’t even feel comfortable repeating it all on this web page, ’cause I am kinda embarrassed. OMG, he is such a chatter box!
**Ok, Elisa, if your reading this. I really hesitate to even guess if this experience is real or not. It started, because I was mentally looking at his photo and trying to ‘project’ feelings of thanks. And then.– Whoosh, I get this mental image; and off and on brief conversation in my head. I have a nagging suspicion that I might be in for some lucid dreaming. I’ll let you know if I do.
Roger, as well as most of the reading out there, says that on the other side, thought is part of the energy that emanates from God that connects every living thing. To think of it like a 3 dimensional rapidograph drawing (that drawing toy) -circles within circles -that is in constant motion. Every living thing is connected by a line, by a joining, AND at the same time by layer after layer of superimposed dimensions that criss-cross beyond human understanding. All it takes to interact with these connections is the power of thought. While this is a greatly oversimplified model of the universe and of little meaning, it can be used to illustrate all of our interconnections. Because I was thinking of them while having a strong emotional response, my thought was greatly amplified, thus allowing for instant clear communication, kind of like giving him a extra energy boost to come through.
Oh, he just told me to get back to work cause he can’t keep doing this. And then he took off laughing. Apparently he likes loud popping sounds to announce his arrival and departure? Did I imagine that?? Or was he just being dramatic?
P.S. 2:30pm. I’ve postponed posting this, because I am totally unsure if it was real or not. Kinda waiting on anything else to confirm.
My Response
I love this!!!! This sounds so like Erik. He guffaws when he laughs, sometimes throws his head back, uses the kind of lingo you refer to and he’s a real chatter box and can be hyper at times. Actually, another guy, Robert, has contacted me with this same story. Now, Erik hangs out a lot with him and they tease each other in a playful but loving way. He loves surprising people, playing pranks, but he is absolutely harmless and sweet. He used to pop out of nowhere and scare his sisters even when he was here on the earthly plane. If he’s with you, this means he thinks you need his help and he’s probably taking you and Robert under his wing.
Who are George, Lydia and Roger?
Anyway, he obviously has taken a liking to you. If you want him to leave you alone, he will. He’s a very compliant and sweet spirit and can give some serious advice if you need it. Usually, he gets information from higher level guides and delivers it, but he’s also give his own perspective at times.
I hope you enjoy it! Can I post this or do you want to share this as a comment? I think it might bring others who have lost their children a great deal of comfort.
Your email has filled me with joy. I love seeing my baby boy happy and playful!
Jason’s Email
Oh! I am so glad you are OK with this, I was actually shaking so much reading your email on my phone that I had to go turn on my computer so I could read. So much has been going on today I feel like I don’t even know where or how to start.
Erik is so unlike my guides I’ve met so far. Those would be Roger (my spirit guide), George (a spirit who appears to me as a child, who is Rogers student. he is learning from both of us), and Lydia ( a recently revealed to me-a teacher), and my paternal grandparents. They are the only ones I’ve ever had telepathic communication with until Erik. I’ve encountered ‘others’ but not with speech. And those others were a part of lessons, not people to communicate with. That’s why when Erik showed up I was so surprised so shocked. I totally doubted it, over and over again. I agonized whether or not to write to you. I sat at my desk with the email open for the better part of the afternoon. It was a last minute decision to hit send as I ran off to the bus stop. Erik kept saying over and over again, “just send it, she’ll be cool!” But I kept replying that I’d be mortified if I was wrong. Of course that only solicited huffs, groans, and eye rolling from the peanut gallery! I tried to get him to give me a stronger physical sign as to whether or not I should send it to you. He said he needed to save his energy for you.
It was Roger my guide who convinced me to send it. As in the past he basically said; “There comes a time, when you have to just surrender to God, trust in yourself, trust in your spirit team. If you’re wrong, you figure out what you should learn; if you’re right you enrich yourself and others spiritually. In the end, either this is real– or your a loon with multiple personalities–but, since you live a successful normal happy life… In the end, it will come down to “where you brave enough to open that door.”
The whole bus ride home, I kept getting flashes of a messy haired boy humming to himself and snickering. Then when I got home I rushed about to get ready for my trip. I had to get it done, because I had an appointment with my spirit team to connect with them when I got home from work. Also, I was trying to make sure I did everything on my list. Let me back up.
(When I see spirits outside of my minds eye or lucid dreaming, they appear as shimmering transparent fuzzy static. Sometimes they are full-figured people shapes, other times, just limbs, or torso combination’s or orb movement or shape movement. I’ve never seen facial features. Much of the time it is associated with and happens when my guides are talking to me. Other times, they are just passing through, or I am passing through.)
