Hey Guys! Check out the new Media Gallery page located just to the right of the “Now Reading” tab. This new page contains videos and photos of Erik. If you wish to start channeling Erik yourself, listen to his voice so you can recognize it when he talks to you!
Ask Erik: Lidian’s Question
Sometimes we have family members with chronic illnesses that present a great deal of heartache and challenge. I had my fair share with my younger sister, Denise, who passed away several years ago after a life plagued by complications from Diabetes. It was heart-wrenching to witness her decline. The last several years, she lived with…
Ask Erik: Connie’s Questions
Connie had so many crucial questions, I wish I could have answered them all. The answers we did get seem to give rise to dozens of others. Since early childhood, she, along with her family, suffered great losses and hardships, the most pivotal being the sudden death of her young mother. No wonder her questions…
Ask Erik: Julie’s Question
My heart breaks for this bereaved mother. How well I know her pain. I hope Erik and Jake can help her find some sliver of peace and joy in the darkness to which she and I have grown accustomed. Julie’s Question I lost my son Jake March 27 of this year. I do not know…
A Time for Miracles
As many of you know, grief hits the bereaved in waves. Over the weekend, with my mind uncluttered and free of the menial tasks of the work week, sadness poured into the open door like an unwelcome visitor who refused to leave. At my lowest point, Erik intervened with acts of merciful love. He saved…
Ask Erik: John’s Questions
John’s Question Hello Elisa and thank you and Erik so much for this wonderful blog. I’ve read every word so far and many times have been moved to tears. I feel like I’ve been directed here for a reason. I too feel transitional. Although I’m in my late 50′s and have had a fairly good…
Ask Erik: Joe’s Question
This next question comes from a husband and his wife who selflessly devoted the opportunity to help a family in need who lost their young daughter to suicide. I found it fascinating that Melanie, the deceased, behaved like a typical preteen girl even after she had crossed over. My heart warmed to know that Erik…
Practical Jokes and What’s with All the Dragonflies?
I just had another session today with Erik and Jamie. Although I’ll share details when I transcribe that session, I want to share a preview with you, my sweet virtual family. When I called Jamie at our set appointment time, she was giggling when she answered the phone. She said she was really tickled, because,…
Ask Erik: Barbara’s Questions
First, I would like to apologize to Bruce. I thought I had posted his part of the channeling session on August 31st, but it was still in the drafts folder. I had forgotten to click “publish.” Oops. The ol’ brain ain’t what she used to be! Second, I’d like to say something about the Ask…
Ask Erik: Val’s Questions
Val’s Questions My maternal grandmother committed suicide before I was born, when my mother was only seventeen years old. She’s the one that found her similar to how you found Erik. I was born four years later, and needless to say it has had quite an impact on my family. This happened long ago and…
Ask Erik: Danielle’s Question
Danielle, long time member of the Channeling Erik family, asks a question that I believe many of us struggle with at some point in our lives. Hopefully, several of you will benefit from the answers Erik provides. Danielle’s Question I have had transcendent experiences in dreams many times over including one in which I went…
Dying to Live
After I told my daughter, Michelle, about Erik’s visit to Mariana, she felt happy for yet another sign of his continued existence, but she also felt a little sad that he had not given her a sign in such a long time. After all, Michelle and Erik were very close. They did nearly everything together….
Mariana’s Visit from Erik
Back in February, I shared with you a lucid dream that a young lady named Mariana had about Erik. Let me refresh your memory with a bit of backstory. Mariana is essentially part of our family, because I tutored her in English throughout grade school. In order to accelerate her grasp of the language, I…
Ask Erik: Zelda’s Question
I found this part of the session to be very interesting on many levels. For one, Erik provided information before I could even ask any questions! Zelda’s Question I’d be SO incredibly appreciative (i.e., it would blow my mind) if you would pass this on. My friend was a beautiful guy with a razor-sharp mind…
Michelle’s OBE
Like all of us, Michelle misses her brother, Erik, very deeply. Although everyone’s journey through grief is unique, she and I seem to be going about it in very similar ways. For one, Michelle longs to see Erik, even to visit him in that other dimension. She’s been more disciplined in her practice in the…
Ask Erik: Nate’s Questions
Nate contacted me months ago about a dream he had where he was snowboarding in a beautiful hilly landscape. When I asked Erik about the dream, I really didn’t remember the details, because it had been a couple of months since Nate shared it with me. Unless I’m mistaken, I don’t believe Nate knew anything…
Ask Erik: Kathleen’s Questions
Kathleen’s Questions I am the “stepmother” of XXXX. She wrote to you about her dad coming to her and hugging her one month after he died. She told you in her email that she had lost the three most important men in her life to death. This man that died, her father, was named Gregory….
Ask Erik: Ty’s Question
I really enjoyed this question and the answers Erik provided, because it speaks to so many of us, maybe all of us. I had to chuckle at Erik’s mock impatience since he waited on the sidelines while various guardian angels answered Kelli’s questions. Watch how he plays the neglected little boy! I was also amazed…
Ask Erik: Kelli’s Question
This next question comes from a young grandmother bereaved over the loss of her infant grandson from a tragic accident. This time, Erik uncharacteristically took a back seat to allow the guardian angels for Brady and various family members to take center stage. I suppose this was because there were so many involved! Channeling Transcript…
Peek-a-Boo with Erik
As is typical for me since Erik’s death, Sunday was difficult. All the down time leaves plenty of opportunity for the mind to wander into dark crevices it had managed to avoid the entire week. Such days of despair are less frequent than they were those first months, but I am resigned to the fact…
Ask Erik: Bobby’s Questions and Lady Di
When I received the answers to Bobby’s questions, I felt such dread. Sometimes it’s so hard to deliver news that I know is not what that person hopes to hear. But Bobby was so wonderful about it. For that, I’m grateful to him! He’s obviously a man with an iron constitution. Since this was the…
Ask Erik: Noelle’s Questions
Before I share Erik’s answers for Noelle, I would like to give you an update on our dear Channeling Erik family member, Doug. He’s recovering well from his surgery and is scheduled to go home tomorrow. I visited him in the hospital yesterday and he looked great. Very fashionable in his hospital gown! Here’s the…
Erik Visits a Friend
One of Erik’s friends, David, contacted me about a visit he had from Erik. The cool thing about this story is that David is not a blog member and knows nothing about the other interesting visits our little prankster has made. That said, the absence of all prior knowledge eliminates the possibility of outside influence…
Ask Erik: Dana’s Question
These next questions comes from a very worried mother who changed her original requests after a serious family crisis occurred. She was worried for good reason, though. For me, asking such questions can be scary. I often have to hold my breath and pray as I await the response. Because of the sensitive nature of…