Today, I find out the sex of the new grandbaby! Michelle is getting her ultrasound this afternoon, and she’s going to give the ultrasound technician a blank envelop to put the results in. Then the envelop will be sealed so she can’t know the results. Michelle will give me the envelop, I’ll open it, and…
Communicating with Your Dead, Part One
Stormy weather coming my way. Our little village is under a tornado watch, and it’s almost pitch black outside, so I’m trying to post this as fast as possible before the power goes out! Wish me luck. Be sure you sign up for Jamie’s class tomorrow: Zen for the Holidays – A Web Class with…
Spiritual Coaching with Heather Quinto
God, yesterday was a rough day. Every time I glanced at my watch I’d think, “It’s 12:45. That’s when I last spoke to Erik. Did I tell him I loved him before we left for lunch.” “Now it’s 1:10. He’s pulling the trigger. His life is over.” “It’s 1:20. I hear Maria’s blood curdling scream…
Our Other Selves
Yay, the official book launch day is today. You should all be getting yours soon, and I can’t wait to hear feedback. It also means that I’m going to be particularly busy. I have two radio interviews today alone. Nothing a cup or two of coffee can’t help with! If you missed out on ordering…
It’s All About Channeling
Great news, peeps! The Channeling Erik Mediums have created their own website, and it’s very elegant. The mediums on this page are very gifted and reasonable, some even doing readings for free. If you’re interested in talking to Erik, your guides or a deceased loved one, check it out. Click HERE. It’s still very stormy here…
Communicating with Our Loved Ones
Some of you have reported that the form for the free giveaway rejects those living outside the U.S. I’m going to try to have the publisher to change that. For those of you who missed it, if you pre-order Erik’s new book, My Life After Death (click HERE to do so,) you can click HERE to receive a…
Best of Erik: Frickin’ Love Lasers
So far the vacation has been going well, but the weather looks iffy, so we might have to come home early. 🙁 I’ve been packing in a lot of video for my next vlog much to the dismay of my family. I’ve never heard the word, “stop!” more times per day than on this trip….
Channeling Erik Weekend of F-ing Enlightenment
I know this is the second post in one day, but I just got this news and I want to announce it. Jamie Butler and Erik are having this year’s first Channeling Erik Weekend of F-ing Enlightenment April 24-26 in Denver. Many of you who have participated in past ones, and EVERY ONE of you…
Best of Erik: Chatting with Your Loved Ones
Earlier, when I posted about what Erik feels when Jamie trance channels him, I forgot to share what the experience is like from my perspective. Watching Jamie trance channel Erik is nothing less than awe-inspiring. As Erik enters her body, you can see a flash of light alongside the curve of her neck, usually on…
Erik, the Mischief Maker
One thing I forgot to mention about the John Wayne interview: It was conducted over a year ago, well before the IRS scandal. Interesting! Now enjoy this story about Erik’s relentless mischief with a blog member. Who knows? You might be next! Erik steps his pranking to a new level with her. You do not…
Best of Erik: Ego in Heaven?
In channeling one of my family members a few days after his death, I noticed that he still had his ego. I always thought that when we became spirits, that ego would be shed. What’s up with that? In subsequent sessions, he’s become less egocentric but still, I’ve never encountered that before. Me: Let’s talk about…
Best of Erik: How ’bout them psychics’
Here are a couple of things that so many people wonder about where psychics are concerned. Me: Here’s another one from a reader. “How can spirits who speak in foreign languages communicate through mediums who don’t speak that language?” Erik: You’ve gotta remind people that the medium is a tool. Me (laughing): Did you just…
Best of Erik: Wow Your Ego is HUGE
Don’t do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset. If you’ve ever been there just blink your eyes. Zig Ziglar I’m so guilty of doing this. My ego takes over and before you know it I have done all sorts of things that I then later have to try and patch up again….
Best of Erik: Edgar, Erik & Me
I know one or two people got a little mixed up reading the posts on here or rather who is posting them the other day. Well as Elisa mentioned on the Adolph Hitler session I (Mike Hulse) will be posting and approving stuff whilst Elisa is taking a long earned sabbatical. Normal service shall resume…
Best of Erik: Life is a Paddle Ball Game
I’m sharing this one today, as it is quite an apt subject for me. I come from a Pentecostal Christian background, that wormed it’s way through my families life. I spent 14 years as a ‘Born againer’ before finally waking up to smell the Hummus as it where. I wasn’t particularly well liked at church…
Best of Erik: How to Channel
First of all, I would like to thank you all for your condolences. I wish I could have answered all of them with my appreciation but there were so many, and I’m so physically and emotionally spent. I do have some great news, though. Jamie is hosting another event where she trance channels Erik. It’ll…
Introducing Robert, Part One
Amy, Jamie’s assistant, sent me some photos from the Channeling Erik Weekend. Looking at them reminds me of how much fun it was and how fond I became of all the sweet souls there. Now, the moment that many of you have been waiting for, I’d like to introduce you to my dear friend,…
Back to Basics
Since it’s a holiday, I wasn’t planning to post today, but I’d like your feedback on something. Over the last couple of years, I think that the blog has lost it’s way. At first, it was centered around loss, grief, death and the afterlife. Since then, we began to ask questions that covered “fringe” topics…
My Personal Experience with the eBoard
Oh.Em.Gee, people. I just played with Erik and Jamie’s eBoard last night with blog member, Robert, who comes over to eat with our family every Saturday. First, of course, we recite the intent that conveys gratitude and protects us from negative entities. We asked so many questions and that planchette (the little wooden ring you…
The eBoard
I can’t tell you how touched I was to receive such an outpouring of support. I wish I could have answered every comment but I tried as best I could. Time and time again, the tears flowed as I read. Thank you all. Because of the support and stories I received, I really do want…
Jamie Takes the Stage
Lately, I’ve been a little down. As many of you know, I have devoted my life to the blog even so far as to retire from Medicine. The advantages are as follows: It gives Erik a voice so that he can follow his calling, sharing wisdom, insight and love to all of us. It also…
Upcoming Events
The Channeling Erik Weekend of F-ing Enlightenment is coming up very quickly, guys. I hope to meet as many of you as I possibly can! Click HERE to found out the details, the schedule and to sign up! Also, if you’re interested in channeling, one of the best ways to do so is through automatic…
Munchin on Love
Another great post from our resident spirit translator and Erik bud, Kate Sitka. (An Erik & Kate conversation.) This morning, I’d been thinking about a reading with a friend / client last week, where she’d asked, “What is with all this WATER? I’m drinking so much water lately.” She is healthy (not diabetic) just intuitively…