Channeling Transcript Me: I was really disturbed by the gentleman from Rutgers who recently jumped to his death after some of his peers videotaped him having sex with another man. Then they published the encounter online. A lot of the blog members are equally upset. His name is Tyler Clementi. He was 18 at the…
Ask Erik: Tracy’s Question
Tracy’s Questions Dear Elisa, I think the boys have definitely hooked up because my PC crashed this afternoon and I had to wait for my husband, Neil to come home from work so I could use his laptop. Someone is messing around with my electrics! Shortly after Adam’s death I visited a medium as part…
Ask Erik: Milafel’s Question
Looking through my list of Ask Erik questions, I see I have five more, not including this one. After that, we’ll begin our journey through the Universe, Time and Space, the Afterlife, Death, God, The Collective Consciousness, The Human Experience, life as an discarnate soul, and more. I don’t know why I put some of…
Ask Erik: Chitra’s Question
As are most questions from bereaved mothers, this one was difficult for me. Her grief and sorrow stirred up my own. In this particular case, Chitra’s daughter, Lavanya, came forward with Erik and did most of her own speaking. I’m not sure why some spirits have Erik or the medium translate and why others prefer…
Psychics and Bunny Ears
As some of you know, my daughter, Michelle, and I attended Kim O’Neill’s Angel Boot Camp yesterday here in Houston. I was fortunate enough to meet several wonderful blog members: Chris, Rebecca, Shawna, Paula, and many others. One thing I learned from the bunch is, DANG, you guys can PAR-TAY!!! The poolside partying was a…
Kim on Jason and Robert
In an effort to get through as many of the Ask Erik questions as possible for those of you who have been waiting so patiently for the word for word transcript, I skipped an earlier section of my session with Kim O’Neill from September 21st. As I return to that segment, I see that it…
Ask Erik: Robert’s Questions
Friend and blog member, Robert, asks Erik three specific questions. The amount of detail Erik and Kim provide is remarkable. I can definitely come away from the experience feeling highly honored to be in Robert’s life and look forward to all that you and I will surely learn from him. Robert’s Questions Hi Elisa and…
Think All Psychics Are Frauds? Think Again.
So many skeptics think all psychic mediums are con artists eager to bilk money from the vulnerable and gullible. In my experience, this is not true. Sure, some are unscrupulous frauds, but most are not. Most are gifted in varying degrees, although I’ve yet to meet one with a perfect batting average. Why? First, they’re…
Ask Erik: Brenda’s Questions
Brenda’s Question Hello, I have been visiting your site and have a question for Erik. I am hesitant to put it on the site, because of anyone that might recognize the situation. A family in our town was killed coming back home to Colorado. Mother, father, son and daughter were hit head on from a…
Ask Erik: James’s Question
James’s Question Elisa, You wanted to know my name and age, it is James and I am 54, born in Sterling, CO. My son is also James, born December of ’87 and he was killed in the Sterling, CO area in an ATV crash. If you would like anything else, please let me know. I…
Intense OMG Moment
Last night was the most amazing night of my life, as spiritual epiphanies go. I’m a very light sleeper and tend to wake up several times during the night. Since grandbaby, Arleen, was spending the night in our room, my sleep was particularly fitful and broken. In the wee hours of the morning, I woke…
Ask Erik: Sam’s Questions
in nearly all age groups. Sam’s story is a perfect example of this common quandary. In this case, Erik functioned more as a taxicab than a messenger in that he brought the deceased forward, but deferred to Sam’s guides for insight. Sam’s Questions Hello Elisa, My wife has found Channeling Erik to be quite profound…
Ask Erik: Hiro’s Question
Channeling Transcript Me: This next one is from Hiro. Kim: Can you spell his name for me? Me: Yeah, it’s H-I-R-O. And he lives in Dubai, is like 62-63. He is very interested in a young man by the name of Karl Umrigar who died at the age of 19. His mother, Nan Umrigar, is…
Double Trouble
I have two stories to share, both about Erik’s antics. The first: My brother-in-law, Jim, is very fond of a certain shirt of his. Two days ago, he scoured the entire house for it. His wife, Laura, my younger sister, aided in the reconnaissance operation, hunting high and low in every closet and drawer, pawing…
Ask Erik: Elisa P.’s Question
Erik took a back seat to this question, deferring to Elisa P.’s spiritual guides. Later in the day, I plan to post an amazing occurrence: Erik finds yet another blog member to pester! Elisa P.’s Questions I also had a crazy experience while driving in my car that I swear someone was in the car…
A Jason-Erik-Robert Sandwich
As always, I have a little preamble. Sorry. As you all know, it’s been a tough time of the year for me. Lot’s of “firsts.” First birthday since Erik’s death, first anniversary of his death, first anniversary of his burial (today.) And of course, I’ve been expressing that grief in the blog, not only to…
Ask Erik: Lisa’s Questions
I’d like to start off by saying this is the one year anniversary of Erik’s burial. Very difficult day, but all of the “firsts” are, I guess. So, please forgive any typos and spelling/grammatical errors. Lisa’s Questions I lost my son in 2008. His death was ruled a suicide, as he supposedly swallowed 100 die…
Ask Erik: Steve’s Follow-up and More
This is a brief follow-up question for blog member, Steve. Afterwards, Erik, and then my guardian angels have more to say. Please enjoy! And to all of those who await the word-for-word transcript of their Ask Erik questions and responses, I’d like to say I appreciate your undying patience. I know it must be so…
Erik’s Death, Part Two
This is the continuation of Erik’s description of his death and the events that occurred in the moments that followed. Erik: Then I felt pulled. It felt like I was being pulled from the back of my shoulders. Not pushed, but, it’s kind of what I would imagine water being moved up a straw would…
Erik Describes His Death in Detail, Part One
This part of the channeling transcript was not at all easy for me. The graphic memories, the heartache, the sense of loss, it all flooded back to me like a tsunami of dread and despair. For that reason, I’ve transcribed just a portion of Erik’s description of his death. The heart can only endure so…
Ask Erik: Hannah’s Questions
Hannah’s Questions Hello Elisa! My name is Hannah. I live on XXXX and I am 43 years old. My 18 year-old nephew Miles was killed in an accident at the very beginning of 2008. I flew back out to the east coast to be with my brother Russ (Mile’s dad) right after it happened and…
Ask Erik: Kendall’s Questions
Before I share Kendall’s questions and the answers that Jeannie, Erik and her angels have for her, I’d like to express my profound gratitude and love for all of you. Your thoughts, your healing words, all made the last couple of days more bearable for me. I also want to say that I am absolutely…
What is Death Like?
I thought I’d jump ahead to share a snippet of at least one of the questions for the upcoming book along, of course, with Erik’s answers. I plan to post another Ask Erik question that’s ready in my drafts folder, but I’m waiting for confirmation and permission from the person who submitted it. Hang on…
Is There Proof the Spirit World Exists?
I ran across this article today while searching for the story about a physician who heard his twins speaking what sounded like a foreign language, only to discover, with the help of linguistics experts, that the language was Aramaic, the language spoken during the times of and in the region where Jesus resided. The article,…