Ok back to my house. I am in the kitchen rushing about fixing my dinner. And there is this full bodied static form just bouncing up and down side to side next to me! I looked up and said a silent OMG, which elicited laughter. My reply was another OMG and “please, just wait, I need to eat and get laundry done first.” I threw clothes in the machine and scurried up stairs to work on a couple of ITC photos I took at my desk (spirit photography- photographing water). I was working on them and noisily eating my salad. An herb mix with lots of fennel, tomatoes, red peppers and dressing. All of a sudden, Erik said something like, “That’s so gross, totally nasty dude.” Totally embarrassing. I was not being neat…
I finished and got up to use the toilet and like I sometimes tell my guides, “don’t follow me into the bathroom please.” Of which he said, “Oh, like I’d want to…”
So then I went and did some more laundry, he moved off into the background, but I could sense him nearby. Does Kim ever talk about spirit movement? It’s very 3D and not linear like you and me. I just got the sensation he was flipping between the two of us– location wise. In any case, I got ready for my spirit guide meeting. I said my usual prayers and did my usual meditation. During that was pretty standard communication with them, although they did appear in a reflected surface I use sometimes, and I could be mistaken (gestalt and all) But, I could swear there was a skinny young man bouncing around behind them. It was kinda disorienting. I’d explore it more, but I am kind of on a spiritual probation, meaning that I promised my guides that I’d not try physical mediumship until I worked on my personal issues/problems more and got a better handle on life. They refuse to help train me in that unless I work on raising my vibration. So for now I am limited to a reserved/restrained mental mediumship.
During this I asked and implored my guides, God and Erik to give me a stronger sign that this was real. I asked them that if it was real to please touch my left arm. Nothing happened. I was getting upset. Roger ended up saying that I must accept what is and what will be. That it is not for me to decide, but God. There is a time and place for everything. That I did not need proof and that I still had my compact to keep. Erik was silent.
After my appointment I toyed with watching TV and whether or not to check my email. I was extremely anxious. I kept debating whether or not to check for your email on my phone. Erik popped in again and said, “Just check it, she knows!” “It’s fine!” “She read it.” “Check it.”
So I did. And as the list of emails popped up and your reply was there. He piped up saying, “See, I told you, I told you!” over and over again.
And, that’s it.
Oh, wait, no. I got my sign. My left arm has been very very warm and tingling and kinda buzzing with this strange pressure this whole time.
He just said he’s going back to you now, but he’ll be around. I just said, “Is this real?” and I got a “You’ll see, you’ll see” in reply.
I am just totally floored by what happened today. I am kinda don’t know what to do. I am not a magic 8 ball kind of guy. I am adamant that the best use of spirit communication is not to know the future or that sort of thing but to get closer to God so that we improve ourselves and others to advance to a higher spiritual place in the afterlife. I don’t know for sure the reasons Erik came to me, (other than to be friendly), but so far he’s helped me with my confidence and fear issues. — wait, I just got an “exactly” comment from one of my guides.
Well, I am kinda worn out now. I really want to wish you a happy evening and good night and a great rest of the weekend. I am heading up north for the birth of my nephew. In the mean time, feel free to post whatever you like. You can leave my last name off though. Don’t want spammers after all.
Lots of love to your family,
Best wishes from Minnesota,
P.S. I’ll keep you posted.
My Response
This is so awesome. The snickering, eye rolling, the language, it’s all very him. And btw, I bet he said “ew gross” because he can’t stand salad of any sort! It probably had nothing to do with your manners. Yep, he just popped into my mind and said, “exactly.” He uses that word a lot (exactly) to answer the affirmative, just like Roger did with you. When you get back home, let me know. I want you to friend Robert on Facebook. He’s the other guy who Erik “haunts.” They have a great time together. Erik adores him. He even teases him (lovingly) about being gay by saying things like “if the bra fits, wear it” and “quit being such a girl, dude” but Robert teases him right back about not having any legs and arms and stuff. Robert tells him not to peek when he’s taking a shower and Erik says, “You wish!” Anyway, I met Robert the other day and he’s such a good soul, as are you.
I look forward to being able to carry one a more tangible relationship with him, but I’m sure that will take time as my grief lifts and my energy vibrations rise. Plus, with such an active family and job, it’s hard to still the mind chatter.
That buzzing warm feeling is exactly how he contacts me by touch. Plus there’s a feeling of intense goosebumps. Sometimes he’ll just do that with my middle finger as a joke. He had a very irreverent sense of humor and loved to curse here and there.
