Before we share more on the nature of the afterlife, I have a quick announcement. As I said before, we have a new forum. The old one had too many glitches. Also, the new one allows us to upload images! Jason very kindly and expertly added some interesting topics, so I hope you take the time to visit. I apologize in advance for Erik’s distracted manner. It was very hard for me to follow his disjointed train of thought. But that just might be little ol’ me.
Channeling Transcript
Me: I’ve asked you this through another medium, but I want to ask you again to see if you found out anything else. How is the afterlife structured, Erik? Is there a hierarchy to it? For instance, is there a “near-death experience” level where those with NDE’s go? And then are their portals to higher levels.
Erik: Nah. Usually, Mom, people who commit suicide are separated from the rest of the deceased population cuz they have to have therapy. So they go to some kind of hospital for that. That’s where they try to figure out why they did what they did, why they took themselves off the earthly playing field when they went through so much trouble to go there in the first place—unless it was their destiny. That’s why I didn’t get separated from the others when I crossed over. I was like a special case for lots of reasons. For one, I had a serious disease. Plus, it was my destiny, even though I checked out a little early.
Me: Okay, so this hospital is the “level” or area for new suicides, but what about other levels?
Erik: Now, people with near death experiences will go to this place—you know, it’s different for everybody, but, Mom, that’s a real good question. So, it’s different for everybody.
Me: Yeah, I remember when you were saying something like that before. Erik, you’re so easily off-topic today!
Erik (chuckling): I wonder where I get that from? Okay, so people who have near death experiences will sometimes go visit other friends or family members who are here, who have crossed over. Sometimes they will go into a place called “The Threshold.”
Kim: Oh, I never heard that before, Erik!
Erik: Yeah! Fuckin’ yeah! It’s a threshold where they go, and they’re greeted by God or their angels or their family members, and they’re like, “No, we’re not ready for you yet. No, it’s not your time yet.” So then they go back to the earthly plane.
Me: Uh huh.
Erik: Their souls go back into their physical bodies. So it’s really their souls that go to heaven, but everyone of you can do that while you’re sleeping too.
Me: Well, sure, sure. But Erik, do you go from one level to the next as you—
Erik: Oh, yeah. It’s not really levels. It’s hard to explain. Mom, you know one of the hardest things for us here is to explain stuff to you who are still on the earthly plane, cuz we have to translate it into a sequential language, and since things are NOT sequential here, sometimes the message gets a little garbled, but—
Me: Oh, I can imagine! So how do you go from one area to another?
Erik: By projecting my consciousness. I just visualize my electrical energy being here or being there and, boom, I’m where I visualized myself.
Me: Wow!
Erik: Mom, it’s just like if you visualized being in Venice, Italy, and you were able to transport yourself there in the next instant.
Me: Cool! And what about when you learn and evolve? Do you graduate to different parts of the afterlife?
Erik: It’s just that your vibrations open up to more possible environments. It’s just like on the earthly plane. Like I said, I wouldn’t call it levels. I know some people do, but I don’t. In heaven, people can live where they want, live how they want, and as you evolve here by contributing to the lives of others and by incarnating and working through issues, you envision where and how you want to live in heaven. That does change. But you have different priorities here, and THAT makes the biggest difference in what kind or afterlife each individual soul has.
Me: Okay.
Erik: You know, just like people who are more enlightened on the earthly plane have different priorities compared to others who aren’t as evolved. Different priorities, different perspectives, different experiences.
Me: So if a person who isn’t super enlightened crosses over, does that mean he or she would have an afterlife environment that resembles the earthly plane more with houses, TVs and pizza delivery?
Erik (laughing): You just described my first place over here. What are you trying to tell me?
Me: Oops, my bad. But you’ve obviously evolved greatly since you first crossed over.
Erik: Yeah, but when you’re more evolved, your focus is more on serving others, not watching TV. It’s not about, uh, it’s less about what structure we envision or if we have pizza delivery and more about what we do with our “time” and energy.
Me: Oh, so the “structure” of the afterlife has more to do with what you DO there rather than what you visualize and create as your surroundings?
Erik: Yeah. It’s all about priorities.
Kim: Now, Elisa, I’ve channeled a lot of very spiritually enlightened beings who don’t have to come back to the earthly plane any more, and they spend plenty of time fishing, baking, walking in the woods, or—so it doesn’t mean that when we reach a really extensive level of enlightenment that we spend every single moment serving others. We can also enjoy what we have earned.
Me: Sure, sure. And I’m sure there are spirits who gravitate toward a more earthly environment. Maybe they like that sort of lifestyle, so—
Kim: Well you know, um, you bring up a really good point, Elisa, because when a soul pops out of a human body, goes back to heaven, which it always does—no soul is ever stuck on the earthly plane—so it goes back to heaven. And if the soul decides it wants to go back to the earthly plane and just hang out here, it can. Deceased loved ones often stay around us, and there are also spiritual boarders that like to stay here. We don’t know them, they don’t know us, but they just like certain places on the earthly plane.
Me: Sure, sure. But souls can also create there own earth-like afterlife, right?
Kim: Correct.
Erik: So Mom, let’s go back a question you asked before about whether the afterlife evolves as we do.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Let’s take Venice, again. I just visited it, and I like it a lot. Any one can go there, so say one person is at the lowest level of enlightenment and another person is at the highest level.
Me: Um hm.
Erik: Venice is gonna be Venice, but the way these two people see it and experience it is going to be different depending on where they are, spiritually.
Me: Ah, I see!
Erik: So, the spiritual plane remains very similar, but we experience it differently based on our enlightenment. Your vibrational level goes up, your belief system opens up, and so your experience and how you envision the afterlife changes.
Me: Makes sense.
Erik: But if you are a Catholic and your belief is that you’re going to go to hell or purgatory, when your soul pops out of the body, it’s gonna go here to heaven. There IS no hell or limbo or purgatory. Take the jihadists who blow themselves up, You know how they think there’s gonna be a bunch of virgins here waiting for them?
Me (chuckling): Yeah.
Erik: Nope. They can conjure up a vision of them, but they can’t create them as new souls. You see, our religious beliefs are usually learned through our environment, but our spiritual beliefs—we always bring them with us in our soul’s memory bank. We build upon those on earth as we’re supposed to as we look inward. Religion is taught and experienced by looking outward.
Me: Wow, interesting, Erik! Makes sense! So what about the cavemen?
Erik: A caveman would choose to come to the earthly plane at a lesser level of enlightenment to learn, grow and expand like everyone else.
Me: Uh huh.
Erik: And so when the soul pops out of the body, and they come back over here, it’s received and loved and honored and it acts at the full level of it’s enlightenment. Even new souls will have a level of enlightenment. Nobody is a blank slate.
Kim: And sometimes people come to the earthly plane and act like nincompoops, then their soul pops out of the body, and they realize the time they’ve wasted, what they should have done but didn’t, and they’re actually a very enlightened being.
Me: Yeah, so you can be really enlightened but behave badly here.
Erik: Oh yeah. Sometimes people can be at a very high level of enlightenment but not act that way on the earthly plane, then when they cross over, there’s a complete memory of all past lives, what heaven is like, what they learned, what their destiny was, etc.
Me: Yeah, I totally understand.
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