On October 6, 2009, my 20-year-old son Erik, took his own life. Since that sad and tragic day, an overwhelming sense of grief and despair propelled me into a search for answers. Answers that would provide me and others with comfort and hope. Some of those answers came from the many books I bought, but many came from an unexpected source: Erik himself. Read more.

Starseeds and the Law of Attraction

Hey all. We’d like to start looking into lodging for the Atlanta trip so could everyone who is going send me an email to let me know? That way, I can get a head count. Also, we have a lot of new members. I’d like to welcome you all to the CE family. I encourage...

Loving Oneself

Good news everyone. Robert was moved to a regular room yesterday and should be discharged Wednesday or Thursday. He’s tired and gaunt but hopefully he’ll let me fatten him up some. And now for the first part of the February 18th channeling session: Channeling Transcript Me: Hey Jamie! Hey Erik! Erik: Mom, you must have...

Consciousness and the Soul, Part Two

First, an update on Robert’s condition: I haven’t seen him yet today, because I’m working, but I’ll run over there at lunchtime. If there’s any critical news to share, I will do so tonight, otherwise I’ll post something tomorrow. Robert has several sizable blood clots in his abdominal cavity, so apparently this not only causes...

Consciousness and the Soul, Part One

Lot’s of things to discuss before we delve into the next channeling transcript. First, I’d like to say just how proud I am of all of you. Your outpouring of love and offers to help may well be lifesaving for this wonderful, giving, and gentle soul. Sure, Stanley engages in a practice known as infantilism,...

Emergency Situation

I got home from visiting Robert and received this email from our dear Stanley. Hello Elisa, I do wish this didn’t come at a time when it does. But I wanted you to know the why before you saw it on the news. I am going to be ending my life in a few hours....

More on the Life Review

Robert is doing better as of yesterday evening. He was in agony with pain in the area where the stoma was, for some reason. This is odd, because usually the reversal surgery is not nearly as painful, especially considering the had a ruptured bowel and peritonitis then. But after much pleading, I got them to...

What of Celebrity?

Sorry for such a short post, guys, but I have a full plate today and the next topic is just so unrelated! I have a couple of announcements first: 1)    Robert sailed through surgery without a hitch, thanks, in part, to all of your prayers. He is suffering a great deal from pain, and I’m...

Greed, Greed, Greed

Before we dive into this cheerful topic, I’d like to announce that, in just a few hours, Robert will be undergoing the surgery to reverse his colostomy. As soon as he’s awake and transferred to a room, I’ll be there as a “delegate” from channeling erik to shower him with love and attention. He’s had...

Erik’s Request

Erik has made a small request. He feels like the last several posts have been a little (okay, a lot) on the heavy side, and he says it’s time for a bit of lighthearted fun. Blog member, Dan sent me a hilarious YouTube video this week, and apparently Erik loved it so much, he wants...

Losing a Loved One

To lose a loved one is pure agony. When you lose a child, your grief is compounded exponentially. When you lose that child to suicide, your grief is multiplied to unbearable levels. When that suicide is violent, you become a POW in a private war, tortured mercilessly day after day. In my desire to show...

2012 Revisited

Even though Erik has shared a great deal about 2012, the first part of this session on February 15th took a detour in that direction. Try to keep up! Channeling Transcript Me: Good morning, Jamie! How are you doing? Jamie: Good, I hit a bit of traffic so I just walked in! I get in...

Erik’s Advice on Destructive Patterns

There has been much heated debate on the last couple of posts so let me summarize my take on things: 1) Remember the written word doesn’t convey tone, and, as humans, we tend to fill in empty spaces with worst case scenarios. So many assume Erik’s comments were rude and sarcastic, but be assured they...

Erik’s Advice to Those Who Are Stuck

A lot of blog members were quite hurt by Erik’s pointing out the selfish side to grief. Here’s an example from John Joseph: Hey this one’s for Erik: Spirit or not, you’re being a dick telling people they’re “selfish” when they miss someone they love more than you will ever imagine, no matter how many...

Erik’s Advice to Those in Pain

Channeling Transcript Me: Do you have any advice to those who have lost loved ones and are just so stricken by grief? Erik: Remember, grief is really selfish. Wow, this made my heart sink, because that means I am One Selfish Bitch. Erik: They need to look at what part of themselves they feel is...

Where to Begin

If you're new to Channeling Erik, I recommend you read the backstory first. Then, I suggest you start with the very first post. In doing so you can follow my journey just as I did, through the inexplicable, inconceivable, and yet utterly undeniable surprises that I have encountered since my son''s death. Welcome.


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