I’m sure he was saving his energy for me, because he was very very active with his visits here at that time. More than he ever has been before. Recently, he sat with my sister, Laura on her back porch and talked to her about God and about time. He said that time over there is very different than it is on the earthly plane. What seems like 15 minutes to a spirit seems like a flash to us humans. He said that’s why we get the impression that they’re two places at once when they’re really not. They seem omnipresent but they’re not.
Thanks for letting me post this. I’ll leave off the last name, of course. I never ever use those and if you wish, I can change your name completely.
Jason’s Email
Jason here again: Before I leave for my trip–one more.
Some of what I omitted on 9/16/2010 conversation w/ Erik: I said, what’s with the crazy hair? He said, “I thought you said it was cute?!” Then he started singing, “So you think I am sexy.” I was truly appalled! He then showed me him rolling on the floor laughing so hard he was holding himself! (P.S. Yes I am gay; I’ve got a long term partner-7 years- in a healthy relationship-we are actually rather conservative, very average old school American people.)
Before bed while I was sitting on the couch waiting for my spouse to come home from the late shift at work. After my last email to Elisa, Erik popped into my field of vision in that moving static way I see some spirits, and I watched as it bounced up to me. (It was pretty surreal, because he walked through the end table and leaned against the arm of the couch right next to me and leaned over and said in my head.) “So, whaddya think of Mom?” Then he hopped up and laughed as he walked away, and on the way out said, “She got your message.”
A bit later at 10:20pm, I said to myself, ‘Oh my gosh, I am going to have to take a pill to sleep.’ Erik said in my head, “What….? No you don’t need ‘em! You miss out on too much that way!”
9/17/2010 8am.
What he’s referring to is that quite often of late I’ve been taking them to avoid channeling spirits and lucid dreaming out of fear. Some of my past experiences I found pretty scary, because I didn’t know what was happening at the time. But even though I know what’s going on now; at times sensing spirit can be pretty overwhelming. When I was taking pills to kill my sensing, my guides and spirits I was missing out on teaching opportunities and communication. And you know Erik is right! He really put me at ease and laugh. It was good, because I was able to lay in the dark and watch the movement and energy for the first time in a very long time without fear.
Well… I was kinda hoping that I’d have a lucid dream last night, but I didn’t. I slept pretty good. I’ve an appointment with my guides today and tonight to work out a plan and be taught to connect with my ‘to be soon born’ nephew’s guides. When I woke up this morning with the disappointment, Erik said in my head, “No dream,” because he was with Mom, and my guides just said, that I just need to be patient and wait. All things in time on God’s schedule not mine.
Sooo… That’s that. I am still feeling in shock and overwhelmed by it all. Oh, no wait, on the bus this morning, Erik told me he hopes I have the same kind of relationship with my new nephew that he has with his niece. I am going to keep that in my mind while I am packing to go up north for the weekend!
Jason’s Email
Elisa, Jason here: I am actually now leaving tomorrow morning. Last night I thought I was leaving right after work today, and, when I emailed you this morning I thought I was done with Erik until the weekend was over. But he’s been with me off an on all day, and I feel compelled to write you. I didn’t really have faith that anything else would happen before the weekend was out, but Erik is here right now.
9/17/2010: Misc. observations and conversation w/ Erik since 9/16 –A.M.
*Side note. So far he’s around a lot. He’s been popping in and out all day. While I am at my desk at work, while I walk, on the bus, at home. I think he thinks I am a hard luck case or a challenge. He said, “He’d be here even if I said go away, because I need him. That my guides were ecstatic when the opportunity came up to meet him because he’s a “knuckle cracker and good with tuff cases.” “That’s his job now.” His words not mine.
I keep asking him, “Is this real?!” And he says the funniest sarcastic things. Like this morning he shows me him with a sheet over his head and rattling big chains making WOOO WOOO sounds and laughing saying” IS THIS REAL?.. IS THIS REAL?… WOOOO WOOO!…” Other times, he blows out his lips and makes that flopping raspberry sound or groan-rolling his eyes… or MY Favorite, the “Ugh, roll eyes.. “DUH…”
-Fri. morning:– Erik is waiting for me when I wake up. I am kinda startled. I talked a bit about what he said earlier in a post. But what I didn’t mention yet is the banter. I said to him on my way downstairs, Oh gheeseh, can you please announce your self. Then he puts this image in my head of him holding a huge drum strapped to him and him marching around me like a marching band, “here I am, here I am!” “Helloooo,,, Helloo!!!”..
