On October 6, 2009, my 20-year-old son Erik, took his own life. Since that sad and tragic day, an overwhelming sense of grief and despair propelled me into a search for answers. Answers that would provide me and others with comfort and hope. Some of those answers came from the many books I bought, but many came from an unexpected source: Erik himself. Read more.

Ask Erik: Karyn’s Question

Karyn’s Question I feel there are people/spirits/beings around me all the time. I am terrified of them. Sometimes I think it’s just my grandparents, or people I’ve loved that are just missing me and visiting me … but sometimes I feel like it’s bad things – I’d like to know the difference. I’d like to...

Erik Travels Abroad

I can now understand, even more fully, why Erik was so “tired” a couple of days ago. Read this wonderful email I received from an obviously highly gifted and evolved reader, Damian. Hi Elisa, My name is Damien. I have to say yours’ and Eriks’ Blog is one of the most compelling heart warming things...

Michelle’s Dream

Since Erik’s death, my second eldest daughter has felt a bit dejected and frustrated, because she has not experienced the same spiritual visitations from him as some other family members have. I understand her despondency, because she and Erik were extremely close. Not only did they have a lot of fun together, they also got...

Ask Erik: Jodi’s Questions

Jodi’s Question I lost my older sister to a self-inflicted gun injury to her head, when I was 10. She was in her  early 20’s. I believe Sandy was 22 when she died. She committed suicide in the Visalia, California area. My family has always told me I am very much like she was, and...

Ask Erik: Marcelle’s Question

These next several posts come from the channeling session that took place July the 16th. I just received the CD recording in the mail yesterday. I know you all are eager to find out the word for word information Erik and various guardian angels provided, so I will try to post two a day, unless...

Channeling Session 7/21/10

Hey all. Today’s session was no short of amazing. However, Erik was speaking very slowly and Kim asked him why. He answered that he had a big night last night and was low on energy. Well, Kim and I assumed he was just partying with his friends as any 20 year old boy would do,...

Great Addition to the Blog

Because so many of you have requested it, I asked my tech-genius daughter, Kristina, (also the website designer) add a way for you to share each post with your friends and family through a variety of channels: Facebook, Twitter, Buzz Up, Blogger and others. You’ll see it at the end of every post. See, I...

The God Theory

First an announcement: My next channeling session with Kim and Erik will be this Wednesday the 21st. If you didn’t heard from me by email after the July 16th session, that means I haven’t gotten to you on the list. Once your questions are posed and answered, I always email a paraphrased version right after...

The Goosebumps Game

Remember when Erik told me he’d let me know when he’s around by making me feel “goose bumpy?” I did feel that once while I was transcribing that portion of the channeling session, but a big fat zero ever since. Of course, he might have a challenge on his hands with this technique for two...

Today’s Channeling and Family Photos

Today’s channeling session with Kim started out with Erik showing himself sitting on a throne wearing a crown. Teasing us all, he says, chuckling, “I’m ready to receive my public now.” I was only able to get through 11 of you who were on the list of 46, but I’ve got another session booked for...

Erik on Alzheimer’s, Evil Spirits and Other Odds and Ends

Usually at the end of a channeling session, I ask Erik an assortment of questions that have come to mind either during my reading or just before the appointment. I found his answers extremely intriguing. I hope you enjoy! Me: Does part of our energy stay in the afterlife? I mean, I feel like some...

Erik on How to Channel

Before I start sharing the transcription of this part of the last channeling session, I’d like to thank all of you for the amazing love you’ve given Erik and I. I feel this is the reason for the end of my recent dry spell in his visitations. The dreams, the physical presences, it’s all you...

Erik’s Last Thoughts

I’m not sure why I feel so compelled to reconstruct every minute detail of that terrible day and why I want to know everything, and I mean everything, that was going through Erik’s mind before he died. Maybe this is normal. I have no idea, because I’ve never suffered such a horrible loss. So I’m...

Last Night’s Dream

I meant to continue my transcription of the next segment of Erik and Kim’s last channeling session, but last night I had a vivid dream that was like any other I’ve ever had. I feel compelled to share it. Oh, okay, I also want to post it now before it slips right off my ever-shrinking...

Rob Reaches Out From the Other Side

One reader, a wonderful part of the “Channeling Erik Family,” shared two very comforting stories. The first: her son, Rob, communicates with her from the afterlife. My son Rob died of suicide on March 21, 2009. We talked with a psychic the following week – she was very good. She got Rob – there were...

Where to Begin

If you're new to Channeling Erik, I recommend you read the backstory first. Then, I suggest you start with the very first post. In doing so you can follow my journey just as I did, through the inexplicable, inconceivable, and yet utterly undeniable surprises that I have encountered since my son''s death. Welcome.


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