On October 6, 2009, my 20-year-old son Erik, took his own life. Since that sad and tragic day, an overwhelming sense of grief and despair propelled me into a search for answers. Answers that would provide me and others with comfort and hope. Some of those answers came from the many books I bought, but many came from an unexpected source: Erik himself. Read more.

Guess Who?

In this segment of the channeling session, I asked Erik to tell me more about, well, me. I think most of you can relate to the quandary I face, feeling like I sometimes don’t belong here on the earthly plane, so I sincerely hope you derive something meaningful from his answers. Channeling Transcript Me: Now,...

Wanna Learn How to See Auras and Spirits?

I received Jamie Butler’s newsletter a couple of hours ago and noticed she is offering a class in how to see auras and spirits. Cool, eh? I’ve copied and pasted it below. Frankly, I think it would be fun to save up some mulah and charter a cruise to the Bahamas or somewhere else relaxing,...

Poetry for the Bereaved

Today I have a treat for you. Blog member and poet extraordinaire, Danielle N., has worked hard to craft five pieces of literary art that helps us deal with grief and loss. For me, each one evoked unexpected and powerful emotions. Read them slowly, soak in the words and note the feelings that bubble to...

More on Matter

As promised, I asked Erik more about the nature of reality through Jamie. Very cool stuff. Enjoy! Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, now let’s go on to another question. God, this is gonna be tough, so brace yourself, Sweetie. I asked you about it through another channel, but I want to see if you can provide...

A Ray of Hope for the New Year

First of all, I want to express my deep love and gratitude for all of your caring comments and wise insight. I don’t know what I’d do without you all. Before I unveil a deliciously exciting piece of news, I want to share another side to grief with you that those of you who have...

Wintry Day

The rest of the family went to Geilo for some alpine skiing, leaving me behind to catch up on writing an article for a magazine. It seems I need pesky details such as peace and quiet and possession of my computer to accomplish the task. Plus I have a rotten respiratory infection which I seem...

Consciousness of Rocks, Plants and Animals

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday. It’s snowing and very Christmassy here still. Please note, I’m having way to much fun to edit and spell check so this entry is “as is.” Channeling Transcript Me: Okay, one last question. Erik, can you describe the consciousness of rocks and other immaterial things, and plants, animals...

More on Soul Groups and Erik Visitations

Channeling Transcript Me: Are humans drawn to each other, because of similar vibrational frequencies? Erik: Yes, there’s physics behind it, Mom. It’s the same as likes and dislikes. Me: Okay. So are likes and dislikes a vibrational frequency type thing? Erik: Yes. Me: Um, how about soul groups? How is the grouping determined? Erik: Same...

Merry Christmas, Brrrrr!

Hey all, it’s Christmas here so no new transcriptions. I just want to say that you all are the best Christmas present I could ever hope for. You’re family. I wish you all a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! One bit of good news: the Sheila Show just contacted me for a radio...

Hol, Norway

Blog member, Dr. Doug, found the little town we’re going to tomorrow: Hol, Norway. This is the place where my husband grew up. Astonishingly, it’s still standing! Look it up on Google Maps and click on Highway 50 for the street view and follow it around in all directions. Just substitute the greenery for thick...

Happy Birthday Jason!

Hello all! Jason has graciously given me the green light to post the wonderful birthday party Erik, Jillian and Emily hosted for him during the wee hours of the morning. From the antics that unfolded, Erik was clearly heading up the planning committee! Before you read on, I’d like to share an update on my...

Channeling Incarnate Spirits

Venting time. I hate British Airways. Okay, so hate is a strong word, but… I know I should send them thoughts of love and healing, but hell no. I’m human and very flawed. We were supposed to leave for Norway Sunday, but OMG, 10 friggin’ inches of snow fell on London, so the flight was...

Iola and Andy

Here’s Iola’s summary of her session with Jamie, communicating with her son, Andy, for the first time since his death. It-was-magical! Dec 8, 2010 Today I went through a psychic to contact Andy. Her name is Jamie. We did this over the phone for an hour. Not only did Andy come, but so did Mom,...

Multiple Selves, Lives and Dimensions, Part Two

How’s that brain doing? Feeling better? Have those neurons stopped have temper tantrums? If so, it’s safe to proceed! Channeling Transcript Me: So is everything this huge hologram—you know how if you have a big picture of yourself and you zoom in to see each pixel and that pixel is another picture of yourself? Is...

Multiple Selves, Lives and Dimensions, Part One

First, let me apologize in advance. If you’re anything like me, your brain is still licking its wounds from yesterday’s post. Unfortunately, the following information shared by Erik has reduced mine to a quivering mass of jelly. But take heart, because, out of love and compassion for my readers, I’ve divided this post into two parts....

Where to Begin

If you're new to Channeling Erik, I recommend you read the backstory first. Then, I suggest you start with the very first post. In doing so you can follow my journey just as I did, through the inexplicable, inconceivable, and yet utterly undeniable surprises that I have encountered since my son''s death. Welcome.


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