-Fri. 10:30 am. On my walk during work break, my guides Lydia and Roger gave me a mental tutorial on how to better connect with Erik. This involved a mental exercises. I have every intention of going into further depth of such things on my blog at a later point. But basically Erik is what they call a walk in, or walk by. Normal they, my guides are the gate keepers to my connection to Spirit. Some of them are responsible for protection, some for connection, some for shielding, some for energy, etc. Because Erik so far hasn’t scheduled time with them. When he comes by he flashes energy pretty brightly. This in loose terms opens the etheric cloud surrounding this Plane. The opening are pretty close to the lower planes and extra shielding is needed to keep off unwanted visitors/spirits. (There are many many levels/layers in the afterlife planes.) They showed me mental ways of using light, music and energy to mesh with His so that I am ok. It’s easier on everybody energy wise. (Again, I know this is weird, but for those who’ve read a lot on the various methods of mediumship it kinda makes sense. There are actually lots of different techniques depending on your belief system.)Any who…. Lydia suggested to me to use classical music in my head, because it would annoy Erik. And then he suggested RAP, then she shuddered, he laughed and they both took off. I am paraphrasing– a lot more went on, but that was the gist.
-Fri. afternoon 3:00pm-3:30pm teasing— I was bad today. I slipped out of work early. Erik pops in and says, “whooo your BUS-TID!” “Skippin out on work!” My guide Lydia phases in and rolls her eyes at him and gives me the “Look”, and says, “as if you were gonna get anything done anyway. Remember we have work to do tonight.(meaning I told her I’d meet with her to talk about channeling before my trip up north). Anyway, Erik was poking at me on the walk to the bus stop. I said, ‘Shouldn’t you be with your mom?’ He said, “Nah, she’s busy.” I don’t remember what I said next to him, but it was teasing banter about his antics. I said something about, “Aren’t you supposed to be an old soul?” He then gives me this goofy obnoxious image of him puffed up like a smug politician. Kinda like he was posing for all the world to see, holding his ‘suit lapels.’ I then said to him, ‘If your so old and wise, you should lose a few teeth in that pretty face of yours!!’ And he laughed and showed himself as an old geezer with a beard and missing teeth–stuck his fingers in his mouth and stuck his tongue at me!!! And then he popped back to normal and picked at my hair and said, “At least I don’t have gray hair!!” And then he ran up to me and in my minds eye hugged me and called me an old lady! and sat in my lap and yelled, “MOM!–arms around me, howling with laughter.” Then he took off again. It was all I could do to keep walking and not look like a laughing grinning crazy person.
–On the bus home 3:30-4pm. I showed him a mental image of him in a graduation cap and gown and then a blue button up shirt and slacks, asked him why he never appears to me in more formal way. He said, GAG! I hate that outfit! Then promptly flashed an image of him in a baseball looking shirt, white, with colored sleeves, gray sweat pants and bunched up wool sock and a red baseball cap. He then grabbed the cap and turned it around backwards and said, “It goes this way,” and then made a face at me.
9/17–4:14pm. I just said to him, “Shouldn’t you be with your mom right now?” He replies with, “Naaah,” I said to him, ” Surely there is someone who needs you more right now.” He said, “YOU are ALL my business now. I am here to help you remember what I’ve said today so you can tell my mom.”
I need to tell you something else. Last night, I offered to God, my guides and Erik that if he needed energy to heal with or be with his mom, that he could use some of mine. He told me, “No way! I would be in soooo much trouble with your guides. No worries, God will give me extra energy to handle it.”
I have some personal insight into that. You’re well read, I am sure you’ve heard this before. In my reading and feelings, there are several ways spirits and use energy. 1) Use ours-share it 2) Use their own 3) Use Divine energy 4) Use physical and elemental sources i.e. electrical, magnetic
In my reading, it’s my understanding that the higher level spirits almost always use their own energy. This is a learning tool for them and relates to lesions and experiences they need to learn and have in the afterlife to evolve to yet even higher levels or planes of existence. And that when they really need it, God provides the power for them in their work.
That the highest beings in the highest levels almost always use Divine energy. The lower you get in the astral planes the more often spirits will use environmental energy.
To manipulate environmental energy– mid range to higher spirits use their own personal energy, therefore it can take a lot out on them. That’s why they so often appear in your dreams or mentally rather than physical manifestations.
In physical mediumship, spirits use a combination of all of the different types.
I just thought you might like to know what he said to me. He is definitely on a mission, a purpose. I’d be curious to talk to him in say 20 years to see what he has to say about growing closer to God and how we can use that insight for our journey here on Earth. I dunno, maybe we aren’t meant to know that. Maybe he’s only here for rescue work. I can’t wait to find out!
