Mental illness

Crying and Hoarding

Crying and Hoarding

I know, I know. You’re probably wondering about the title. I’m giving you guys a two-fer today because both questions yielded pretty short answers. Still, Erik came through with his usual wit and wisdom. Crying Me: Can spirits cry? Erik: Yeah, if we really want to. Me: Would they want to or is it more…

Borderline Personality Disorder, The Soapbox Version

Borderline Personality Disorder, The Soapbox Version

A couple of days ago, I posted about borderline personality and one of the blog members wanted to know more about a possible cure for the disorder. Erik had a lot to say on the matter, most of it ranting on a soapbox digressing in all sorts of directions. ADHD still persists in the spirit…

Alzheimers, Comas and Mental Illness

Alzheimers, Comas and Mental Illness

As I sit here next to my mother who is hours away from her transition, I was overcome with the urge to reach out to you all with a post. When I saw what subject was next in queue, I realized that synchronicity was at work, as always. You see, my mother suffers from dementia…

Self-Inflicted Harm

Self-Inflicted Harm

Sorry about this, guys. Sigh. Me: What about trauma to self? Why do people inflict harm on themselves sometimes like cutting? What’s behind that, spiritually? Jamie (laughing): He immediately goes to choking oneself while they’re whacking off. Me: Erik! What’s going on with you today, you little perv! Erik: Well, if we’re going to talk…

Crossing the Abyss

Crossing the Abyss

I can’t help wonder, yet again, how the universe presents us with these incredible synchronicities. As I edit this segment, the next in queue, I realize that only recently a daredevil crossed the span of Niagra Falls on a seven ton tightrope. Read on an see what I mean. Erik was particularly rambunctious in this one….

Asperger’s, Part Two

Asperger’s, Part Two

Jamie (trying to refocus): Asperger’s? The spiritual connection behind it? Me: Yeah. Or is there? Erik: Have you watched the TV show “Touched”? Me: No. Erik: That kind of plays off. Watch the main character. Jamie: Is that the little boy that doesn’t talk, comes up with codes or something? Me: That sounds familiar. I…

Schizophrenia and Much, Much More

Schizophrenia and Much, Much More

Although I expected a short, sweet, simple answer to a short, sweet, simple question, what Erik served up was anything but. Jamie and I were poleaxed. When we got confused, poor Erik got frustrated at times, but he persevered. Instead of getting additional details about the spiritual nature of schizophrenia, we received a much broader…

Social Anxiety, Part One

Social Anxiety, Part One

Social anxiety affects so many of us. In fact, Erik was plagued by it when he was here on the earthly plane, particularly with girls. Although he touches on it during this March 12th channeling session, he also goes into greater detail in a session that I’ve yet to transcribe. Me: Now, What can one…

Erik’s First Suicide Attempt

Erik’s First Suicide Attempt

Many of you expressed an interest in knowing more about Erik, including his suicide attempt several months prior to his eventual death. As hard as it is for me to re-visit the experience, perhaps the details will give clarity to the pain from which he suffered. In the wee hours of the morning, Erik came…

More on Twin Souls and Twin Flames

More on Twin Souls and Twin Flames

Quick update: My EMDR therapy for PTSD is really, really working. I so recommend this form of therapy for almost everyone. Maybe everyone, I don’t know. I truly believe we all have had varying degrees of trauma and it affects our success in career, relationships, parenting, spiritual progress and personal well-being. If you have any questions,…

Helping Those Who Want Out

Helping Those Who Want Out

Here’s some advice from Erik that comes from a channeling session this past summer: Jamie: You know, your boy and I have been having some talks. Me: Oh really? Tell me, tell me! Jamie: Yeah, I got two emails asking him to hold back on the F#@*#s. And I said ‘I told you! I told…

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