I've often wondered how Erik chooses which blog members to visit, haven't you? Many months ago, he seem to pop in on readers randomly just for the thrill of their reaction. Look back on his visit to Damien in Ireland. (Erik Travels Abroad, posted July 23rd) As you may remember, more highly evolved spiritual beings…
How Erik Chooses Who to Visit
Elisa MedhusNovember 30, 2010in After Death Communication, Afterlife, Apparition, Bereaved, Between Lives, Bipolar disease, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Contact with the dead, Death of a Child, Ghosts and Spirits, Grief, Grieving, Grieving Children, Guardian Angel, Heaven, Immortality, Kim O'Neill, Life After Death, Love, Messages from the dead, Past lives, Physical Manifestation, Pranks from spirits, Psychic medium, Reincarnation, Spirit Guides, Spirit visitation, Spirits and electrical appliances, Spirits visiting as insects, Spiritual Catalyst, Spiritual enlightenment, Spiritual presence, Suicide