Tag: Channeling

Channeling Rock Hudson, Part Two

Channeling Rock Hudson, Part Two

Thanks, everybody, for your input about the Natalie Wood case. I’ve got a call in to the LA County Homicide Division, and I’ll let you know what they say. Won’t it be cool when the courts will take the testimony of the deceased as admissible evidence? One day. Now, let’s welcome back Mr. Hudson: Me:…

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Three

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Three

As many of you know, Tupac was no angel here on earth. He suffered many hardships, committed many transgressions, but in the end, he graced the world with his poetry and now, from the afterlife, with his wisdom. Enjoy the last segment of Tupac’s interview. Me: Okay. Now, what past life do you think influenced…

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Two

Channeling Tupac Shakur, Part Two

For those of you who missed Erik’s interview last night, please feel free to go to the following link so you can download it and listen at your leisure. Let me know what you think, and remember to share it on Facebook and other social connection avenues. http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=24454047 And now, part two of 2Pac. Again,…

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Three

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Three

I don’t know how I forgot to publish this. It was supposed to be the entry for Thanksgiving. Sigh. Mark your calendars, Peeps. This Tuesday the 29th at 7:00 P.M. CST, Erik will once again be interviewed by Sheila Gale on her internationally renown radio show, The Sheila Show. Here’s the link: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=24454047 Be sure…

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Two

Channeling Carl Sagan, Part Two

Thanks so much for spreading the love with those social connect buttons, y’all! We’re getting a lot of new family members. Here is the second part of the three part series of the interview with Carl Sagan. Enjoy! Me: That was what you were here to teach; were you here to learn anything? Carl: I…

Erik’s Visit to Stanley

Erik’s Visit to Stanley

Blog member, Stanley, has special status in the Channeling Erik family as one of our charter members, so he’s been around for a while. For months, he’s longed to have some form of communication from Erik, so he practices channeling our little mischief maker. So far, he’s had three wonderful experiences. Twice, Erik has removed…

Channeling Heath Ledger, Part Three

Channeling Heath Ledger, Part Three

Me: Is there a past life you can share that most affected this last one? Heath: That’s a very clever question. Jamie laughs loudly. Jamie: That’s so smart!  He’s comparing talking about other lives to the secrets in your closet. Heath: Like when you’re alive, your sexual orientation is kind of what you keep in…

What’s Your Sign?

What’s Your Sign?

Channeling Transcript Me: Do astrological signs really influence our nature or personalities? Erik: Yeah, the time you’re born, when you’re born, actually influences your personalities. And people forget to ask this: The pre— Jamie (to Erik): Are you saying preconception? Erik: The preconception period also defines your personality. Me: What do you mean by that?…

Channeling Elvis, Part Three

Channeling Elvis, Part Three

Before we give the stage to Elvis, Shannon has an exciting announcement! Everything is explained in her email to me: Hey Girl! Sorry I didn’t get my act together quick enough to give you more advance notice, but I’m doing a free call tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 6 p.m. Pacific Time (7:00 Mountain, 8:00 Central,…

A Potpourri of Topics

A Potpourri of Topics

Here’s the initial part of our channeling session from June 10th. Will I ever catch up? Actually, transcribing these sessions is very healing for me, because it’s like yet another conversation with my sweet son. Channeling Transcript from June 10th session Me: Hi Jamie, how are you? Jamie: Doing good. How are you? Me: Great….

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part Two

Channeling Buddy Holly, Part Two

Enjoy part two of Buddy’s story! Me: Can you tell me a little about where you are in the afterlife? What do you do there? What are your surroundings? Buddy: I’m with my family. I’m with other friends. Even though I have a personal liking to the music and the power it holds, there are…

Channeling Chris Farley, Part Two

Channeling Chris Farley, Part Two

Chris: But I did all the drugs; I did anything I wanted to. I—was—gluttony. I was gluttony, and I wouldn’t take that back for anything in the world! My proudest moment—I’ve heard all your questions—you wanna know what my greatest accomplishment was? Me: Yes, what was it? Chris: That I COULD be so gluttonous and…

Channeling Chris Farley, Part One

Channeling Chris Farley, Part One

Just had my first real EMDR session and all I can say is: That’s some powerful s*#t!!! Amazing. Simply amazing. I’ll continue to act as y’all’s guinea pig and keep you updated! Comedic talent never dies, as this entry proves. In this three part series, you’ll laugh, cry and  sometimes feel the urge to wrap…

Channeling Janis Joplin, Part Three

Channeling Janis Joplin, Part Three

I want to thank all of you for joining in and providing support for Erik’s interview yesterday. God, it was so fun. For those of you who missed it, don’t worry, because I plan to share the download with all of you. The host, Sharon Crawford, is an amazing spirit, sure destined to do great…

Live Interview Tomorrow

Hey all, I’ll be on a live interview tomorrow at 2:00 PM central time if you’d like to listen in. Erik, through Jamie, will be the star after I give my short backstory.  All you have to do is register (completely free) at  http://spiritualmessengersacademy.com Then, join in!

Overlooked April Session

Overlooked April Session

Looking through my recordings, I realized that I neglected to finish transcribe the tail end of the last session in April. Wow, it’s like finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat pocket! YAY! Channeling Transcript Jamie: Erik is the only spirit I’ve channeled that razzes me all the time! Me: Oh, that’s so him….

Channeling Jimi Hendrix, Grand Finale

Channeling Jimi Hendrix, Grand Finale

Enjoy the final segment in the Jimi Hendrix interview, and have a great weekend, everyone! Me: Obviously, your proudest accomplishment while here in the physical must be your music, right? Jimi: Yeah, Baby! Me: Okay. And do you still consider that your proudest achievement now that you’ve crossed over to the afterlife? Jimi: Yes. Jamie:…

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