Ghosts and Spirits

Erik’s Visit to Sachi and Donna

Erik’s Visit to Sachi and Donna

Two Erik stories today! The first is story about an Erik visit to Sachi is so amazing. It’s so typical of him to prank when we’re connected in some way to the blog, when he’s delivering on a promise to visit, or when we need him most. You’re really, really going to enjoy this one!…

Erik’s Easter Visit

Erik’s Easter Visit

Easter morning at his usually visitation hour (4:00 AM,) Erik surprised me with a delightful visit. These usually come when I’ve been particularly sad and missing him deeply. Profound family drama and hardships have punctuated our life lately, triggering more grief than usual, so his visit couldn’t have come at a better time. As a…

The Silver Cord

The Silver Cord

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Before we go into what Erik says about the silver cord, I want to share a an Erik prank and a teaser about the Clintonville booms. First the Clintonville. This is similar to sonic booms but instead of being an atmospheric phenomenon limited to our dimension, it’s an…

Erik’s Visit to L.P.

Erik’s Visit to L.P.

I want to thank everyone for the touching tributes to our boy, Erik. They plucked every single heartstring. Also, the questions you all have sent (and hopefully will continue to send) are all so intriguing, I can’t wait to ask them. They’re all in queue. Of course it might take time to get to each…

Chux and Lightworkers

Chux and Lightworkers

Couple of things: I’m so excited to see everyone in Austin this weekend. During that time, Kent and Cindy are my guest bloggers, so you’ll get a lot of Erik information from Kent’s channeling session with him. Another thing: My father is ill, so please send your prayers and healing energy. Fortunately, my sister, Laura,…

Channeling Freddie Mercury, Part Two

Channeling Freddie Mercury, Part Two

For those of you who didn’t get a chance to listen to Robert and Erik’s interview on Follow Your Bliss, please do. Erik shouts out “MOM!” at exactly 52:38. It sounds like him as a little boy. The quality is very “EVP-ish.” ************************* For those of you seeking the gifts of a talented psychic…

Erik’s Visit to Libby

Erik’s Visit to Libby

Blog member, Libby, shared her amazing Erik story with me, and it brought such immeasurable joy. After all I’ve been through, I’m still floored by confirmations like these. Perhaps I need to have a bit more faith and let go of that last thin thread of doubt. But how? Here is her Facebook message to…

Erik’s Visit to Stanley

Erik’s Visit to Stanley

Blog member, Stanley, has special status in the Channeling Erik family as one of our charter members, so he’s been around for a while. For months, he’s longed to have some form of communication from Erik, so he practices channeling our little mischief maker. So far, he’s had three wonderful experiences. Twice, Erik has removed…

A Potpourri of Topics

A Potpourri of Topics

Here’s the initial part of our channeling session from June 10th. Will I ever catch up? Actually, transcribing these sessions is very healing for me, because it’s like yet another conversation with my sweet son. Channeling Transcript from June 10th session Me: Hi Jamie, how are you? Jamie: Doing good. How are you? Me: Great….

When Visits From Loved Ones Wane

When Visits From Loved Ones Wane

Note, this is from a session on May 17th, 2011. Tomorrow, Chris Farley takes the stage, so just brace yourself and wear a kidney belt so you don’t crack a rib laughing! Channeling Transcript Me: Here’s one from a blog member. Is the “hollow earth” theory accurate? Erik: As far as I know, it’s solid….

Overlooked April Session

Overlooked April Session

Looking through my recordings, I realized that I neglected to finish transcribe the tail end of the last session in April. Wow, it’s like finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat pocket! YAY! Channeling Transcript Jamie: Erik is the only spirit I’ve channeled that razzes me all the time! Me: Oh, that’s so him….

Always, Karen

Always, Karen

Blog member, Dan, shared this two-part story about a family whose young daughter communicates from the afterlife in a crystal clear manner. I hope this lifts your spirits! Thanks, Dan! Part One: Part Two: Tonight at midnight is the deadline for the free channeling contest. I’ll announce the winner tomorrow morning! And now for a…

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