P.S.– yYou and Erik are point on correct about gblt people. A big lesson I learned in this life was self love, forgiveness, and compassion. I have a sneaky feeling I’ve got spirit work in my “afterlife-future.” I dunno. You know those things are so fuzzy.
P.P.S. –Erik’s energy has manifested twice now as a super brief flash of a blue and white plasmic rod in my peripheral vision.
My Response
Poor you! Will he ever leave you alone?? (lol) Actually, he was right. I was very busy around that time because I got a call from a neighbor of one of my dearest friends, Brian. He’s a sweet man, gay, my classmate from Rice University (class of ’77, so, yeah, we’re old.) The neighbor found him pulseless on his back porch. He had fallen on his face. Did CPR, got a pulse and transported him to the hospital I rush over there, open the door to his room in the ER to find them doing CPR again on him. I’ve been super busy crying, trying to find his next of kin (nearly everyone in his family has passed on) and getting my husband to get his will out of our safe, etc (I’m the executor of his will.) So yes, he knew I was busy. In fact, he popped in to say hello while I was walking down the hall from the ICU.
The outfit you describe: Erik wore those kind of shirts and loved baseball caps. His favorite was a red one with some white as well. He also loved to wear very baggy gray sweats, so all of this is incredible! It makes me so happy!
Last session he said he had just graduated to a higher level. He says it’s like going from one school grade to another, and he mentioned something about doing some guide work I think. But I’ll have to see when I transcribe the session. He says it’s really cool in the new level. The grass is purple he says.
Jason’s Email
I almost forgot!
Erik just hollered at me, “Your such a “noob” (newbie)!
I was having food debates with him today. Once at lunch, I was walking and my guides kept telling me I should eat healthy, (raisins and juice and nuts). Erik kept piping in saying, no! Dude, Chipotle! Go for the tacos!
Then later one the way home I was ticking off the days on my fingers till his birthday, and I said “Four more days, Erik; what do you want?” He said, “CAKE!” and I said, “What kind?” and he said, “FROSTING!”
Then tonight, I was wondering what to eat for dinner and I thought, spinach and tomatoes, and he said, ” Go for the Marshmallow cereal”
Wow. I can’t believe I almost forgot. I am gonna start keeping an Erik Journal just for you so I don’t have to keep writing like this. I’ll just save them up, and then send ‘em your way after I get a few, that is if he sticks around. I certainly don’t expect it. But I have a feeling that he will be in and out of my life from time to time for a while. I’ll let you know. I’ll put anything he says in italics
My Response
Yep, he loved spicy food, especially Mexican food. Marshmallow Rice Krispy Treats was a huge staple for him as were all sweets, including cake. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he said “cake.” Same answer he gave you! I think he was probably standing on his head when he learned about the food pyramid in class.
Jason’s Email
So sorry to hear about Brian. I am so sorry to hear you had to go through that. I am praying for him, and your family!
P.S. You are right about Erik being on a higher level. He’s right. In fact when he first came to me, he seemed on a much higher plane than my grandparents. He was brighter and less dense than them, he kinda glows with a yellow/white light, and he has great vocal/mental clarity in coversation. Almost the same as my main guide. My grandparents are not like that at all. They seem more dense, a bit darker, and I’ve not been able to communicate as well telepathically with them. It may be an affinity thing or relating to certain “positions” guides take with different duites. I am not sure. He’s right about another thing. I am a total noob! I am well read, but have a long way to go.
I am just really grateful I met him and you.
My prayers to you!
It fills my heart with joy to see that Erik has graduated to guide status and has taken these two wonderful men under his wing. Go, Knuckle Cracker, go!!!
Lastly, I’d like to ask you all to send my dear friend, Brian, all the thoughts of love you can. He passed away quietly last night and is now with his two beloved puppies, Denise, Erik and all of his loved ones. I felt his presence sitting beside me in the I.C.U. waiting room and he was so full of peace and joy that it brought more tears to my already brimming eyes. He had not yet crossed over, but wanted to tell me that he would be just fine after he did.
Last night, my new friend from Pearland, Robert, who called me while I was enroute to the hospital and therefore knew Brian’s grave condition, had an interesting conversation with Erik. When Robert asked him to take care of Brian when he did pass, Erik replied that Brian was already there with him and with his dogs and family members. This occurred before I had even gotten the news of his death.
R.I.P. my angel, Brian. Keep Erik in line. It’s a dirty job but somebody’s gotta do it! Love you.