Sorry about yesterday, everyone. I am so thankful for your love and support. It was just one of those days when the images keep screaming inside my mind for hours on end: the blood, the brains, the quietness in his chest, the look on this face, the shape of his head, the smell of fresh…
Ask Erik: Joe’s Question
This next question comes from a husband and his wife who selflessly devoted the opportunity to help a family in need who lost their young daughter to suicide. I found it fascinating that Melanie, the deceased, behaved like a typical preteen girl even after she had crossed over. My heart warmed to know that Erik…
Ask Erik: Barbara’s Questions
First, I would like to apologize to Bruce. I thought I had posted his part of the channeling session on August 31st, but it was still in the drafts folder. I had forgotten to click “publish.” Oops. The ol’ brain ain’t what she used to be! Second, I’d like to say something about the Ask…
Ask Erik: Val’s Questions
Val’s Questions My maternal grandmother committed suicide before I was born, when my mother was only seventeen years old. She’s the one that found her similar to how you found Erik. I was born four years later, and needless to say it has had quite an impact on my family. This happened long ago and…
Dying to Live
After I told my daughter, Michelle, about Erik’s visit to Mariana, she felt happy for yet another sign of his continued existence, but she also felt a little sad that he had not given her a sign in such a long time. After all, Michelle and Erik were very close. They did nearly everything together….
Mariana’s Visit from Erik
Back in February, I shared with you a lucid dream that a young lady named Mariana had about Erik. Let me refresh your memory with a bit of backstory. Mariana is essentially part of our family, because I tutored her in English throughout grade school. In order to accelerate her grasp of the language, I…
Ask Erik: Zelda’s Question
I found this part of the session to be very interesting on many levels. For one, Erik provided information before I could even ask any questions! Zelda’s Question I’d be SO incredibly appreciative (i.e., it would blow my mind) if you would pass this on. My friend was a beautiful guy with a razor-sharp mind…
Michelle’s OBE
Like all of us, Michelle misses her brother, Erik, very deeply. Although everyone’s journey through grief is unique, she and I seem to be going about it in very similar ways. For one, Michelle longs to see Erik, even to visit him in that other dimension. She’s been more disciplined in her practice in the…
Will the Real Erik Medhus Please Stand Up?
Yesterday, Danielle brought an astute observation to my attention. Although Erik does nearly all the “talking” when he shares his insight, what do we really know about him as a being? Clearly, some of his qualities shine through his actions and his words, but there is so much more to this complex spirit than meets…
Ask Erik: Nate’s Questions
Nate contacted me months ago about a dream he had where he was snowboarding in a beautiful hilly landscape. When I asked Erik about the dream, I really didn’t remember the details, because it had been a couple of months since Nate shared it with me. Unless I’m mistaken, I don’t believe Nate knew anything…
Ask Erik: Ty’s Question
I really enjoyed this question and the answers Erik provided, because it speaks to so many of us, maybe all of us. I had to chuckle at Erik’s mock impatience since he waited on the sidelines while various guardian angels answered Kelli’s questions. Watch how he plays the neglected little boy! I was also amazed…
Willie’s Story
For the last year or so, I’ve been drawn to a particularly delightful soul, Willie, a very hard-working sacker at my neighborhood grocery store who’s probably in his late 40s. No matter how others treat him or ignore him, no matter how merciless the heat or rain or cold, he always has a broad smile…
Ask Erik: Kelli’s Question
This next question comes from a young grandmother bereaved over the loss of her infant grandson from a tragic accident. This time, Erik uncharacteristically took a back seat to allow the guardian angels for Brady and various family members to take center stage. I suppose this was because there were so many involved! Channeling Transcript…
Peek-a-Boo with Erik
As is typical for me since Erik’s death, Sunday was difficult. All the down time leaves plenty of opportunity for the mind to wander into dark crevices it had managed to avoid the entire week. Such days of despair are less frequent than they were those first months, but I am resigned to the fact…
Ask Erik: Sandy’s Question
As is typical of a bereaved parent, Sandy had many, many questions for Erik. I didn’t have time for all of them, but I hope the answers we got gives her some measure of peace. I know exactly where she is, and my heart goes out to her. As you can see, Jamie and Erik…
Ask Erik: Donna’s Question
Here’s Donna’s Question for Erik. Actually, Erik didn’t have as much to do with this one, because Donna’s parents were in the room with the medium and could answer all questions about themself. He does contribute when the questions revolve around Donna’s son, however. Donna’s Question I want to thank you and Erik and Kim…
Channeling Session with Jamie Butler
I’ve been trying to find different psychic mediums to fit the various budgets of blog members. At the request of member, Steve, I made an appointment with Jamie Butler, a young psychic from Atlanta, Georgia. I found her to be very talented, soft-spoken and sweet. I would consider her to be in the medium (no…
The Akashic Records and Suicide
Andrea, a member of our Channeling Erik family, graciously shared this thought-provoking information about the Akashic Records and Suicide. Many of us have lost loved ones to suicide. Some have contemplated suicide. Regardless of where you are or where you’ve been on the topic, I think you’ll find great meaning in what follows. New from…
Session with Jeannie Barnes
Here is the .mp3 file of the channeling session I had with psychic medium, Jeannie Barnes. I tried her out because her price is a reasonable $80 per hour. Unfortunately, she records on cassette tapes, so I had to convert it to a digital file. The quality is not that good, but it’s doable. You…
Ask Erik: Sylvia’s Question
This entry is short, but sweet, highlighting how, eventually, we will be together with our loved ones for all eternity. Sylvia’s Question Dear Elisa, Discovering your blog has been a gift from Heaven. I am totally enthralled, and I thank you deeply for sharing it with us. I was wondering if I might ask Erik…
Ask Erik: Melanie’s Question
This part of the channeling transcript brings tears to my eyes: tears of sorrow, but also tears of joy. Melanie’s Question Hello. My name is Melanie. (31 years old) I lost my 8 year-old daughter Nov. 1 2009. She went into cardiac arrest due to the H1N1. I have to know how she is. Please….
Ask Erik: Maggie’s Question
Hey, my babies. I just want you to know that I’m going to take the family camping on Lake Travis near Austin Texas, one last fling before school starts. I will try my hardest to continue checking and responding to comments, posting entries and perusing the forum, but I’m not exactly sure what kind of…
Ask Erik: Shelley’s Question
Last one for the night. Thanks all, for your patience. Have sweet dreams and pray for Erik and all the loved ones you’ve lost. Give a shout of praise to your guardian angels. I don’t know about you, but mine have got their work cut out for them! Shelley’s Question Thank you so much for…
Ask Erik: Jennifer’s Question
Jennifer’s Question Elisa, Thank you so much for responding! I inadvertently sent two messages to you, the first being about my personal life, in that people jokingly refer to me as “haunted” due to some strange happenings in different places that I have lived. Also my extreme feelings of not knowing why I am here….