These next questions come from a lovely man whom I’ve come to know well. He lives in a neighboring town and we’ve had wonderful conversations on the telephone for the last couple of months. I feel as though we’ve been friends forever; he’s that kind of guy. All of these attributes shine through in his…
Ask Erik: Sandy’s Question
As is typical of a bereaved parent, Sandy had many, many questions for Erik. I didn’t have time for all of them, but I hope the answers we got gives her some measure of peace. I know exactly where she is, and my heart goes out to her. As you can see, Jamie and Erik…
Ask Erik: Donna’s Question
Here’s Donna’s Question for Erik. Actually, Erik didn’t have as much to do with this one, because Donna’s parents were in the room with the medium and could answer all questions about themself. He does contribute when the questions revolve around Donna’s son, however. Donna’s Question I want to thank you and Erik and Kim…
Ask Erik: Joseph’s Question
Joseph’s Question While I know I have plenty of reasons to be happy, and I know people love and care about me, and I haven’t tragically lost anyone close to me, I just feel so incredibly miserable. Like my soul is broken or lost, like I fucked up so bad in my life (and/or possibly…
Erik on Gays
All my life, I’ve had many gay friends, several of them have been best friends. Some have passed away from AIDS, some still suffer from the disease, but each have a special place in my heart. I always wondered why gays are persecuted, particularly by religious groups who preach tolerance and unconditional love out of the…
Erik Visits Tiffany
A wonderful member of our Channeling Erik family has given me permission to post her amazing “Erik Encounter.” For those of you who have lost loved ones, please know that we can still communicate with them unless they’ve reincarnated. All we need is a desire and some practice. Hi Elisa and everyone! I have been…
Channeling Session with Jamie Butler
I’ve been trying to find different psychic mediums to fit the various budgets of blog members. At the request of member, Steve, I made an appointment with Jamie Butler, a young psychic from Atlanta, Georgia. I found her to be very talented, soft-spoken and sweet. I would consider her to be in the medium (no…
Erik on Schedules and Gallbladders
I know theses topics seem a little random and unrelated, and that’s because they are. This part of the transcript comes from the very beginning of the July 21st session with Kim. If you remember, I skipped this segment to get right to the Ask Erik questions since so many of you were eager for…
Erik’s Dragonfly
As many of you know, Erik loves to visit as a dragonfly. I really never paid much attention to these beautiful creatures until he died, and certainly wasn’t aware of any symbolism involved. Now, dragonflies seem to be all around, visiting me and others like never before. When several of the blog members shared what…
Hanging with the Fam
As you know, Erik has visited many members of the Channeling Erik family and in many different ways. You can see examples in recent posts and in some comments. For instance, today, Steve told me he’s been practicing channeling Erik and his mother for awhile, and Erik finally came through for him. Here’s Steve’s email:…
Ask Erik: Kano’s Question
Kano’s Question My name is Kano, I’m a 50 year old mother of 2 children, and I live in Jaarsveld, in the Netherlands. My whole life I have been struggling with myself and the world. I was just recently, 2 months ago, diagnosed with ADHD. This after a life of not getting along in studies,…
Session with Jeannie Barnes
Here is the .mp3 file of the channeling session I had with psychic medium, Jeannie Barnes. I tried her out because her price is a reasonable $80 per hour. Unfortunately, she records on cassette tapes, so I had to convert it to a digital file. The quality is not that good, but it’s doable. You…
Erik Visits Channeling Erik Members
Thought I’d give you guys a short break from the Ask Erik transcripts to share three experiences when Erik visited blog members. As usual, most of them are typical of the prankster that he is. They are sure to make you grin. A Visit to Bec This is an amazing story, because Bec had no…
Ask Erik: Sylvia’s Question
This entry is short, but sweet, highlighting how, eventually, we will be together with our loved ones for all eternity. Sylvia’s Question Dear Elisa, Discovering your blog has been a gift from Heaven. I am totally enthralled, and I thank you deeply for sharing it with us. I was wondering if I might ask Erik…
Ask Erik: Christian’s Question
This story is so heartwarming for me, because, not only does it showcase a soul with a big heart, it also proves how casting a stone in the water can create infinite ripples of love, hope and positive changes. Christian’s Question I’m a counselor working with teenage boys very much like Erik who are in…
Ask Erik: Joan’s Question
I have to admit, I was a bit anxious, no, I was actually frightened, about asking this question for Joan. If the answer had been different, it would have been difficult to post, but negligent and cowardly not to. Thankfully, the answer was positive and uplifting, shining the way for a young man who is…
Ask Erik: Melanie’s Question
This part of the channeling transcript brings tears to my eyes: tears of sorrow, but also tears of joy. Melanie’s Question Hello. My name is Melanie. (31 years old) I lost my 8 year-old daughter Nov. 1 2009. She went into cardiac arrest due to the H1N1. I have to know how she is. Please….
Ask Erik: Maggie’s Question
Hey, my babies. I just want you to know that I’m going to take the family camping on Lake Travis near Austin Texas, one last fling before school starts. I will try my hardest to continue checking and responding to comments, posting entries and perusing the forum, but I’m not exactly sure what kind of…
Ask Erik: Shelley’s Question
Last one for the night. Thanks all, for your patience. Have sweet dreams and pray for Erik and all the loved ones you’ve lost. Give a shout of praise to your guardian angels. I don’t know about you, but mine have got their work cut out for them! Shelley’s Question Thank you so much for…
Ask Erik: Jennifer’s Question
Jennifer’s Question Elisa, Thank you so much for responding! I inadvertently sent two messages to you, the first being about my personal life, in that people jokingly refer to me as “haunted” due to some strange happenings in different places that I have lived. Also my extreme feelings of not knowing why I am here….
Ask Erik: Ryan’s Question
Ryan’s Question I just stumbled across this blog. My God how it does affirm many spiritual beliefs and early memories I have regarding possible past life experiences that I have carried inside for years. A spiritual epiphany, for sure. I have often felt the presence of some helping spiritual hands and guardian angels. My mother…
Ask Erik: Chelsea’s Question
Quick announcement: Kristina, O’ Supreme Commander of the Internet Universe, has not only fixed the forum, as I mentioned earlier today, she’s also created an accessible media library so you can browse through various photos, video and songs. If you plan on channeling Erik, I recommend you listen to some of the videos so you…
Ask Erik: Steve’s Question
Before we launch into Steve’s love life, I’d like to let you all know that, although I intended to post two Ask Erik questions today, a 4:00 AM call derailed that promise. My mother, almost 81 years old, woke up with severe abdominal pain. My father, a 90 year-old retired surgeon, diagnosed her as having…
Ask Erik: Jeannine’s Question
Jeannine’s Question I am very thankful that you are even taking questions from strangers like myself. I am also very grateful you Elisa for helping me get an answer. I feel I need guidance as I am confused. I have had a couple of really tough situations where my supervisors betrayed me. In both situations…