First, I would like to apologize to Bruce. I thought I had posted his part of the channeling session on August 31st, but it was still in the drafts folder. I had forgotten to click “publish.” Oops. The ol’ brain ain’t what she used to be! Second, I’d like to say something about the Ask…
Ask Erik: Barbara’s Questions
Elisa MedhusSeptember 3, 2010in After Death Communication, Afterlife, Bereaved, Between Lives, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Contact with the dead, Crossing over, Death, Death of a Child, Death of a sibling, Dreams, Grief, Grieving, Guardian Angel, Kim O'Neill, Life, Love, Mental illness, Messages from the dead, Past lives, Psychic medium, Reincarnation, Sibling relationships, Spirit visitation, Spiritual presence, Struggles, Suicide, The Soul, Violent deaths