Me: In the afterlife, tell me some of the things you have. Are there malls? Are there restaurants? Are there theaters? Tell about some of the structures and establishments you have there besides the ones you talked about like that glass building. Erik: Wow, you’re really into this, huh? Me: I’m telling ya, man! (Pause)…
Erik on the Afterlife, Part Two
Me: Does it feel real over there? Erik: Does it feel real? Jamie: He’s thinking. Erik: I could ask you the same damn question! Does it feel real over there? Me: Yes! (Sometimes too real!) Erik: It feels real here, you know, even though you can’t reach down and smack your arm or pinch yourself….
The Afterlife, Part One
Me: Erik, guess what we’re going to talk about today? Jamie (giggling and mimicking Erik stroke his chin like a professor in deep thought): Uh, the afterlife? I detect a “Dur” in that. Me (excitedly): Yes! Oh my gosh. How did you guess that? Of course you know these things. Uh. Erik? Erik: Yes. Me:…
Erik’s Growth, Part One
I got back from Norway last night and had such a great time. I missed you guys and am ready to hit the ground running. Today, the spotlight turns on Erik, the woo-woo guru himself. I got to thinking: I ask him questions about death, the afterlife, spirits and the human experience, but I rarely…
Is the Afterlife a Snore? (and Other Stuff)
Me: One blog member wants to know if the afterlife is boring. Erik: No! Me: You don’t have any struggles or anything like that, so… At least not in the way that we do. That’s why I think he’s wondering if it’s boring or not. No drama, Mama. Erik: It’s just that you’re thinking about…
Erik Describe His Own Death
The title speaks for itself. For those of you who haven’t yet, please subscribe to the Channeling Erik YouTube channel. CLICK FOR VIDEO Please LIKE my book’s Facebook fan page!
Ascended Master-Baitors
Erik Skywalker So my dear, mutual Erik friends, our young man got me good. Oh yes, he did. I didn’t think it would happen, but wow. WOW is all I can say. When I began talking to Erik, I received a number of kind-hearted emails “warning” me of Erik’s impending antics. Get ready! He’s such a…
How Food Tastes in the Afterlife
Yesterday was an exciting day at the Medhus household. My sister, Laura, was all alone in my house watching television when she heard someone jiggling a key to open the front door. She figured it was just one of my kids coming in to do their wash. Then she heard footsteps, but not the usual,…
Channeling James Dean, Part Two
Enjoy part two of our interview with Mister Cool, himself. Me: So you shared some of your thoughts during your transition. Can you describe your surroundings upon crossing? Wait, actually, when you were standing over your body, you may not have realized you had crossed over. Can you tell me your thoughts when you realized…
Time for Dummies
Me: If there’s no linear time in the afterlife, why would a spirit need to wait until a person who’s still living passes over in order to heal? Erik, you broached this question before. Theoretically, their spirits are also in the afterlife due to the simultaneous existence of past, present and future. The blog member…
Channeling Jerry Garcia, Part One
At the request of one of the CE family members, I’d like to pull Jerry out from the long celebrity interview queue. I know it’s breaking the “no cuts” rule, but Mama Elisa does have special powers, right? I think you’re really going to enjoy this. If so, enter your 2013 Bloggies vote. If you…
Channeling Natalie Wood, Part Two
Enjoy the second and final segment of the Natalie Wood interview. Me: Okay. So what did you believe about death and the afterlife before you crossed over? Natalie: I didn’t have much time to think about it in the ocean— Jamie: So, it’s not a bay. Me: I mean what did you believe when you…
Identity Crisis
I had a really hard time coming up with a title for this post. It was between “Identity Crisis”, “Afterlife Work” (which sounded too laborious), or “Hot Latinos” (which would get me a lot of hits from porn-seekers but might ruffle my husband’s feathers.) In the end, the choice was obvious. Me: Hi Erik! What…
Channeling George Harrison, Part Two
Enjoy Part Two of our interview of one of my favorite Beatles! Me: Can you tell me a bit more about your actual transition? George: You know it wasn’t that long ago. The biggest suffering was in the treatment. It wasn’t the cancer or the actual passing. Jamie: So it WAS cancer. George: Yeah. It…
Channeling Gautama Buddha, Part Five
Blog member, Amber, brought to my attention that the “Browse the Archives” button wasn’t working! I checked my plugins and found that and other ones were deactivated for some reason. These included the comment and socializer buttons. So, newbies, you can search the archives two ways: Use the “Browse the Archives” button or the “Start…
Erik Travels to Germany
Hello Channeling Erik family members. I miss you all as well as the healing effect posting on the blog has for me. My father is still very ill and my sister, Laura, and I are keeping vigil.Along with our husbands, we’ve moved into my parent’s house to tend to him as he is bedridden. To…
Channeling George Carlin, Part One
I’d like to ask if anyone here is having trouble with DISQUS. We were having a problem with the upgrade that came along with the WordPress upgrade, so we switched back to the previous version, but I’m still not getting any comments. Usually I gets tons! Has anyone posted comments that have not come through?…
Why Evil Exists in the World
The following piece addresses what so many of us in the Channeling Erik family grapple with. Why evil? Why do people like Ted Bundy exist and how can we rise above our judgments, our appall, our thoughts of revenge by capital punishment? This woman, Nanci Danison, might just have the answers we’ve been searching for….
Channeling Jesus, Part One
As many of you know, I videotaped this channeling session of our interview with Jesus. However, the YouTube is now private, because Jamie has decided (and understandably so) not to publicize it as it might cause people to believe she espouses one religion above others. Eventually, when we interview religious leaders from all faiths, we’ll…
Channeling Amy Winehouse, Part Two
Jamie and Erik will host their next small group channeling conference call April 12th. The cost will be only $45 this time and she will let me know when the registration page will be available. And now for the next segment of the one and only Ms. Winehouse: Me: Okay, Did you have any particular…
Channeling Leonardo da Vinci, Part Three
Enjoy the next to the last segment of Leo! Me: What were you here to learn? Leonardo: I was here to learn how to take direction from myself—not from my mother, not from my father, not from my sponsoring artist, not from money, not form politics, not from kings and queens, and not—especially not—from God!…
Channeling John Belushi, Part Three
Congratulations Channeling Erik Family Members! We’re surpassed a million hits! Woo hoo! That’s a lot of clicks! The small group channeling conference call went well. So, thanks Team Eri-Jam or Jam-ik or Jam-er. Hmm, we’ll have to come up with something good. I recorded the session, but for some reason, when I try to export…
Channeling Bob Marley, Part Two
Here’s part two of the great Mr. Marley!: Me: What was your transition like for you? Jamie: He takes a deep breath, then kind of squints his eyes. He moves his hair back. Funky hair! (She giggles.) Bob: My transition was a blessing. It pulled me away from my music, which nurtured me while I…
Channeling Bob Marley, Part One
Last night’s conference call was amazing. There was laughter, there are tears, there was healing, there were dropped jaws and a sense of awe. Unless anyone objects, we’ll release the recording in the next few days, but the agreement must be unanimous! If anyone doesn’t want the recording to be released to the CE family,…