Tag: EVP

Welcome New Visitors

Welcome New Visitors

Dear Reader, Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my books is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources…

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Erik’s “Life” as a Spirit Guide

Erik’s “Life” as a Spirit Guide

[paypal-donations] In this video, Erik shares his important “life’s” work! Please SHARE. Channeled by Kim Voigt at embody-light.com. Please subscribe and share! Here are links to the Channeling Erik blog, our weekly Hour of Enlightenment Radio Show, this YouTube channel and my social media links. NOTE: the blog has content, including afterlife interviews, that are…

Hugs, Smells and More

Hugs, Smells and More

Enjoy these Erik encounters and share your own by clicking on the “Share Your Story” on the righthand sidebar. You have to scroll down to get to it.  Story #1 The stray dogs we have in our neighborhood were hauling at 1: 30 am for few consecutive days and I was worried and scared. So…

Interview with Jesus

Interview with Jesus

We’ve finally made our way to Sardinia but not without headaches. Air France was delayed 2 and 1/2 hours for our flight from Paris to Rome, so we missed our flight to Sardinia. They refused to rebook our flight so we had to buy new tickets through Air Italy. I don’t get it. Why do…

The Birth of Erik Medhus

The Birth of Erik Medhus

My Internet has been down since Thursday morning, and AT&T is having trouble fixing it because the utility pole is on the lot that belongs to neighbor’s that live behind us. They’re the crankiest old grouches I know, and call the cops for every little thing like when we play music (not loudly) in our…

An Update on Raylene and More

An Update on Raylene and More

A big shout-out to Paulina Cuestas Hill for spearheading our drive to help Raylene and her small family. Here’s an update from Paulina:  UPDATE ON RAYLENE NUANES: Her family continues to share little information with us, but we did heard that Raylene is still alive on life support. *** For those asking here are a…

Erik on the Ego

Erik on the Ego

If you missed it, Erik left a stunningly clear EVP at the very end of our YouTube interview with Dr. Stephen Hawking. Listen to the audio clip: What a wonderful birthday present to me! Also, in her first session with me, medium Jennifer Doran told me Erik would make a picture in the house fall…

Erik on Love, Part Four

Erik on Love, Part Four

A few people, over the years, have fussed at me for sometimes cutting off the mediums before they’re finished and yes, I’m guilty of that, and I plan to work on it. Old habits die hard, though. I think part of the problem is I think they’re finished when their voice starts to fade a…

My Paranormal Evidence

My Paranormal Evidence

I don’t know if I’ve ever shared all the hard evidence of Erik’s existence with you in one post. I don’t think so. This document, which I’ve copied and pasted into this post, has all the EVPs, photos and expert testimony. Click on all the links. I hope the confirmation will be healing.  Below is a…

Hearing Spirits

Hearing Spirits

Great news: Medium, Kim Babcock, is offering small group channeling calls with special pricing for CE members. This is great if you can’t afford an entire hour (although her rates are super reasonable) or if you only have a few questions. She records the calls, so you can have a permanent record. Kim is very…

Erik Makes an Appearance

Erik Makes an Appearance

Bonus post! I couldn’t leave town without posting these video and audio clips blog member, Jamie Bailey, so graciously sent me. In the video, you see Erik’s blue orb flying around. In the audio clip, you hear him saying, “Okay” after Jamie asks him to bring in her grandpa. It’s captured on a special ghosthunter app…

Channeling the Sun God, Ra, Part Three

Channeling the Sun God, Ra, Part Three

One of the YouTube subscribers may have picked up a very strong EVP from Erik. At the timestamp 1:27:48, right after the host, Sharon, calls for people to call in and says, “Make some noise,” you can hear someone (Erik?) yell, “Woo hoo! Come on, people,” after which Jamie says something like, “He says, ‘Come…

A Three-fer

A Three-fer

The following is an eclectic mix of topics that Erik covers, but each was so short that I felt compelled to compile them all together so you guys wouldn’t feel robbed. With some of them, I’m obviously going to have to prod him for more information, but this is a start!  For those of you who…

Erik’s Voice Caught on Radio Show

Not long ago, Jamie, Erik and I were guests on a radio show, Angels in the Buff. The host sent me the mp3 of the segment along with a comment that she may have heard a voice on the recording. Intrigued, I checked it out and oh yeah, big time EVP. In it, Erik shouts…

Jesse’s Convo with Erik

Blog member, Daniel Lucas (who is a real sweetheart) made this for us. He’s so talented, I thought he was a graphic designer or some other type of artist. As far as the poll on the CE Facebook closure, it looks like 11% want it closed. I had an epiphany. When there is drama or…

Spirit Communication

Spirit Communication

One quick announcement: I’m nearing the book launch and the media tour, and, of course, that takes a lot of preparation. So, until the tour is over, I’m going to have to cut the posts and the channeling sessions down to three days a week. But that’s be over mid-October (I think.) Me: Why don’t…

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