
Channeling Rock Hudson. Part Three

Channeling Rock Hudson. Part Three

Here’s Mr. Hudson’s Grand Finale: (Again, this is only a short excerpt. Gotta wait for the book.) Me: All right. What insights do you think you gained, Mr. Hudson, now that you have a new perspective from the afterlife? Rock: The biggest insight I gained was the proof I wanted all along when I was…

Channeling Rock Hudson, Part Two

Channeling Rock Hudson, Part Two

Thanks, everybody, for your input about the Natalie Wood case. I’ve got a call in to the LA County Homicide Division, and I’ll let you know what they say. Won’t it be cool when the courts will take the testimony of the deceased as admissible evidence? One day. Now, let’s welcome back Mr. Hudson: Me:…

Channeling Rock Hudson, Part One

Channeling Rock Hudson, Part One

A couple of things before we welcome Mr. Hudson. First, remember how not long ago Erik warned us we needed to have the supplies and plans necessary for urban camping, at least for a duration of a week or two. Lately, we’ve been seeing instances all over the country where I hope his advice was…

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Three

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Three

As many of you know, Tupac was no angel here on earth. He suffered many hardships, committed many transgressions, but in the end, he graced the world with his poetry and now, from the afterlife, with his wisdom. Enjoy the last segment of Tupac’s interview. Me: Okay. Now, what past life do you think influenced…

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Two

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Two

For those of you who missed Erik’s interview last night, please feel free to go to the following link so you can download it and listen at your leisure. Let me know what you think, and remember to share it on Facebook and other social connection avenues. And now, part two of 2Pac. Again,…

Quantum Physics and the Afterlife, Part Three

Quantum Physics and the Afterlife, Part Three

The third piece of evidence that the existence of the afterlife can be explained in quantum terms has to do with the concept of time and that if is possible to live outside of the boundaries time imposes on our life on the earthly plane. We are constantly told by beings in the afterlife that…

Quantum Physics and the Afterlife, Part Two

Quantum Physics and the Afterlife, Part Two

Everything is Energy Even the parts of the atom that we think of as “particles”- little balls of solid matter- under some circumstances behave as waves of energy. This means that what we think of a matter- the basis of materialism- is in fact energy vibrating at a slower speed. I hope you all had a wonderful…

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Two

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Two

Thanks so much for spreading the love with those social connect buttons, y’all! We’re getting a lot of new family members. Here is the second part of the three part series of the interview with Carl Sagan. Enjoy! Me: That was what you were here to teach; were you here to learn anything? Carl: I…

Channeling Heath Ledger, Part Three

Channeling Heath Ledger, Part Three

Me: Is there a past life you can share that most affected this last one? Heath: That’s a very clever question. Jamie laughs loudly. Jamie: That’s so smart!  He’s comparing talking about other lives to the secrets in your closet. Heath: Like when you’re alive, your sexual orientation is kind of what you keep in…

Quantum Physics and the Afterlife, Part One

Quantum Physics and the Afterlife, Part One

Over the next month, some of the posts will include the twelve discoveries from quantum physics that provide strong, if not conclusive, evidence for the existence of an afterlife and the survival of consciousness (the soul) after death. We’ve shared other types of evidence such as near death experiences and lives suggestive of reincarnation, but…

Induced After Death Communication

Induced After Death Communication

Many of you have asked about IADC, induced after death communication. Developed by Dr. Al Botkin, it’s based on EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing). EMDR uses bilateral stimulation, reproducing REM sleep with horizontal eye movements to treat post traumatic stress disorder. Purely by accident, Botkin discovered that during EMDR sessions, some of his patients…

A Potpourri of Topics

A Potpourri of Topics

Here’s the initial part of our channeling session from June 10th. Will I ever catch up? Actually, transcribing these sessions is very healing for me, because it’s like yet another conversation with my sweet son. Channeling Transcript from June 10th session Me: Hi Jamie, how are you? Jamie: Doing good. How are you? Me: Great….

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part Two

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part Two

Enjoy part two of Buddy’s story! Me: Can you tell me a little about where you are in the afterlife? What do you do there? What are your surroundings? Buddy: I’m with my family. I’m with other friends. Even though I have a personal liking to the music and the power it holds, there are…

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part One

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part One

Hello, my sweeties. Let me toss an idea out to you. I have lists of famous people to channel divided into these groups: Pop culture icons (which I’m doing now) The infamous (and downright evil) Historic figures and leaders Religious figures and leaders Famous artists, scientists, writers and composers Famous animals (Rin-Tin-Tin, Secretariat, etc) Various…

The Scientific Case for Life After Death

The Scientific Case for Life After Death

Before you kick back on a lazy Sunday to watch these fascinating and comforting videos about life after death evidence, I’d like to make a quick announcement. The dates for the Channeling Erik Weekending of F#*&ing Enlightenment have been moved to March 2nd, 3rd and 4th. This is (probably) final. Jamie is spending nearly all…

Channeling Chris Farley, Part Two

Channeling Chris Farley, Part Two

Chris: But I did all the drugs; I did anything I wanted to. I—was—gluttony. I was gluttony, and I wouldn’t take that back for anything in the world! My proudest moment—I’ve heard all your questions—you wanna know what my greatest accomplishment was? Me: Yes, what was it? Chris: That I COULD be so gluttonous and…

Channeling Chris Farley, Part One

Channeling Chris Farley, Part One

Just had my first real EMDR session and all I can say is: That’s some powerful s*#t!!! Amazing. Simply amazing. I’ll continue to act as y’all’s guinea pig and keep you updated! Comedic talent never dies, as this entry proves. In this three part series, you’ll laugh, cry and  sometimes feel the urge to wrap…

Channeling Janis Joplin, Part One

Channeling Janis Joplin, Part One

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! My husband finished his motorcycle racing season— his first ever — and in his four race categories in the entire south central U.S., he has two firsts and two seconds for the year. pretty damn good for an old man! I know Erik must be very proud. Here’s one of…

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