Komala’s Question I have had several very vivid dreams of my maternal grandmother to whom I was very close. She passed away suddenly in February 1997 of an aortic aneurysm. I have felt her presence several times since her death. While I have lost other family members that I have been close to, I have…
Ask Erik: Bonnie’s Question
Hey all, I mentioned in a comment that Kim’s 2:00 PM appointment canceled for today so when her husband called me to ask if I wanted it, I jumped at the chance. I was so excited at the thought of getting to more of your questions. But when I called at the appointed time, she…
Ask Erik: Avery’s Question
Avery’s Question Hello Elisa, I have to start out by saying I really, genuinely THANK YOU for sharing this with us. Using your pain to help others is such a selfless act, and you, too, must be an enlightened soul, if you can look through your grief and do just that. Erik makes it clear…
Ask Erik: Amber’s Question
Amber’s Question Note: I’m using her screen name rather than her real one. When providing Kim and Erik with the information, however, I use her real name. I recently had an experience with a medium that brought up more questions than answers. A dear friend of mine died five years ago of an “accidental overdose”….
Erik Travels Abroad
I can now understand, even more fully, why Erik was so “tired” a couple of days ago. Read this wonderful email I received from an obviously highly gifted and evolved reader, Damian. Hi Elisa, My name is Damien. I have to say yours’ and Eriks’ Blog is one of the most compelling heart warming things…
Michelle’s Dream
Since Erik’s death, my second eldest daughter has felt a bit dejected and frustrated, because she has not experienced the same spiritual visitations from him as some other family members have. I understand her despondency, because she and Erik were extremely close. Not only did they have a lot of fun together, they also got…
Ask Erik: Marcelle’s Question
These next several posts come from the channeling session that took place July the 16th. I just received the CD recording in the mail yesterday. I know you all are eager to find out the word for word information Erik and various guardian angels provided, so I will try to post two a day, unless…
The God Theory
First an announcement: My next channeling session with Kim and Erik will be this Wednesday the 21st. If you didn’t heard from me by email after the July 16th session, that means I haven’t gotten to you on the list. Once your questions are posed and answered, I always email a paraphrased version right after…
The Goosebumps Game
Remember when Erik told me he’d let me know when he’s around by making me feel “goose bumpy?” I did feel that once while I was transcribing that portion of the channeling session, but a big fat zero ever since. Of course, he might have a challenge on his hands with this technique for two…
Today’s Channeling and Family Photos
Today’s channeling session with Kim started out with Erik showing himself sitting on a throne wearing a crown. Teasing us all, he says, chuckling, “I’m ready to receive my public now.” I was only able to get through 11 of you who were on the list of 46, but I’ve got another session booked for…
Erik on Alzheimer’s, Evil Spirits and Other Odds and Ends
Usually at the end of a channeling session, I ask Erik an assortment of questions that have come to mind either during my reading or just before the appointment. I found his answers extremely intriguing. I hope you enjoy! Me: Does part of our energy stay in the afterlife? I mean, I feel like some…
Erik on How to Channel
Before I start sharing the transcription of this part of the last channeling session, I’d like to thank all of you for the amazing love you’ve given Erik and I. I feel this is the reason for the end of my recent dry spell in his visitations. The dreams, the physical presences, it’s all you…
Erik’s Last Thoughts
I’m not sure why I feel so compelled to reconstruct every minute detail of that terrible day and why I want to know everything, and I mean everything, that was going through Erik’s mind before he died. Maybe this is normal. I have no idea, because I’ve never suffered such a horrible loss. So I’m…
Last Night’s Dream
I meant to continue my transcription of the next segment of Erik and Kim’s last channeling session, but last night I had a vivid dream that was like any other I’ve ever had. I feel compelled to share it. Oh, okay, I also want to post it now before it slips right off my ever-shrinking…
Rob Reaches Out From the Other Side
One reader, a wonderful part of the “Channeling Erik Family,” shared two very comforting stories. The first: her son, Rob, communicates with her from the afterlife. My son Rob died of suicide on March 21, 2009. We talked with a psychic the following week – she was very good. She got Rob – there were…
Erik on Therapy and Past Lives
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for all the love you’ve showered me with. I feel so honored to have each and every one of you in my life, because you are all so wise and enlightened. Sorry for the moment of weakness and know that your encouragement has lifted me up…
Jacob and Sandy
I’m so grateful to Sandy for allowing me to post a recent email she wrote. I found it enlightening, hopeful and healing. Moreover, her comments and hundreds of others I’ve received are a clear indication that we are on the brink of something big…a transformation, an awakening. People seem hungry to discover all that they…
Ask Erik: Stan’s Questions
Today is a bit of a challenge, because the carpet in Erik’s room is finally being installed. When I hear them upstairs hammering and moving furniture, it brings back the sad memory of the crime scene clean up crew ripping the carpet up after he died. But I cope through my blog; sitting in front…
A Wonderful Story of Hope from a Reader
Here is a comment from a new reader that I found especially inspiring. It gave me such hope that I would like to share it with others who have lost loved ones. Obviously she has amazing psychic gifts. May her encounter with her deceased father bring you peace and comfort too. My biggest regrets, the…
Ask Erik: Sandra’s Question
Here’s a question for Erik that I found very interesting. I hope he has given her some closure about her own roots. Sandra’s Question Hello, I have a question about my past that I have had my whole life. I was adopted when I was 6 weeks old from London England. My date of birth…
Ask Erik: Debbie’s Question
Since the Huffington Post article came out, the response has been amazing. So many people have questions for Erik that I’ve temporarily had to suspend the “Ask Erik” page until I get caught up. I am trying to see if Kim can squeeze in an extra session or two, but for now I’m on her…
Ask Erik: Rebecca’s Question
So many young people ask Erik for direction in their careers. In this case, I’m glad Rebecca did, because it sounds like she is meant to do great things in the world. God knows what would happen if she didn’t fulfill her destiny to help so many. Rebecca’s Question Hello, I was introduced to this…
Ask Erik: Olivia’s Question
I’d like to apologize for the delay in posting the Ask Erik questions from my June 17th channeling session with Kim O’Neill. I’ve been working every day to help out at a brand new clinic which, along with taking care of my grandbaby, my own kids and the household, leaves me squeezed for time. But…
Early Morning Visit
Around four o’clock in the morning, I received a pleasant surprise–a visit from Erik. I was lying down on my left side facing away from the edge of the bed hovering somewhere between the sleep state and the wake state when I suddenly felt a presence behind me. In my peripheral vision, I could easily…