Ghosts and Spirits

The Physics of Death

The Physics of Death

Me: Let’s talk about what happens, energetically, at death. Does something happen to the wave pattern or the frequency of our energy? Does our energy pass into a white hole? I understand that from one physicist that every little electron, etc. is a tiny black hole, and that, maybe—I’m just thinking—maybe those turn into white…

Wassup, Mother Earth?

Wassup, Mother Earth?

Another cool Erik prank happened to my family. My daughter, Michelle, was doing her household chores when a dime suddenly drops from the ceiling to the floor. It was so flattened and scratched up that you could hardly tell that it was a dime at all. It’s odd. Most all of Erik’s apportments seem to…

Spirit Impostors

Spirit Impostors

I think it’s funny that this post is about impostors, because I just saw that Cap’n Crunch is one, too. Apparently they decided, from the gold stripes on his sleeves, that he is actually a Commander, not a Captain. He’s been pulling the wool over our eyes all along and has been summarily demoted for…

Crazy Dead People

Crazy Dead People

I’ve noticed that a lot of blog members struggle with not-so-nice spirits hanging around them. Erik gives up great advice on how to handle them. If you like this post, please share! Me: One blog member wants to know this: You said that once a psychopath passes, they’re relieved of their condition. That’s nice to…

This and That

This and That

Today’s my daughter, Michelle’s birthday, so I don’t have time to do a regular post, but I do have some goodies for you anyway. For one, here’s the audio file of the EVPs that the filmmaker, Richard Martini, made for us. I can clearly hear Jesus saying, “yes.” The other EVP, I believe, is Erik…

Mister “Know-It-All”?

Mister “Know-It-All”?

Sorry about the site being down, guys! My reminders to renew my domain name was somehow filtered to skip the inbox, to never go to spam, and to be forwarded to an old address of Kristina’s. Me: Some people have said that you give some conflicting information on things like on palmistry, but when I…

Mean Spirits and Cheerleaders

Mean Spirits and Cheerleaders

I have a confession. I don’t ordinarily post on the weekends. Mama needs a breather at times. But this is a thinly veiled bribe for those of you who haven’t voted for Channeling Erik in the 2013 Bloggies yet. Today and tomorrow are the last two days, so we’re up against the wire. The instructions,…

How to See Spirits (and Make a Fool of Yourself)

How to See Spirits (and Make a Fool of Yourself)

Talk about synchronicity. Someone brought to my attention that today is George Harrison’s death anniversary. As I recall, I “coincidentally” posted John Lennon’s interview on his birthday. Ya just can’t make this stuff up. Now, Erik is going to play the teacher and show us how to see our deceased loved ones. May I suggest…

Jamie Trance Channeling Grace

Jamie Trance Channeling Grace

Before we begin today’s exciting topic, I want to share a couple of stories. The other day I was sitting outside with my sister, Laura, reminiscing about our mother who died this past summer. A few months ago, blog member and medium, Robert, told us that she would come to visit us as a butterfly….

Heaven’s Dollar Menu

Heaven’s Dollar Menu

Paul was so very touched by all of your heartfelt comments from yesterday’s post. He did want to say that the link I provided for his artwork was not functioning, so I changed it in that entry. It’s As for the San Diego event, I want to thank everyone for their patience! Jamie’s assistant, Weedie,…

A Message from Paul Hampton Crockett

A Message from Paul Hampton Crockett

Before we get on to the main topic, I’d like to share a lucid dream my daughter, Michelle, had a few nights ago. For some reason these dreams aways involve her going upstairs and this one was no different. She was headed up the first short flight of stairs and saw Erik standing next to…

Alzheimers, Comas and Mental Illness

Alzheimers, Comas and Mental Illness

As I sit here next to my mother who is hours away from her transition, I was overcome with the urge to reach out to you all with a post. When I saw what subject was next in queue, I realized that synchronicity was at work, as always. You see, my mother suffers from dementia…

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