Tag: Child abuse

Welcome New Visitors

Welcome New Visitors

Dear Reader, Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my books is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources…

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Quantum Session for Self-Empowerment

Quantum Session for Self-Empowerment

Thanks, again, for the generous donations, guys! Many of you have noticed that the receipt is under “Atlantis, Inc.” That’s the corporation I use for tax reasons.  The other day, I received this awesome email from blog member, Janice T., describing the wonderful benefits she received from the Soul Happy Technique and Kim Voigt’s work…

Erik on Bullying, Part One

Erik on Bullying, Part One

This topic is dear to my heart and makes me a bit sad because poor Erik was bullied so much in his young life by peers, teachers, friends, and even a cop. I think bullying can probably explain a lot of predatory activities from cops, mass shooters, serial killers, child and animal abusers and more,…

Channeling my Higher Self, Part Two

Channeling my Higher Self, Part Two

Yesterday, Rune, Lukas and I were watching the standup comedy of comedienne, Kristina P. (or maybe it’s Christina,) and her jokes are pretty raunchy sometimes. Well, when she uttered one of her crudest jokes, Alexa, that Amazon gadget that tells you the weather and other things, turns on and says, “I don’t understand that.” No…

Forgiveness, Part Two

Forgiveness, Part Two

Happy Thursday, everyone! Tomorrow, I’m heading out early to camp at Lake Livingston. The State Park has tons of bike trails, so I plan on wrestling with my bike in what, to witnesses, will look like a constant and frantic struggle to keep from face planting. The best part is that we got a little…

Forgiveness, Part One

Forgiveness, Part One

I had such a great session with Erik and Kim this morning. Someone sent me an article about an alien by the name of “Mogay” who is stranded here on Earth, seeking the help of the investigators at MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. I can’t wait to share it with you. Kim also trance channeled…

Ask Erik Column, Part Two

Ask Erik Column, Part Two

Okay guys. Tomorrow is the day, more specifically 5 PM PT/7 PM CT/8 PM ET. If the radio show bombs again due to technical glitches, I seriously will drop more F bombs than Erik has in his entire heavenly existence. I’d rather have my tongue tied to a hot tailpipe and my naked body dragged…

Poor me. Are You a Victim?

Poor me. Are You a Victim?

I know, I know. This is such a short entry, the shortest I’ve ever posted. But the next subject in queue has nothing to do with this one so… Sorry. Hopefully, you’ll get something out of it. All of us have been victims of something. It doesn’t have to be at the hands of others….



Before we developed this environment we live in now, ego was something that provided that sense of separation and the urge to survival. It’s what was responsible for the fight or flight thing. Then we developed this whole atmosphere of “You’re wrong, and I’m right,” “I make more money than you do,” “I have a loftier career,” “I’m superior; you’re inferior.” It sucks. Now we’re on this runaway train and the ego is diddling with the controls going, “What the fuck do I do now?” Our egos have got us caught on the hamster wheel. Eat or be eaten. Be a winner, not a loser. Our egos also connect us to the past in a way that causes us pain. “Oh, poor me. I was molested as a kid.” You’re attached to the belief that you’re a victim. Well, guess what? You’re not being molested now, are you? If some of you still are, get out of that shit. Let it go. Look at the suffering as a page in a book and turn to the next one.

What to do when you Suffer

What to do when you Suffer

As promised, here’s a longer post. It’s about how to handle suffering, advice from a young man whose constant companion was the pain that comes from it. From both his life and the insight he gained as a spirit guide, he’s well qualified to give us the guidance we need–probably all of us! And with that…

How to Recover from the Past

How to Recover from the Past

Many of you have stumbled onto the blog from various places, including the Channeling Erik YouTube channel. I invite you to buy a copy of my book, My Son and the Afterlife. It’s available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, other online booksellers and brick and mortar bookstores. Remember that by doing so, you’ll receive an…

Abuse, Part Two

Abuse, Part Two

I’m so sorry that the virtual online class service, Learn it Live, had technical difficulties for the trance channeling event last night. It will be rescheduled and will, according to them, be even better because complicated downloads won’t be necessary. I think there might even be video chat capabilities. I’ll let you know when the…

The Best of Erik: Crossing the Abyss

The Best of Erik: Crossing the Abyss

I say this not to invite sympathy but to show an understanding for those in the same boat. Those who still grieve and are poleaxed by triggers from time to merciless time. Yesterday was a terrible day. For some unfathomable reason, I read through all of Erik’s Facebook messages before his death. How sad. So…

Crossing the Abyss

Crossing the Abyss

I can’t help wonder, yet again, how the universe presents us with these incredible synchronicities. As I edit this segment, the next in queue, I realize that only recently a daredevil crossed the span of Niagra Falls on a seven ton tightrope. Read on an see what I mean. Erik was particularly rambunctious in this one….

More Information on JonBenet’s Murder

More Information on JonBenet’s Murder

Although I didn’t publish the details out of fear for personal safety, I’ll (nervously) share that the story below is exactly in keeping with everything Erik said about the case. Wow. Patsy Ramsey http://www.rense.com/general11/benet.htm I really, really want all of you to consider reading Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth. Erik told me to read…

Channeling Jon Benet Ramsey, Part Three

Channeling Jon Benet Ramsey, Part Three

Remember what Jon Benet said about the fact that we’d see more examples of “spiritualness” and love among animals? Here’s amazing evidence of that! Now, enjoy the last part of our interview with Jon Benet Ramsey. Me: Okay, was there anything you were here to learn or to teach? Jon Benet: I was there on…

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