Psychic medium

Last Night’s Channeling

Last Night’s Channeling

Lately I’ve been looking at life and thinking, ‘Where the hell is the joy?” Family drama and illness are but a small part of the challenges I’ve faced lately. Much of it I can’t share because of privacy concerns, but trust me, it all sucks. So last night, I had a long talk with my…

True Story

True Story

Blog member, True, shares her amazing reading with Jamie. (Sorry about the corny play on words in the title!) I can’t imagine how even the most recalcitrant skeptic can explain this away. “I had a reading with Jamie and Erik last week. Jamie let me know that Erik had some work for me to do…

Psychic Surgeons

Psychic Surgeons

I can’t tell you how great it is to be posting again. I miss transcribing the conversations I’ve had with my sweet little prankster and the camaraderie with my fellow CE family members. These last two weeks have been anything but easy, as you can imagine. And of course, it’s not over yet. I suppose…

I Want Me Some Deepak!

I Want Me Some Deepak!

A few of announcements! 1) The Ask Erik page is back! Since I’m still channeling celebrities for the book, I won’t be able to handle more than one submission per session, so if you have the financial ability to pay a psychic medium for a session, please do. This is mostly a charitable service Erik,…

Back to School

Back to School

Believe it or not, I’m almost finished transcribing all of our questions and answers. Pretty soon, the posts will be snippets of celebrity interviews. I don’t want to include all of each interview, because then there would be no reason to make it into a book. So, if anyone has ANY questions for Erik about…

A Potpourri of Topics

A Potpourri of Topics

For those of you who didn’t get the message, the dates for the Austin event are between October 7, 8 9, versus October 14, 15, 16. (Sorry for my mistake yesterday. It is a Friday through Sunday event.) So that she can decide between the two, could you email Jamie and let her know your…

Observation vs Evaluation

Observation vs Evaluation

Jamie says another date option for the Austin event is October 13, 14, and 15. Can I have a head count for your preference? In the first part of my 4/15 channeling session with Jamie and Erik, Jamie shares a pre-session tete a tete with him. Channeling Transcript Me: Hi Jamie! Jamie: Hi! Your boy…

Bigfoot and Other “Mythical” Creatures

Bigfoot and Other “Mythical” Creatures

Happy Tuesday everyone. Here’s the last little bit of my channeling session with Jeannie on April 5th. Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, let’s do some fun stuff here toward the end of the session! Is there such thing as Bigfoot, for example? Jeannie laughs hard! Erik: Yes! We talked about that! Me: Yeah, through Jamie, that’s…

The Seven Planes

The Seven Planes

Channeling Transcript Me: Now, I hear there are seven planes between the physical earth and the Source. Is that true? Seven dimensional planes. Are those the same as astral planes? I’m. So. Confused. Erik: Yeah, dimensional and astral are the same. Me: Where am I? Erik: On the planes? Me: Yeah. Do you have to…

Shades of Light

Shades of Light

Transcribing the post about twin souls sent me into a bit of a tailspin yesterday. Not that I need to be reminded, but I do feel like a big part of me has been decimated, the part of me capable of feeling joy. As I plod through the day, I force my smiles and fight…

More on The Shift and Twin Souls

More on The Shift and Twin Souls

Channeling Transcript Me: Now, 2012. I heard this video from Bashar that The Shift will not be physical, really, but more perceptual. He says we’ll open up our awareness, creating a new reality or dimension alongside the one that already exists here on the earthly plane. Is that true? Erik: Yep. Jeannie: I’m SO glad…

The Astral Planes and the Nature of Death

The Astral Planes and the Nature of Death

Channeling Transcript Me: Are there different astral planes, Erik? Erik: Yeah, absolutely! And another thing that I’m learning, uh, I’m just having such a good time learning things— Me (laughing): You never used to, except things you were really, really interested in! Erik laughs, too. Erik: Yeah, I’m having a great time because this kinda…

Love and Joy

Love and Joy

I’ve been super busy today, plus the channeling event is this evening, so forgive any typos and grammatical errors. I transcribed this at warp speed! Please let me know about any glaring mistakes, though! Channeling Transcript Me: Can you talk about the importance of forgiveness and the best way to forgive? I love that blog…

Meditation, Dreams and the Holy Spirit

Meditation, Dreams and the Holy Spirit

Channeling Transcript Me: Is it really important to meditate? Erik: Is it important to eat? Me: Okay, I get it. Erik: Americans have just never been taught, they’ve never been fed that idea that a peaceful mind leads to a healthier body. Meditation helps you ground yourself to who you are! Me: What’s the difference…

It All Comes Down to the Belly Button. Really.

It All Comes Down to the Belly Button. Really.

Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, here’s a question from one of the blog members. What’s the association between the soul, the body and the mind? Erik: Well, that could be taken a few ways. Do they mean the exact physical association or the energetic association? Me: Hmm. I don’t know, physical maybe? Or both? Jamie laughs…

Lessons from Iceland

Lessons from Iceland

Iceland, the land of fire and ice, is truly a magical place, but aside from the hot springs and volcanos, I was pleasantly surprised by how embraced the LGBT community is there. The prime minister, for example, is an lesbian and apparently well loved. I’ve always felt that love is love is love. Sure, some…

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